Monday, January 12, 2015

Sharing what's real

Shared experiences make the best stories. This is true even when the experience is fictional, but when the story is still within the realm of possibility. We like to hear or read our own stories. That is why we "live" the stories that we enjoy so much. That isn't to say we don't enjoy some flights of fancy, but that is another matter altogether. There are those that get on that flight and never seem to get off ! When we feel those " stories " are better than our own, that can happen. It is something to guard against.
I have reached a point in my life where my " stories " are becoming fewer. The best stories I have only cover a small segment in time. I would say the first eighteen years. Those are the times and the place I like to remember and write about the most. Those reading my posts can relate to that time and place. I think that is why they are my most popular postings. Are my other stories, those following that period in time relatable ? To some I am certain they would be and to to others not at all. That would be dependant upon your experiences since then. Would those experiences " share " well ? Determining what is of interest to others can be a challenge. It is also just as challenging to determine what it is I am willing to share ! There are dark spots and shadows in all our lives.
I do not think of myself as a survivor,an ex, or recovering from anything. Yes, I used to smoke cigarettes but I don't define myself as an ex-smoker. There was a time when I drank more alcohol than was wise, but that doesn't make me a recovering alcoholic ! Been sick too, but not a survivor. I'm just a man living his life as best as he can. Hasn't always been the best possible effort, I'll admit that. Of course that is a relative statement depending upon your measurement of success. I'll say this much, I haven't been bored.
In the end we all leave a story.The story will not be written by us. That can be a problem. I have given that some thought and it is one of the reasons I write. I would like my side of the story to at least be heard. The truth, as I see it, may not correspond with what you have observed. And there are times when I have tried to mask those truths. I will add this, I do believe that they are some things that should remain private. There is a trend toward telling it all and I do not agree with that. If it serves no purpose other than to create a stir, or gain attention, then it is not necessary. Then it becomes self serving.
The best stories entertain and enlighten. They teach us about life and living. We live those stories because they are our lives. They contain possibilities that perhaps we hadn't considered before. They offer encouragement. If I did it, you can too. We all like to see " characters " just like ourselves be successful. I am hopeful that my " story " will be all of those things. It will be a story I will be anxious to read. But first I'm not done writing the story. I'll be here till the end.

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