Monday, January 19, 2015

Another blog,another day

Yesterday I posted a video of myself. I did that in response to one of my own blogs. It is great when you can entertain yourself isn't it ? A little something I learned as a child before there were electronic babysitters and such. In all fairness though, it took electronics to entertain me this time, so. Well, I guess times have changed a bit.
Back in the early part of January I had considered being blind. The blind I was talking about was the blindness of social media. I was thinking about how we can hide behind our screens and only allow others to see what we like. I was really talking about perceptions. And so, I came out from behind my screen and showed the cyber world myself. I admit it was an awkward experience and I felt a little silly and self conscious. I could hear myself saying " pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. " Still, I put it out there and waited for comments. Everyone was more than kind and I appreciated that. I was ready for the wise cracks and stuff but none were forthcoming. All in all, it was a very reassuring experience. My faith in man has been restored. Compassion does exist.
I am aware that I released this video to a select group of people. The only ones with permission to view it being in a group from my " hometown " connected friends. That group has about 1200 members and that is surprising. Now I am considering posting it to my regular wall. I am curious if it will make any difference. I'm thinking it will not, as it is probably the same people there. My friends list is no where near 1200 people ! I am not completely positive how this facebook stuff actually works but think if I post it to my " wall " anyone with a computer can see it. But then I think that must not be so because I seldom see strangers on my wall. Or is that that they would have to be looking for it ? That seems right. Whatever the case, I'm thinking about that. I'm also thinking I ought leave well enough alone.
In the video that I posted I read the blog that precipitated it. I tried an earlier video, freestyle, as it were and wasn't pleased with it at all. It only lasted a minute and said little. It is quite challenging to just speak to a video camera without first having a subject. Then having read that blog I did speak briefly. I am quite aware, that I write differently than I speak. I have given that some thought and have decided I know why. I wish to sound more educated than I really am. When reading the words that illusion can be created. A bit of vanity ? Yes, I'm certain that must be the case.
It is also true that one should speak in the local vernacular to fit in. The social circles that I travel in do not speak in this " educated " fashion. High browed they call it, and I understand that sentiment exactly. Even in the world of high society speaking in this fashion is becoming unfashionable. Now the trend is to speak in a fashion that is " relatable " to your audience. One certainly wouldn't want to be considered " snooty " or " out of touch. " It is cool to be " street. "  Only the wealthy elite exercise a vast vocabulary, or a rapper. Isn't that ironic ? Just goes to show that perceptions can be altered and manipulated. An extensive vocabulary isn't necessarily an indication of intelligence. It sounds good though.
This little exercise showed me something. It showed me how we adjust to our surroundings. In the choice of words we use, and the way we present ourselves to others, we create an image. We do this on an unconscious level for the most part. That is why it is so easy to tell when someone is being pretentious. Those people either amuse, or annoy. When I write I am creating an image to those that read. When speaking to me ,in the flesh, the choice of words would be different. My meaning and intent would be exactly the same. Depending upon the length of the discussion, and my familiarity with your own speech, my manner of expression will change. I will adjust accordingly, to an extent. That whole discussion is for another blog, another day.

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