Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Altered perception

It is something I often mention and it came to mind again this morning, how fast time seems to travel. Christmas has long since past and I hear rumors of Valentines day. Apparently Oreo cookies will be available in red velvet. It's all about the marketing. My brother has been gone for a month already and that just doesn't seem possible. In two days my grandson Mark will be fourteen. And just where did those fourteen years go ? It would seem I am approaching the future at break neck speed. I wonder if time will ever slow back down. Hope so, I'm running out of road !
Days, weeks and months all run together now. I have to check the day and date every morning to be certain just where I am. Was a time, not too long ago, when that wasn't so. I would be anxious and waiting, counting the days, now not so much. I find myself reviewing the past more than planning for the future. I don't think that is a bad thing, just something to be aware of. Strange how the good times from the past can make you sad today. Stranger still, when you consider there a lot of them that you wouldn't repeat. But that is one of the ironies in life.
When I was eighteen I left home, joined the Navy. I have moved around quite a bit since then. It is true that I have now lived in Greensboro, Maryland longer than I lived in my hometown. That is another one of those time things. East Hampton is still where I call home. Greensboro is where I live. I believe most of us are that way. I don't think I am done moving yet. I'm not certain I would leave Greensboro, as much as I talk about it, but I do think I will not live in this apartment forever. Call it intuition. I'm just not done yet. I do wonder about those that may have the certain belief or knowledge of their last " living " place. What I mean to say is the place where they will live out the rest of their days. I wonder if any of us can be certain about that ? I would think that it would be a comfort. I also believe that is something that is getting rarer. In the past families stayed in the same home generation after generation. That isn't the case so much anymore. Progress ? I'm not so sure on that front. Perhaps a little more about family, and a little less about me, wouldn't be a bad thing. And the big issue with that whole scenario ? Many family members can't seem to get along anymore. It has become more about me, than us. Well, that may change in the future. History does have a way of repeating itself. I'm all for it.
The romantic view would have me standing on the beach staring out to sea. My great grandson by my side as I tell of days gone by. I would be laid to rest in the cemetery of my ancestors. The reality is quite a bit different. Funny how time changes everything isn't it ? Now don't misunderstand I'm not complaining. So far I've had a wonderful time. Speculation and remembrances are usually better than reality. The future is rushing at me and I can't know what is in store. The way time is moving, I don't have long to wait ! That can sound morbid, but it isn't meant that way. I'm not done moving just yet. Maybe it is just that I'm moving slower, giving the perception that time is moving faster. Relativety. Einstein thought he had a handle on that. Maybe he wasn't that smart after all.

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