Friday, January 23, 2015

Selective morality

Have you heard about deflategate ? Do you even care ? I find the whole thing silly. One team deflating the football to make it easier to catch and throw. Whatever. The bottom line to me is this, it is all about money, not sport. People need to realize that. Sure they all talk about sportsmanship but the real truth of the matter is it is a business. The object in business is to make money. In this case the offending team could be fined twenty five thousand dollars. Ha, they spend that much on Gatorade so I doubt it is much of a deterrent.
I am amused by these people that holler about this stuff like they are so offended. They cheated ! These same people think nothing of supporting a lot of other, what I would call immoral, behaviors. Yet they act all surprised that the other team would cheat to win. When millions of dollars are at stake why are they surprised ? The pitiful cries of, but it isn't fair fill the air.
I have been a fan of the New York Yankees all my life. I have heard all about how the Yankees " buy " their championships. I know all the arguments. It isn't fair that the Yankees have more money to spend on players. My response has always been the same. Major league baseball is a business, not a sport. Do not confuse the two. In any business the object is to make money. It takes money to make money ! Period end of discussion. It also helps to gain an edge. Ideally we do that in a moral fashion. Unfortunately business and morality seldom mix. If they went hand in hand we wouldn't need antitrust laws  We also wouldn't have to have rules in football about excessive celebration and taunting ! Neither of which is very sportsman like.
Now I'm not saying deflating the balls is acceptable. I am not saying cheating is alright as long as you don't get caught. What I am saying is, why are people acting so surprised ? It is a business and a big one. Millions of dollars are at stake. It is not about pride and sportsmanship, it is about winning. Steroids were being used in baseball and other sports. Gee, what a surprise. Nascar drivers and their mechanics are always getting caught outside of the rules. That's okay though because they're rednecks.
Now we are going to launch a big investigation into this issue. The rules will be reviewed and revamped in the off season. The super bowl will go forward. Much ado will be made about the balls being used. Speeches will be given about fair play and honor. Blah,blah,blah. This issue will " deflate " over time. Then what will be next ? The wind is blowing, the temperature isn't right or the sun was in my eyes and it isn't fair ! I'll admit I never was a big football fan but this little incident has soured me a bit more, just as the steroid thing did in baseball. Just where are our children supposed to find heroes ? What role models are available ? Not that this stuff didn't go on in the past, it certainly did, it's a business not a sport, but we didn't hear much about it. At the least an illusion of sportsmanship,honor and pride was created. It seems that in the modern time we don't even try. Just put it out there and cry about it. Find someone to blame.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised by any of this. After all there is a very popular show on television entering its' 30th season where the primary object is to win at any cost. Lie, cheat or steal makes no difference as long as you win. It is all about winning ! Survivor. All I did was deflate the ball a little, no big deal, I'm the winner. Why the big stink ? Selective morality ? Very convenient I'll admit that.

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