Tuesday, January 13, 2015

From my corner

From my corner of the room, in my corner of the world, I write my stories. Sometimes pontificating on the mysteries of life and sometimes just babbling. The value of them are largely esoteric, although I wasn't aware of that when I began. I thought I would be writing to the world. It is on the world wide web ! Over time I have come to realize just how small a world I live in. The truth is we all live in a small world. I believe our worlds are getting smaller but not for the reasons we think. Our worlds are getting smaller due to exclusion. As we become more aware of those around us, the more we tend to shelter ourselves from them. Conflicting ideas and beliefs cause us to become uneasy. We don't mind venturing forth, when it is safe, but entering unfamiliar territory alone is frightening. It is the crowd mentality that guides most of us.
I do believe it is a difficult proposition for a sincere person to move in different worlds. If you really believe what you profess those going contrary to that would cause unrest. That is why we tend to stay in our own little world. It is where we are the most comfortable. Is it a matter of trust ? Can you trust those that have differing opinions and beliefs than your own ? I find it difficult because I do not understand their reasoning. I do expect them to feel and react in the same way. Confrontation is the inevitable result. The sincere person is compelled to defend their belief. It is often not a matter of right and wrong, which can be a subjective state, but a matter of convictions. Convictions are not necessarily correct.
My writings have forced me to focus more upon the ground I defend. I have begun to look less at where others stand. What I mean by that is I have to evaluate my position and convictions. Putting my ideas, and that is what they are, into print has that effect. I find myself examining the " ground " I stand upon as a whole, rather than a small parcel at a time. A" world " view perhaps ? I have come to realize that I alone manage my world. Oh, there are plenty of outside influences to evaluate. There are plenty of circumstances not of my making to contend with,but it is up to me to make the decisions. I alone am responsible. It is the acceptance of that responsibility that is the measure of maturity.
It is this very conflict that we are witnessing on a global scale. Each world defending its' ground and convictions. Each being sincere. There are aberrations in the world and I believe we are witnessing that right now. These terrorist attacks coming from an area of desperation. Those launching such attacks unwilling to examine their position. They are unwilling to accept responsibility for their own actions and so look for support. Unfortunately they have taken a religion and perverted it to their own uses. They are not the first to do so, and will not be the last. I do not doubt their sincerity but I oppose their belief. And their belief is not the religion that they profess to follow. Their belief is in their own superiority. Like rebellious youth they are immature. Brute force doesn't make right. They have no world view but only see a small portion.
I have no answers. I'm just a guy sitting in the corner with a keyboard. I write my feelings, thoughts and observations. They are my opinions, my world. People enter my world uninvited on occasion and that can be disturbing. It can also be enlightening. Whether or not they remain is my decision. I must examine my ground ,my world in order to make an informed choice. It is, after all, the only ground I can control.  

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