Friday, October 10, 2014

The Honor System

There is much talk on the implementation of voter ID laws. I'll make a simple statement about that, I support it fully. That being said I shall move forward. I was doing a little reading about social security numbers and the requirement to have one. Did you know there is no requirement to have one ? That's right you do not have to have one. You only need it if you plan to work, retire, file for benefits and/or entitlements from the government or state, or have your widow collect your death benefit when you die. Interesting isn't it ? In fact, and this is a shocker to me, before 1987 dependant children did not require a social security number. You could claim as many dependent children on your 1040 federal income tax return as you wanted without having to provide a social security number for them !  It was on the " honor " system ! The first year it was required there were seven million fewer children in America ! Seven million children just disappeared and no one even heard about it. Imagine that today, talk about an Amber alert !
As I said that was in 1987. The government apparently has not learned a thing about the " honor " system. The government is counting on the " honor " system for our most precious right, voting. I'm sure there would be no fraud involved with that system in place. Isn't it wonderful that our government would just take our word for it. I mean, if you are not entitled to vote you wouldn't try to support the candidate that promises to give you more free stuff or anything like that. Strange that this same government requires so much documentation for other less significant things. Of course you don't necessarily have to be documented to live here and receive assistance, but that is another situation. Seems like it is all or nothing with the government !
It is a crazy world in which we live, at least in America it is. The Supreme court chooses not to rule on same sex marriage so that makes it legal in some states. Inaction leading to action ? People sneaking across our borders are not entering the country illegally, they are just undocumented. Red Bull energy drink gets sued because it doesn't really " give you wings. " And they agree to pay out 13 million in damages ! If I want to buy a pack of cigarettes I must show a photo ID proving my age but if I want to vote, nah, don't need that. In Maryland if I have ten grams of pot in my possession it is a civil offence, eleven grams is criminal. That is because pot is only a " little " wrong. Oh, having rolling papers or a pipe in Maryland is still a criminal offense. You can have the pot but not the papers ! Makes sense doesn't it ?
You know it is a funny thing. You must have a birth certificate for many things. I can stand there ,right in front of you, but still must prove my birth. It can be quite a hassle if you can not produce one. I know it for a fact because my wife's original birth certificate was never filed or lost. Had quite a time getting documentation that she is alive and she is who she says she is and she has a social security number ! Eventually the city of Baltimore issued a document that is certified and notarized that she does in fact exist ! I was glad to hear that let me tell you ! She doesn't need that to vote or her social security card for that matter. Well, I guess the honor system is good enough. Well, it is as long as you produce an electric bill to prove your address anyway ! That's because the electric company wouldn't ask anyone for money that wasn't a citizen ! Geez, the citizens of this country pay the way for those that aren't ! Very honorable don't you think ? And those same non-citizens get to vote on it !

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