Monday, October 20, 2014

The end of an era

I went to watch my granddaughter dance and my grandson play soccer yesterday. Both events took place outside and it was cold and windy ! A real change in the weather. I'm not as young and durable as I used to be and I was feeling it, but not in a good way. The wife and I were out there from about 9:30 in the morning until 3;30 in the afternoon. When we got back home we turned on the heat and collapsed into our chairs. Rough day for the grandparents. But a day neither of us would have missed.
The town of Ridgeley, just a piece up the road from us had their annual car show. It was the fourth annual and this event is growing every year. Contestants bring their cars from all over. The big attraction is that Richard Petty appears ! He brings some of his cars with him and the famous General Lee was there too. That was the event my granddaughter was dancing at. Her dance company has been invited to perform every year. There are bands also and of course, vendors,vendors,vendors.
Mark, the grandson, was playing soccer in Ridgeley also. Martin Sutton Memorial park is the town park and a wonderful place to play ball. The team he was playing with is his " travel " team. The team that traveled to Ridgely to play them was an all girl team ! The word on the street was those girls are number two in the state ! The boys were a little hyped up about that. I believe the thought of losing to a girls team was the trouble. I will say that the boys came out playing hard. In fact, I think it is the best I have seen this team do. Unfortunately it was a loss 4-3. The boys may require some therapy ! Well, not really, but I think they were a little embarrassed. I completely understand that. Remember they are all twelve and thirteen years old. It is a bitter pill to swallow.
All in all it was a nice day. The clouds cleared at one point and the sun shone. When the wind let up and that sun hit you directly it was warming. Just goes to show how strong that sun really is. At that distance and you can still feel the warmth. Quite the heater I would say. The only little issue all day was at the soccer game. It wasn't really an issue ,more like a bother. Some people insisting on bringing their dogs to the game. They had to sit right next to me and the wife. The wife is not crazy about strange dogs. Then they had to be joined by other friends with their dogs. Felt a little bit like being at the dog park rather than a soccer game. In my opinion, inconsiderate ! I know, I know there are some that think of their pets as there children, whatever, but they don't belong there ! We did our best to just ignore it.
Next weekend is the Caroline County Youth Soccer Association fall tournament. The brackets have all been set and everyone is back to even. The regular season games have no bearing on this tournament, Cinderella can make her appearance known ! The tournament is all day event and if you are winners you advance to the next day. So hopefully we will be there Sunday. The weather is supposed to be a little warmer. The difference is we will be fully prepared this time. We have been t the tournaments before ! It is the last hooray for Mark and his team, the Squirrels. There last year together in rec ball. It will be a bittersweet time for sure. The end of an era.

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