Friday, October 31, 2014

Spook On

Happy Halloween. I was just remembering the halloweens of my childhood. Quite a bit different than what the kids do today. Well, maybe not that much different but shorter. There is a two hour time limit here in Greensboro. From six until eight and then all ghosts and goblins go back home. It's over. The only restrictions I had as a child were common sense and Mom and Dad. Either I got tired or they did. That is the way I remember it anyway.
My halloween routine was to go to all the relatives first. They always had the " special " bags just for you. You did have to reveal yourself. They had the full size candy bars and maybe a drink. Getting a bottle of Coke ( the drink ) just for you was kinda a big deal then, most of the time we had to share. And they were those eight ounce bottles ! Now those same bottles are only sold at Christmas time for nostalgia. Geez, how did that happen. After that we headed into town. Up one side of the street and down the other. Mom and Dad rode in the car and would creep along behind. Seldom did they get out of the car but kept a close watch on your activities. You had best not get out of sight ! To do that too often invited a trip back home, the trick or treating was over.
I don't recall seeing many adults dressed up in costumes. Oh, there were a few here and there but they were headed to a party. For the most part it wasn't considered dignified. I've noticed in the last few years, at least around here, that is changing. The adults are dressing up too. Something I wasn't aware of but brought to my attention yesterday was that it is illegal for an adult ( anyone over the age of twelve ) to wear a disguise on halloween night and go trick or treating. This is in Easton, Maryland. It is a regular ordinance. You are subject to arrest and jail time ! What a shame it has come to that. Well , I understand the purpose and thinking behind it. It is still just a shame.
This year I will not be out walking with the kids. Morgan will be away at a dance event at the Maryland Council for Dance. That happens on Saturday but she must leave tonight to travel there. Mark is thirteen, too old ! I'll be home unless something changes. I don't plan on handing out candy. I live upstairs and my doorway does not open on to the street. It is supposed to be cold tonight so I'm not sitting out there. I know, I'm a grumpy old man and a cheapskate ! I'm thinking, for me,halloween is over. It had a great run and I have fond memories of it. And in the spirit of halloween I would say " Rest in Peace " but that is not what halloween is all about. So I must say, "spook on children" I'm not sure how much longer this will even be allowed. Given the politically correct world we live in and all this " professional " guidance in child rearing I have doubts. Of course there is a ton of money to be made from all of this so it's unlikely to change.
To those of you with children, be they grand or just regular, enjoy the event. I hope the little ones have a great time being spooked and scared. I've had my time I think. I have plenty of memories and sometimes, that is enough. 

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