Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I listened to the Maryland Gubernatorial debate last night. The first one before the election. There was no surprises and it was an average debate. Each candidate extolling the same rhetoric. Basically repeating their campaign ads. One candidate is the current Lt. Governor and his thing is , this election is not about the past,but about the future. His opponent points out that he doesn't want to discuss the past because it is a record of failure. The current administration has been in power for eight years. It went back and forth.
The Lt. Governor did make one statement that I found amusing. " No new taxes " He repeatedly said no new taxes.Yeah, I believe that. The current administration raised taxes forty times. In fact his opponent was using a slogan, " they never met a tax they didn't like,or didn't hike. " Catchy. Given all the new initiatives the Lt. Governor was proposing and the present condition of the budget the credibility of that statement would have to be questioned. His opponent did exactly that.
Another phrase was used that just bothers me. Undocumented Immigrants. They are not illegal people jumping our borders and circumventing our laws, no, they are immigrants ! If I rob the bank does that qualify as an undocumented withdrawal ? I'm not breaking the law, am I ? I get the political implication of saying anything else. We have to be very,very careful. Wouldn't want to offend. It is getting to the point where neither candidate can speak, well, candidly. Now there's a concept that has been ruled out !
There are those that will say the ends justify the means. Get elected at all costs. The thinking being I can't get anything done if I am not elected. Pure,simple and logical. The problem is in knowing just who or what you are voting for. This has always been so, to a point. Human nature hasn't changed much. The quest for power. In any election the candidates are not going to admit to that. I understand that. They are going to say what they feel the people want to hear.
Ah politics. What should be a virtuous endeavor is not viewed as such by the general population. Instead of choosing the best candidate for the job all too often the lesser of two evils is selected. The bottom line is, who can promise the most and make you believe it. Like a good snake oil salesman claims are made. They do not have to be substantiated.
In this Gubernatorial race the Lt. Governor is dismissing the administrations record for the past eight years as, not my fault. He points out he is only second in command. The other candidate says he is not a career politician and only wants to be Governor because he loves Maryland. In short for God and Country ! Of course he isn't allowed to mention God for fear of retribution.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if each candidate could just come right out and say what is on their minds ? What a concept. But we must have political strategists and conduct polls. LIke taking votes at " tribal council " these polls decide what is being said or done. How many times the promises made are not what the agenda becomes ? I don't blame the politicians, I blame the general public. The politicians are trying to " win the race. "  Unfortunately the general public just wants to hear, what they want to hear. An argument based solely on the facts doesn't do it. The truth doesn't get you elected. Sad, just sad.
And this Gubernatorial race has earned the label as the " most negative campaign " in the country.
I hear the Lt. Governor say, " there will be no new taxes. " What I believe he is saying is that they will just increase the taxes already in place. That way he can just deny it. The other candidate says he is seeking the office to rescue Maryland. We shall see.

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