Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A good life

We live our lives and things come and go. Routines change and we move along.We adapt and adopt. Early yesterday evening my wife and granddaughter were baking together. I sat at my computer,as I normally do, reading posts and adding comments, but could hear their voices in the background. I can hear them, but not really know what they are saying. Every now and then I would hear laughter. It was a very pleasant and somehow reassuring time. It only lasted what seemed like a moment, like a cool breeze and I felt refreshed. For just a moment an ethereal atmosphere existed.
This was one of those little time trips we all take. When we relive and remember a certain place or time. Memories flood our minds and the sensation is overwhelming. Strange how we can remember and relive a whole series of experiences simultaneously. I remembered Grandma and Morgan baking all kinds of things. Good memories, hallmark memories. As I returned from this little trip I realized we had all walked a little further down a road. Morgan had come over to Grandma's on her own, not being dropped off. Her brother was at home getting ready for soccer, so she just walked over. Her Mom stopped in on her way home but Morgan wasn't ready to leave. No problem, Mom went home and Morgan stayed. The kids are growing up.
When it was time to go Morgan and I rode bicycles to her house. I carried the pineapple upside down squares they had baked. Morgan had a tote bag over her shoulder. And so we rode together. We laughed and teased each other about the rules of the road. Morgan ran a stop sign and I called her a rebel. Told her riding with her was like riding with a motorcycle gang ! No respect for the law.
When we reached her house I took the baking inside and said hello to Maria. Morgan went bouncing off down the hall somewhere. I got back on my bicycle and headed home. It was cool in the early evening. I said hello to a man I know sitting on his porch. It was very nice and a reminder. I was reminded how lucky I am. It's a good life. 

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