Thursday, October 23, 2014

I don't like it !

Yesterday in the news Monica Lewinsky was saying that she was the first victim of cyber bullying ! Yes, that's right, that Monica Lewinsky. She had given a speech to a group of young people telling them that she was the victim ! It is her contention that the criticism she received was unjustified. She says, I was in love with my boss, in a twenty year old sort of way. And so now, sixteen years after the fact she wants sympathy ? I don't think so. And now,sixteen years later, she wants to talk about all this ? Irregardless of your personal feelings regarding Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary is it right to air that dirty laundry again ? I would hope that Monica has matured a bit since she was twenty two, because she was young and innocent when she did what she did and didn't know any better you know, but she sure didn't sound like it. She doesn't feel she bears any responsibility for what happened. Can a book and made for TV movie be far behind ?
Now I could really care less about Monica Lewinsky,Bill Clinton and Hillary. I have never been a fan of any of that crowd. This appearance by Monica Lewinsky and subsequent statements raised my ire for only one reason. The whole deal is nothing but a charade. Monica sees an opportunity to make some quick cash. With the talk of Hillary running for president ( a joke )  it does seem like perfect timing. I don't care how much she makes but don't offend my sensibilities with your nonsense ! I am not stupid,naive, or that gullible. The whole thing is about making money off of your mistakes ! Period. This impassioned plea for understanding, and that she was a victim just rubs me the wrong way. It always does when I feel the person profiting was in the wrong. Now I won't go so far as to say what she did was criminal,at least not by legal standards, but certainly immoral, and to profit from that just bothers me ! She speaks of shame, she should be ashamed but instead appears to be flaunting that shame for profit. Yes, this stuff sells and that is what is at the core of this. I bristle at it ! I do not find it amusing, it is not entertainment.
Well, she is not the first to profit from infamy. I'm sure she will not be the last. I just don't like it ! 

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