Saturday, October 18, 2014

Enjoy your gifts

A few years back I purchased a  "countdown to Christmas " ticker. It begins Oct first and will run ,of course, until Christmas morning when it announces Merry Christmas. I remembered I had put it on the shelf behind a picture and so got it out. That was on October the fifteenth. I got new batteries and set the timer. All you need do is touch it or have it shake in some manner, bumping the desk will work, and it lights up. It displays the days,hours,minutes and seconds. I kinda like it. Anyway, it now says, sixty seven days ,eighteen hours, eleven minutes and 24 seconds till Christmas.
I was talking about this with my wife this morning. I said, that isn't the number of shopping days till Christmas though. She then pointed out that, in fact, it was. She was correct,of course, as today we can shop 24/7. We do not let little things like Sundays,holidays or whatever interfere with commerce anymore. No sir, it's all shopping,all the time. Don't even need to get dressed or leave home to do that. Yes, that countdown is shopping days till Christmas.
I am just as guilty as the next person. Christmas is not the highly anticipated event that it used to be. When I was a child,receiving those gifts, I couldn't wait. Then when I had children of my own, my excitement was for them. Grandchildren came along and that spirit was renewed. Sadly, now the grandchildren are older and the fun seems to be fading. The anticipation of the day is not as great. Whether it is because of the early and continuing hype, or other factors can be debated. Christmas is losing it's allure. More correctly I should say all the trappings and trimmings associated with the holiday is losing it's allure. The reason for the day retains it's place as the most important aspect.
This year I will try to reclaim some of that spirit. It is not about the presents and the trimmings. I know that and will try not to let those things interfere. I have been guilty of that. I will not worry about gift giving. I will concentrate more on enjoying the gifts I already have. Those gifts are plentiful. A good wife, good children and grandchildren. My health is good and I have more than is necessary. I have the extras ! I will not fall prey to the " commercial christmas " that is being pushed these days. No, I will anticipate the excitement that is Christmas. This year Christmas is going to be special ! A Christmas to remember. Whatever gifts are given will be enjoyed, but not the focus. It is not about getting more, but enjoying what you have. I don't know how this shift will take place, but it will. I just know it ! I can't wait !

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