Friday, October 31, 2014

Spook On

Happy Halloween. I was just remembering the halloweens of my childhood. Quite a bit different than what the kids do today. Well, maybe not that much different but shorter. There is a two hour time limit here in Greensboro. From six until eight and then all ghosts and goblins go back home. It's over. The only restrictions I had as a child were common sense and Mom and Dad. Either I got tired or they did. That is the way I remember it anyway.
My halloween routine was to go to all the relatives first. They always had the " special " bags just for you. You did have to reveal yourself. They had the full size candy bars and maybe a drink. Getting a bottle of Coke ( the drink ) just for you was kinda a big deal then, most of the time we had to share. And they were those eight ounce bottles ! Now those same bottles are only sold at Christmas time for nostalgia. Geez, how did that happen. After that we headed into town. Up one side of the street and down the other. Mom and Dad rode in the car and would creep along behind. Seldom did they get out of the car but kept a close watch on your activities. You had best not get out of sight ! To do that too often invited a trip back home, the trick or treating was over.
I don't recall seeing many adults dressed up in costumes. Oh, there were a few here and there but they were headed to a party. For the most part it wasn't considered dignified. I've noticed in the last few years, at least around here, that is changing. The adults are dressing up too. Something I wasn't aware of but brought to my attention yesterday was that it is illegal for an adult ( anyone over the age of twelve ) to wear a disguise on halloween night and go trick or treating. This is in Easton, Maryland. It is a regular ordinance. You are subject to arrest and jail time ! What a shame it has come to that. Well , I understand the purpose and thinking behind it. It is still just a shame.
This year I will not be out walking with the kids. Morgan will be away at a dance event at the Maryland Council for Dance. That happens on Saturday but she must leave tonight to travel there. Mark is thirteen, too old ! I'll be home unless something changes. I don't plan on handing out candy. I live upstairs and my doorway does not open on to the street. It is supposed to be cold tonight so I'm not sitting out there. I know, I'm a grumpy old man and a cheapskate ! I'm thinking, for me,halloween is over. It had a great run and I have fond memories of it. And in the spirit of halloween I would say " Rest in Peace " but that is not what halloween is all about. So I must say, "spook on children" I'm not sure how much longer this will even be allowed. Given the politically correct world we live in and all this " professional " guidance in child rearing I have doubts. Of course there is a ton of money to be made from all of this so it's unlikely to change.
To those of you with children, be they grand or just regular, enjoy the event. I hope the little ones have a great time being spooked and scared. I've had my time I think. I have plenty of memories and sometimes, that is enough. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

" Quotes "

Sometimes I wonder. If I had wealth and fame would things be different ? Sure, my everyday lifestyle would certainly be different but that is just a money thing. If I had a bunch of letters after my name would things be different ? Sure they would, those letters add a certain degree of credibility to your words. Something how that works isn't it ? And it works almost every time. Money, lots of money, works every time ! Everybody knows rich people are smart or at least others are smart enough to let the rich folks believe that they are.
When people agree with us we know they are smart. They have to be, they agree with us ! We don't care if they have money or letters at that point. The time it really matters is with those individuals that want to change our minds. Then we require something more. Wealth or degrees are big influences. Of course, depending upon the subject matter, even those qualities may not be enough. It is in the areas where we feel less than informed that we look for those things. Mostly in the areas we don't have an interest in. Areas that the rich and "highly educated" talk about. Then in order to appear smart, we will quote them. That is always a go to, the quote. By quoting the scholars of the past I am showing how smart I am. I must be smart to have read that quote. That has become a lot easier to pull off with Google search. There are plentiful websites that list quotes on virtually any subject. I know, I use them. Here is a quote about quotes. " I always have a quotation for everything- it saves original thinking. " Dorothy L Sayers.
But the thing I was talking about was things being different. Were I to win the mega millions tomorrow a lot more people would start listening to what I have to say. At least they would lead me to believe that. I'm certain, as least locally, I would begin receiving all kinds of invitations. I'm equally certain that people, as least to my face, would be a whole lot more cordial. My opinion would be sought after. Now, if I had a string of letters after my name that would change perceptions also. As long as those letters were legit, or believed to be so. You do need a certain amount of money to go with those letters however. A poor PHd doesn't impress nearly as much as a wealthy one.
I do think in more recent times we do not necessarily feel our celebrities are all that brilliant. I blame that on the fact we report about their failures. They have become more human, same with our elected officials. Forty years or so ago that was different. Those individuals were held in higher esteem. Politicians, usually Doctors or Lawyers, were thought to be smart people. After all look at the education they have. Must be smart folks. Now we do not have that same train of thought. Is that because more of us now have those letters following our name ? Or is it because more of us are " educated ? " I guess that all depends on how you define educated. Completing a curriculum does not always equate to receiving an education.
The smartest people make you think. That is my perception. When I meet people that make me think, in conversation, I feel like they are educated. I don't ask about degrees or money. Some would call that street smarts or common sense. I can understand and appreciate both of those qualities. I can also understand the value of advanced education. The thing is you have to take advantage of the opportunities as presented to you. Just repeating what you have been taught is not an education. There are books for that purpose, just look it up. Understanding and putting things into context is the goal. The smartest people I know don't know all the answers, they are familiar with the questions !
What is my point in all of this ? I was just wondering. If I were rich or had a string of letters after my name would I be quoted ? Probably. Would I deserve it ? That is a question that can only be answered by those listening. It does give us something to think about. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I can see that. Quoting a person is also a sincere form of flattery. Repeating their words is repeating their thoughts. To repeat the thoughts of others, in a positive way, is indeed flattering. Trick is, be careful what you say, it might be repeated.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Still Cool

On Aug 19,2010 I sat down and composed my very first blog. It was called, " How cool is that ? " A few days before that I had read a blog written by someone I had gone to school with. I didn't really know this person but knew the name. I knew some of her family members in a general sort of way. Coming from a small town that is a natural thing. I was struck by the fact that I was sitting in my living room,on a computer,reading words written by someone from my hometown. And this person wasn't a celebrity ! Just a normal everyday person. And that is when I thought, how cool is that ? I was inspired to try it myself. Since that day I have posted one thousand four hundred and ninety nine times, not including this one. And so today I say again, " how cool is that ? "
Now I have a few " followers " and I appreciate that. I also follow a few. I look forward to reading their postings every day. It is like I'm staying in touch. Almost as though I receive a letter from them. Some are good letters,filled with happy news, and sometimes they are sad. It has become a part of my routine. I am somewhat a creature of habit,as we all are, and to miss reading or writing a blog posting causes a little discomfort. A feeling that something just isn't right. As long as it doesn't become compulsive or obsessive I guess it is alright. We humans are frail creatures after all.
I use this Google platform to publish my blogs. A free service and one that works extremely well. Oh, there is an occasional glitch or two but that is to be expected. I also use Google plus. Not exactly sure what that entails but seemed liked a good idea. One amazing thing to me about that is this. If you type a key phrase that I have used in one of my blog titles in the Google search bar, my blog will appear. At least a portion of it will, on the screen along with the other listings of possible matches for your inquiry. Now that, I think is very cool. Type in something and Ben Reichart shows up on the web ! I discovered that quite by accident. I was searching for something, I don't really recall what it was, and the results listed me. OMG, for a second there it felt strange. What the heck ? And then I realized what had happened. It is what teachers and parents are always telling the kids nowadays. Do not put anything on the internet that you wouldn't want others to see ! I wasn't looking for me but I found me ! Good thing I didn't have bad intentions towards myself ! I could've been cyber bullied ! It was a close call.
I posted a remembrance of a delivery service one time. It was about the Dugan Brothers bakery. They used to deliver door to door back in the day. It was just a simple little story. I believe it has been the most widely viewed posting I have. I still get notifications about someone reading it. I figure it must be because of that Google plus feature. Anyone inquiring about Dugan Brothers would see it. That is cool ! I wonder how many others have stumbled upon my writings and ramblings. I wonder too, if I have been of any benefit to another. Have the words I have written had an effect upon any one ? I like to think that they have. I wrote about the reason I write. My wife says I have written about everything and I guess maybe I have. I did write a blog called Words of Substance. In that posting I summarized my reasoning for writing. I want to leave a record of my thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics. It is my hope that future generations of Reicharts may find some words of substance in my postings. As I said back then, Pay it forward. That is what the current phrase is anyway. I'm still trying.
The time has passed quickly and many words have been written. I do not have them all in print. I did have a small collection of them printed in a blog book. I would like to have them all in a " hard copy " but the cost would be great. I wonder if I could discover any contradictions in my blogs ? I don't think I would find many. I do make an effort to be as honest as possible in my thoughts. It can be a challenge. I don't always like what I think ! I will say this, it is good therapy.
I would encourage everyone to write a blog of their own. Everybody has something to say. It is pretty cool to see your name on the web ! At least I think it is. Some write every day and other once a week or so. It doesn't matter. Back in the day we called them diaries or journals. It is the same principle. I just do not discuss personal issues on blogger but everyday stuff can still be of interest. It is still cool !

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Are you listening

I woke up angry and frustrated. My own fault. Once again I was shouting into the wind. I know that it is a fruitless thing to do yet I persist. I do hope that some words reach the ears of those upwind. I will not allow that mistake, on my part, to control my day. I will just forge on. I did unburden some of the negativity that was residing inside me. It is of benefit to vent. I forgive those that attack my character in their debate. The lack of knowledge on their part causing that action. Perhaps they are just misinformed.
I was baited into this discussion and it is my own fault for falling prey. Others are certainly entitled to their opinions, even when they are wrong ! I should just remain calm, but I don't. I react. There are certain things I am passionate about. My country is one of them. I get upset when others wish to post things about other countries, " getting things right " and the United States is wrong. I do subscribe to the premise, Love It or Leave It. If you wish to live in a socialist society you are free to do so. go! That is ,of course, if that socialist country is accepting of you. That may not be the case you know. It is a little thing we in America call, freedom. I, for one, will not sacrifice my freedom for a free lunch ! Maybe you think it is worth it.
Well, I'm over it, for now. Soon I get to vote again and I will vote for a different approach to the social issues we face. It is all I can do, and it is a civic duty. I do my best to stay informed and make decisions based on the facts. A socialist approach has steadily crept into our society. It concerns me deeply. The country I love is being invaded, from within. Many scholars have predicted this would happen. We live in what was designed as a constitutional republic. Democracy is the word thrown about but it is not accurate. Democracy is nothing more than mob rule. The fifty one overruling the 49. That isn't the way a constitutional republic works. Look it up. Socialism has failed over and over again. That is all history. Our nation has prospered and we enjoyed unprecedented growth. That was during the Republic era. Now that era is under attack and socialism is creeping in. Already we can see and measure the effect it is having upon our republic. What will it take ? Occasionally I will shout into that wind maybe someone will hear. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Stay Excited

Halloween is three days away. Wow, this month sure went fast. I wonder if it is just because I am not looking forward to halloween this year. In years past the grandchildren were excited about it and that excitement was contagious. That ended sometime this summer I think. I don't know when they grew up and decided that halloween wasn't that cool anymore. Mark is past the age were trick or treating is allowed and Morgan has another commitment. She is performing with her dance company.
The wife and I have not handed out candy in years as we were always walking with the grandkids. Looked at the price of candy and won't be handing it out this year either ! Holy Moly ! We looked at the stuff we remembered handing out in years past. Forget about it, it would cost a small fortune. Prices have definitely increased over time. It seems to me we used to prepare about a hundred bags to hand out, you know, the little bags with several pieces of candy inside. I hadn't really paid attention  but now I know why almost everyone just puts some candy in a bowl and hands out a piece at a time. Unless your name is Rockerfeller you had best do that. The only other option is to hand out ten bags  and close the door. Well, it is a new world out there. Things sure are different.
Thinking about it it has been about ten years since we handed out candy. A decade ! That explains the sticker shock. Ten years gone by. As I have often repeated, Mom always said this, time speeds up when you get older. That is certainly the perception I get. I do think it has to do with not looking forward to time passing. I mean, like waiting on halloween. Seems like it took forever to arrive when I was a kid. And Christmas, Christmas took a year ! Now it will be Christmas about next week. Time going a lot faster. I don't get it, what's the rush ? I'm in no hurry. I guess it is just one of those ironic things in life. When you are in a hurry, it takes forever. Try to just run in the store for a quick purchase, the line will be long or the cashier slower than molasses. Jump on a Disney ride, average length of time ? About one minute and forty five seconds ! How come it takes every bit of twenty one years to be twenty one but you get to sixty almost overnight ! Takes a while longer to collect social security but after that ? I'm a little nervous to find out ! Time, it is all relevant to what you are waiting for. Maybe the secret is to just stay excited for the next occasion or holiday. When you have something to really look forward too. Seems reasonable. It is time for turkey yet ? 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Why I pray

When you feel that others owe you something, that is because you have stopped giving. Did not Jesus himself say, it is more blessed to give than to receive ? And just what does that mean ? Does it mean I should give my money to the church ? Does it mean I should give everything I have to others ? I don't think that is what the intent in that statement was. I believe Jesus is talking about giving of ourselves to the betterment of our fellow man. We should use our talents and abilities in that fashion. To help those in need is our mission. The primary thing the Bible teaches us is to do unto others as though we were the others , to paraphrase a scripture.
I think too many people misunderstand this concept. Do not confuse business with ministry, unless of course, ministry is your business. If we follow the teaching in the Bible we should all be ministers of Christ. We can all fulfill that ministry by the lives we live. Expectations and demands for compensation are not a part of that. Remember when Jesus said, Lay not up for yourself treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and thieves break in and steal ? He wasn't saying don't make money but rather to use that money for good. When we start demanding more, for ourselves, we begin to taint the intent. What should our intent be ? To live our lives as God intended. That takes some effort now doesn't it ? To set aside our own wants and needs in deference to the needs of others is not the easiest of things. But what did Jesus do ? I'd say just that. In fact he gave his life in that very endeavor.
That is the reason I say, when you feel others owe you something, that is because you have stopped giving. Did Jesus ever stop giving ? No, of course he didn't, but in all fairness he is the son of God. We are not. That doesn't mean we shouldn't aspire to that goal. We can do that by giving. Giving our best in everything we do. In that way we can minister. Actions do speak louder than words. It even says so in the Bible. ! John 3 verse 18 says " my little children,let us not love in word,neither in tongue,but in deed and the truth. Seems pretty plain to me. Don't make big speeches and confuse the issue, do it. And be sure you are being truthful in everything you do.
The act of giving is an expression of love. It expects nothing in return. It can not be measured. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Jesus tells us that is the second most important commandment. I take that as meaning, giving to others as you would give to yourself, equally and unconditionally. To deny others is to deny yourself. Do not love only in words but by your deeds. In that way you will not feel cheated. Easier said than done ! That's why I pray.

Learning Technology

I am always taking pictures. There will certainly be no shortage of photographic memories in my house. I have albums full of them and the walls and shelves are crowded with them. I also have a video camera. I have quite a few videos as well but not nearly the amount as still pictures. You would think I would be quite familiar with my camera and their functions. You would be wrong. As I was using my video recorder yesterday I began to push a few buttons I don't normally use. That " menu " button opens up a myriad of options. I didn't have a clue as to how to utilize any of them. My still camera is the same way.
I remember getting that video camera as a gift. It came with a thick manual that explains all it's functions. I haven't read it ! My fault. Once I figured out the basic function that booklet got set aside. I wonder where it is now ? I know it is around here somewhere. Well, no matter I haven't the patience or inclination to study it. I wonder how many others are like that ? I mean, do other people actually read and study these manuals ? And it is not just the manuals for camera but other electronic products as well. It is obvious that these devices are far more capable than I. I am not using a tenth of their capabilities. I did try the panoramic feature on my Nikon. I even bought a tripod to mount it on. I took several shots and " stitched " them together. I never had them printed, too expensive. I quickly lost interest in that. My videos are just recordings of events as they happen. Not much artistic appeal in them. I have made a few slide shows and enjoyed that. I do find it a bit tedious adding the music or commentary. I really haven't the patience for it. Perhaps, I tell myself, if I had better more professional equipment. The truth is the equipment I have is quite capable, I am not.
Another issue I have is in locating all the digital images stored on my computer. They are in files, by date and by name. The problem is there are so many. I haven't really figured a good way to index them. I have ideas then get frustrated trying to locate the appropriate pictures. Frustration leads to anger and resignation. I just forget about it. Again, it is a matter of patience I suppose. If I devoted enough time and effort I am sure I could accomplish these ideas but it doesn't seem worth it in the end. A two minute slideshow takes several hours to assemble ! I don't feel like I have spent that time wisely, in most cases. I think I will leave it to the professional.
Maybe it is a generational thing. It just seems like the most basic of technology is a bit complicated for me. I mean, buy a camera, not an expensive top of the line model, but a lower priced entry level one. It will be packed with features and functions that most of us will never use or, I submit, understand. How many of us have had a vcr and never figured out how to program that ? Now we don't even need that, technology has left that antique in the dust. Had I spent hours learning those secrets what good would it do me now ? See my point there ? All this technology is a wonderful thing, I wouldn't argue otherwise, but perhaps a bit more than is necessary for the average person. I guess too much is better than not enough. I may locate that manual and learn a new skill. Some of those menu options sounded interesting. Highlight Movie is one, maybe I'll explore that. I've had that camera for about a year now, maybe it is time.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's technical

Yesterday my satellite television quit working. Just like that. No acts of God, like rain,wind or hurricanes. No one moved the dish or unhooked any cables, it just quit. What ? No television ? After trying all the suggested actions they provide on their " help " screen, such as, make sure it is turned on, the result is the same. A complete signal loss. Oh bother. So I went online to talk with a technician. Wow, I was number one in the chat queue. Terrence came online and asked what the problem was. I explained I had a technical issue, as this was the, ask a technician chat. The problem ? No television signal. He asked me to do all the things that that help screen suggested.. I had patiently explained that I had done all of those things prior to chatting with him. He insisted and I complied. What choice do I have ? Well the result was the same. No signal to the receiver. He then explains, " I can't fix it. " Oh, you can't do anything other than ask me if I did some technical stuff myself, is that it ? I'm beginning to lose my patience. He says he will have to schedule a technician visit. I'm asking, " when are you going to be here ? " You are a technician right ? Terrence isn't coming, he just asks questions. He says he can send a technician Saturday afternoon if that is convenient. It's not, I have a soccer tournament all weekend and will not miss that.. He replies, I can schedule someone on Monday. Oh, and it will cost you ten dollars because you have the insurance plan, it would normally be 95 dollars. I'm supposed to feel good about that, they just took my monthly payment from my bank account two days ago, but now want more ! In the end I agree to pay the ten dollars so Terrence can schedule a technician, at their convenience, and they give me a five hour window when they may arrive. No guarantees here, we will be there ,maybe between noon and five o'clock,possibly. We'll send you mail. And then he asks. " Is there anything else I can do for you ? " My question is, " what have you done so far ? " I am beginning to get grouchy. I remember my manners and excuse myself. He assures me my bill will be prorated for the lost time  in service. I will not say this person is not truthful but I'm not counting on that happening.
In the meantime I have no television. As I said the soccer tournament is this weekend so I will be out most of the time anyway. I will say it is quiet around here without that television going in the background. I adapt to changes quickly and so it will not be a real issue with me. I still have the computer, Facebook and Google ! I even have books, yes, actual books that I enjoy reading. There is plenty to do to keep myself occupied. With this failure in electronics I am left helpless. Couldn't hook up a set of rabbit ears if I wanted to. This television set is not analog capable. I put a whole box of tin foil on top of it and it did no good ! Sometimes I miss the old ways. We may have had only two channels back then, but they worked ! At least there was something you could try if things didn't work. Coat hangers and tin foil worked wonders. If the television itself didn't turn on look in the back. If a tube wasn't glowing, replace it. That might fix it and did on more than one occasion. Now all you can do is call a technician. He or she will ask you a bunch of common sense questions like, is the cable attached and the receiver turned on. Then tell you they can't fix anything, just take your payment. Gotta love it. We sure have made progress.
No matter. The soccer tournament will go on and so will life. Television isn't that important. In reality I could just as well go without. I would miss the history channel and the news but little else. The occasional special is nice and some of the holiday movies. Television is a distraction, little more. Funny how we do become dependent upon these things isn't it ? 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Expect nothing

The best times I have ever had where not planned. Planning things create expectations. Rarely are expectations met.Spontaneous appears to hold the advantage. The only problem with that is you don't know when it will happen ! A bit of a paradox, isn't it ? We all want enjoyable times and experiences but we also want to be prepared for them as well.
This is never more evident than during the holiday season. Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas morning being the major events. We plan for them both. Expectations are raised. Now I have had many a holiday worth noting. I don't want to give an impression otherwise. What I am saying is it is the unexpected that I enjoy the most. 
I think this need to be prepared is becoming more necessary than it used to be. In these more modern times we require more conveniences and creature comforts than in the past. As an example look at the stuff we drag along to watch a sporting event. At a minimum we have folding chairs, with armrests and cup holders. Chairs with tables attached and even " roofs " are not uncommon. Drinks and snacks will be on hand. Depending upon the season much more may be brought along. We will not be without our electronics either. Wonder if it is going to rain, check the radar on your I-phone. 
It does seem to me that even when an event happens spontaneously, it isn't long before it is put on hold while we gather our stuff. We will quickly import the extras !
I know that there are people that enjoy planning things. They somehow get satisfaction out of that. It is something I don't really understand. I can be ready for anything given a few hours,at most. Prolonged planning just puts a damper on things for me. I don't want to talk about it, I want to do it. I get that you have to have the necessities, it is all the extras that hinder me. My idea is to keep it simple. Simple is best in my opinion, less to go wrong. Too many choices leads to indecision. Indecision leads to doubt. Doubt leads to frustration. And things will only disintegrate from there. 
I subscribe to a simple theory. Expect nothing and you will not be disappointed. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I don't like it !

Yesterday in the news Monica Lewinsky was saying that she was the first victim of cyber bullying ! Yes, that's right, that Monica Lewinsky. She had given a speech to a group of young people telling them that she was the victim ! It is her contention that the criticism she received was unjustified. She says, I was in love with my boss, in a twenty year old sort of way. And so now, sixteen years after the fact she wants sympathy ? I don't think so. And now,sixteen years later, she wants to talk about all this ? Irregardless of your personal feelings regarding Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary is it right to air that dirty laundry again ? I would hope that Monica has matured a bit since she was twenty two, because she was young and innocent when she did what she did and didn't know any better you know, but she sure didn't sound like it. She doesn't feel she bears any responsibility for what happened. Can a book and made for TV movie be far behind ?
Now I could really care less about Monica Lewinsky,Bill Clinton and Hillary. I have never been a fan of any of that crowd. This appearance by Monica Lewinsky and subsequent statements raised my ire for only one reason. The whole deal is nothing but a charade. Monica sees an opportunity to make some quick cash. With the talk of Hillary running for president ( a joke )  it does seem like perfect timing. I don't care how much she makes but don't offend my sensibilities with your nonsense ! I am not stupid,naive, or that gullible. The whole thing is about making money off of your mistakes ! Period. This impassioned plea for understanding, and that she was a victim just rubs me the wrong way. It always does when I feel the person profiting was in the wrong. Now I won't go so far as to say what she did was criminal,at least not by legal standards, but certainly immoral, and to profit from that just bothers me ! She speaks of shame, she should be ashamed but instead appears to be flaunting that shame for profit. Yes, this stuff sells and that is what is at the core of this. I bristle at it ! I do not find it amusing, it is not entertainment.
Well, she is not the first to profit from infamy. I'm sure she will not be the last. I just don't like it ! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Every so often something happens. It may be a common everyday occurrence or something totally new, but it happens. And then you are affected. In an instant your mood and manner changes. A light is shone upon a portion of your soul. When exposed to the light the truth becomes clear. This truth is not a truth to share with others but a truth to take to the heart. Introspection,contemplation and prayer are the remedies. There is little we can do. Old wounds and worries surface. They are drawn to the light.
Our minds are amazing things. Capable of complex thought and simple pleasure. We can hide the things that are painful in the corners somewhere,yet they still thrive. When we least expect it, our guard is down, and they reappear in the frontal lobe. Thought is triggered. A reexamination of ourselves is in order. And all of this happens in an instant.
This happened to me this very morning. The result ?  I find myself in a pensive mood. I expect this will last for a short period of time. I have become quite good at suppressing this sort of thing. I believe it is called being " mature. " No need to overreact or take any action whatsoever. It is just a bump in the road. In a way it is good to be reminded every now and again. It can make you gain a new perspective.
In the end, with some things ,there is nothing to be done. You just have to let things run their natural course. We are not in complete control. I believe that is what these little blips are all about. They are reminders. Reminders that we are just the tools There are things we can not, nor should we aspire to : control. That realization is not a resignation, but an acknowledgement. Do not struggle against the universe. Compassion is the substance of wisdom. We must remember that, and be compassionate not only with others, but with ourselves. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Selling common sense

Why are we so quick to grab a crutch these days ? That is the thought I had when watching the television. It seems for every situation in life, there is an available crutch. Could this be because of a very simple reason, there is no profit in self sufficiency ? All these promises of help, for a price. We are being led to believe that we can not do it on our own. At least that is my perception of things. Any undesirable behaviors we may develop are not our fault, they are disorders. If the hype is to be believed, we need professional treatment. Well, at the very least we need to purchase some product that will counteract that disorder. Ironically it may be a self help book ! Imagine that. You have to pay to help yourself.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. We, as humans, don't like to deal with our problems. We do not like taking the responsibility for our actions. Even when we are children that is so, the dog ate my homework ! We become adept at fabricating an excuse. And now there is a whole market out there to solve our problems for us. It has gotten to the point where we are admired for our failures ! He had a problem but sought help, and now he is better. Hooray, let's throw a party. We just gloss over the lesson part of that scenario, don't do whatever it was that person was doing. No, instead we will celebrate their " recovery " because, you know, we haven't been diagnosed yet. We don't have a problem.
Some say I am old fashioned and opinionated. Their opinion and they are entitled. The thing is, how did we get to this point ? The point where we are marketing common sense. Is it becoming that uncommon ? Now we have to hire someone to tell us that. If you listen to these counselors that is what the majority of them are telling you, what you already know. It just seems more official if you pay for it. If you do that, or go to some in house treatment center that is like getting a " get out of jail free" card these days. Sure he did this or that and it was a terrible thing, but he completed a treatment program so it's alright now. Now we should coddle him and support him. He shouldn't be held accountable.
My grandmother always told me, God helps those who help themselves. I believe that to be true. What is it that she was trying to tell me ? To be strong,independent and resourceful was the lesson. Wasn't much need to discuss it at length, it is just common sense. The first person you need to rely upon is yourself. If you can't trust yourself how in the world can you trust anybody else ?
Those making the profits from all of this will tell you otherwise. They will tell you how much training and knowledge they posses. They will tell you how you can not do this on your own, whatever it is, and professional help is required. If I'm selling umbrellas I'm going to tell you it's going to rain too ! And if it didn't rain, you needed protection from all that sun ! The truth is, you do whatever you choose to do. Make good choices, use common sense and you won't have to buy some. It really is up to you. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

The end of an era

I went to watch my granddaughter dance and my grandson play soccer yesterday. Both events took place outside and it was cold and windy ! A real change in the weather. I'm not as young and durable as I used to be and I was feeling it, but not in a good way. The wife and I were out there from about 9:30 in the morning until 3;30 in the afternoon. When we got back home we turned on the heat and collapsed into our chairs. Rough day for the grandparents. But a day neither of us would have missed.
The town of Ridgeley, just a piece up the road from us had their annual car show. It was the fourth annual and this event is growing every year. Contestants bring their cars from all over. The big attraction is that Richard Petty appears ! He brings some of his cars with him and the famous General Lee was there too. That was the event my granddaughter was dancing at. Her dance company has been invited to perform every year. There are bands also and of course, vendors,vendors,vendors.
Mark, the grandson, was playing soccer in Ridgeley also. Martin Sutton Memorial park is the town park and a wonderful place to play ball. The team he was playing with is his " travel " team. The team that traveled to Ridgely to play them was an all girl team ! The word on the street was those girls are number two in the state ! The boys were a little hyped up about that. I believe the thought of losing to a girls team was the trouble. I will say that the boys came out playing hard. In fact, I think it is the best I have seen this team do. Unfortunately it was a loss 4-3. The boys may require some therapy ! Well, not really, but I think they were a little embarrassed. I completely understand that. Remember they are all twelve and thirteen years old. It is a bitter pill to swallow.
All in all it was a nice day. The clouds cleared at one point and the sun shone. When the wind let up and that sun hit you directly it was warming. Just goes to show how strong that sun really is. At that distance and you can still feel the warmth. Quite the heater I would say. The only little issue all day was at the soccer game. It wasn't really an issue ,more like a bother. Some people insisting on bringing their dogs to the game. They had to sit right next to me and the wife. The wife is not crazy about strange dogs. Then they had to be joined by other friends with their dogs. Felt a little bit like being at the dog park rather than a soccer game. In my opinion, inconsiderate ! I know, I know there are some that think of their pets as there children, whatever, but they don't belong there ! We did our best to just ignore it.
Next weekend is the Caroline County Youth Soccer Association fall tournament. The brackets have all been set and everyone is back to even. The regular season games have no bearing on this tournament, Cinderella can make her appearance known ! The tournament is all day event and if you are winners you advance to the next day. So hopefully we will be there Sunday. The weather is supposed to be a little warmer. The difference is we will be fully prepared this time. We have been t the tournaments before ! It is the last hooray for Mark and his team, the Squirrels. There last year together in rec ball. It will be a bittersweet time for sure. The end of an era.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The old ways

I like old things and the old ways. I should clarify that by saying, some old things and some old ways. I mean we have made some improvements on things over the years. What I was thinking about though was the good old ways. They go hand in hand with the good old days. We do tend to view the past through a filter.
I was thinking about simple things like our homes. Now back in the old days,before indoor plumbing, the upstairs of homes weren't heated. Didn't need to be. You only went up there to go to bed. No plumbing up there to freeze. The heating bill was about half of what it is today. Very efficent,don't you agree ? But then we made improvements. We can not imagine having to go downstairs to use the restroom, how inconvenient, or use a chamber pot ! OMG would that freak people out or what ? People did just that for many years.
Life was a bit slower in the old days. We had more time to enjoy each other, and to enjoy life's gifts. Going to a dance maybe two or three times in a year was an event. Well, almost anything out of the ordinary was an event for us back then. Going to the movies or drive-in theater. Going out to eat, anywhere. Our circle was much smaller and so we were more familiar with each other. And we were more forgiving as a result. When your choices are smaller, you are less discriminating ! Just a simple fact.
Now there have been improvements. Typing on this keyboard is a lot easier than using a typewriter. Mistakes are quickly and efficiently corrected. No wasting paper either. The correction of our spelling is a big help. I would much rather receive a handwritten letter than a typed one though. And e-mail just seems so businesslike. E-mail is cold. So writing letters is an old fashioned thing that I think should be encouraged. Probably won't happen though. Printing and email are much faster and more efficient,
I don't know, I just think the old days and old ways were a bit more personal. The speed at which we travel today blurs things a bit. We don't really get the chance to observe and enjoy. No, we must move ever forward, racing toward what ? To a time when we can do what ? Whatever we feel like doing ? Is that the real goal here ? Maybe the real goal should be to just enjoy life as it presents itself. It is not all entertainment, all the time. If that is what you aspire to, I fear you will be disappointed. Everything worth having is worth working for. Remember that old adage ? That's one of those old ways I am talking about. It is not about the cost of the thing. If you only work so you can afford, you are missing the point. No matter how much you earn you can not retire from life. And life requires compromise. You don't get to just do whatever you like. That's another of those old ways that was understood in the old days. Would do us all good to review them, I believe.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Enjoy your gifts

A few years back I purchased a  "countdown to Christmas " ticker. It begins Oct first and will run ,of course, until Christmas morning when it announces Merry Christmas. I remembered I had put it on the shelf behind a picture and so got it out. That was on October the fifteenth. I got new batteries and set the timer. All you need do is touch it or have it shake in some manner, bumping the desk will work, and it lights up. It displays the days,hours,minutes and seconds. I kinda like it. Anyway, it now says, sixty seven days ,eighteen hours, eleven minutes and 24 seconds till Christmas.
I was talking about this with my wife this morning. I said, that isn't the number of shopping days till Christmas though. She then pointed out that, in fact, it was. She was correct,of course, as today we can shop 24/7. We do not let little things like Sundays,holidays or whatever interfere with commerce anymore. No sir, it's all shopping,all the time. Don't even need to get dressed or leave home to do that. Yes, that countdown is shopping days till Christmas.
I am just as guilty as the next person. Christmas is not the highly anticipated event that it used to be. When I was a child,receiving those gifts, I couldn't wait. Then when I had children of my own, my excitement was for them. Grandchildren came along and that spirit was renewed. Sadly, now the grandchildren are older and the fun seems to be fading. The anticipation of the day is not as great. Whether it is because of the early and continuing hype, or other factors can be debated. Christmas is losing it's allure. More correctly I should say all the trappings and trimmings associated with the holiday is losing it's allure. The reason for the day retains it's place as the most important aspect.
This year I will try to reclaim some of that spirit. It is not about the presents and the trimmings. I know that and will try not to let those things interfere. I have been guilty of that. I will not worry about gift giving. I will concentrate more on enjoying the gifts I already have. Those gifts are plentiful. A good wife, good children and grandchildren. My health is good and I have more than is necessary. I have the extras ! I will not fall prey to the " commercial christmas " that is being pushed these days. No, I will anticipate the excitement that is Christmas. This year Christmas is going to be special ! A Christmas to remember. Whatever gifts are given will be enjoyed, but not the focus. It is not about getting more, but enjoying what you have. I don't know how this shift will take place, but it will. I just know it ! I can't wait !

Friday, October 17, 2014

R and R

How do we achieve happiness ? Happiness is not an accomplishment, but a gift. A gift captured in moments. It is not created or manufactured, but discovered. And it is discovered when we are not looking. The secret to being happy ? Happiness should be relived, not remembered. That is where confusion comes in. The door to depression and sorrow. When we get the mindset that the good times are in the past, that can be depressing. It is not so, we can relive our happiest times in our minds. That is the gift we all enjoy. Just as happiness is captured in a moment, so it can be relived. I was reminded of this just the other day. I heard the sound of laughter,the rattle of some pans in the kitchen , and I was reminded. And with that reminder, I relived.
Fame and fortune can not provide happiness. They are an excellent distraction however, that can not be denied. Still, there is plenty of evidence that those with these items are not necessarily happy. There is no guarantee. The acquisition of material items does not lead to happiness. The truth is one needs very little to be happy.
I will skip over all the cliches about happiness. It is my belief that happiness is captured in a moment. It is also my thought that happiness should be relived, not remembered. The distinction is a fine point but an important one. The happy times are captured and can not be taken from me. Happiness is a state. We may or may not be aware of it at all times. Like the weather it is only noticed in extremes. So too, our emotions.
I can only speak for myself. I make a conscious choice to relive those good times whenever the opportunity is presented. Some say I talk a lot and I suppose that is true. Through my talking, story telling and such, I am reliving moments. I choose to recall the good times and good moments. I find the sharing of the depressing, or bad, just leads to more of that. Atmospheres are created. I prefer sunshine, not clouds. Remember and relive " happy " and you are. It is that simple.  

Thursday, October 16, 2014

To a degree

I think we are becoming confused about what it is to be educated. I see all these ads and campaign promises for education. Everything from pre-k to college and graduate studies. The thing we are being told is, a college education is imperative. If you do not have a degree you are not educated. Well, let us not confuse education with intelligence ! Different things entirely. Some would call it common sense but that isn't exactly right, know lots of really smart people without a lick of that. And I also know a lot of really smart folks without an education. So just what is an education ? An education is to be informed. Yes, but the true test of education is the application of that knowledge.
Just passing a course of instruction does not guarantee you are educated. The best teachers know this truth and try to instruct us in that way.They are not as concerned about the curriculum, as the education. How to apply the knowledge in everyday situations is the primary function of an education.
All these institutions of learning and one's online nowadays, are for profit organizations. Call me skeptical but I believe if you pay your fees long enough anyone can obtain a degree. The real difference being the quality of that degree, the quality of the education received. Reputable institutions would be concerned with that but let us consider the other options. An online course of instruction ? Can I not just google my answers without having to give thought to what is being asked ? Is it the honor system ? Whatever the case, the whole deal smacks of profit to me. The whole object of this big push in " education " is more for the profit of those providing the " education " than the person receiving it.
I wonder too if a deception isn't being perpetrated in all of this. False expectations from those receiving this education. Are they being taken advantage of ? Especially those unable to afford a mainstream institution or academically unqualified to do so. The reality is that not all of us are college material. There are those among us that are not academically inclined and that is as it should be. This perception that in order to have worth you must possess a degree, is an injustice. It simply isn't true.
The real issue in all of this is in how do we measure education ? Having earned (or bought one ) is not always a reliable indicator of intelligence. A sign of persistence perhaps and goal setting,both admirable qualities. The question remains however, why was this degree sought ? For the potential income to be derived from it, or for the sake of education ? The advertising indicates the former. You can make more money. Maybe so, but not necessarily. There are those with a thirst for knowledge. Now, it would seem, you can be spoon fed. For a fee. It could be argued it has always been so and that position defended. I just wonder if we are not cheaping the process. And when the process is cheap, so are the results.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A good life

We live our lives and things come and go. Routines change and we move along.We adapt and adopt. Early yesterday evening my wife and granddaughter were baking together. I sat at my computer,as I normally do, reading posts and adding comments, but could hear their voices in the background. I can hear them, but not really know what they are saying. Every now and then I would hear laughter. It was a very pleasant and somehow reassuring time. It only lasted what seemed like a moment, like a cool breeze and I felt refreshed. For just a moment an ethereal atmosphere existed.
This was one of those little time trips we all take. When we relive and remember a certain place or time. Memories flood our minds and the sensation is overwhelming. Strange how we can remember and relive a whole series of experiences simultaneously. I remembered Grandma and Morgan baking all kinds of things. Good memories, hallmark memories. As I returned from this little trip I realized we had all walked a little further down a road. Morgan had come over to Grandma's on her own, not being dropped off. Her brother was at home getting ready for soccer, so she just walked over. Her Mom stopped in on her way home but Morgan wasn't ready to leave. No problem, Mom went home and Morgan stayed. The kids are growing up.
When it was time to go Morgan and I rode bicycles to her house. I carried the pineapple upside down squares they had baked. Morgan had a tote bag over her shoulder. And so we rode together. We laughed and teased each other about the rules of the road. Morgan ran a stop sign and I called her a rebel. Told her riding with her was like riding with a motorcycle gang ! No respect for the law.
When we reached her house I took the baking inside and said hello to Maria. Morgan went bouncing off down the hall somewhere. I got back on my bicycle and headed home. It was cool in the early evening. I said hello to a man I know sitting on his porch. It was very nice and a reminder. I was reminded how lucky I am. It's a good life. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Memory and Time

We have all heard that as we age time speeds up. You don't really understand that until you age, but believe me, you will. Age and understand that is. I was talking with my sister just the other day and this very subject came up. She remarked that her washing machine had broken. She was complaining to her daughter about that and how it wasn't that old. Her daughter then reminded her that she has had that washer for quite a number of years. I won't say how many, in deference to my niece, but she was still in school when it was purchased. She is now married with two children ! My how the years pass.
It is also true that as we get a little older we begin to appreciate the older items. We call them classic or antique, but the fact is, they are familiar. Many times they are the same items we used as a child or our parents used them. Now those things last ! It is not like this modern throw away junk they make today. How many I phones sixes will there be twenty years from now ? Shoot twenty days from now. Do you think any of these cars they are making today will last fifty years and still be drivable ? Doubt it. One computer chip or ECM failure and it's all over. Can't fix that with electrical tape or bailing wire.
It is a strange thing, this time. You would think as time got faster items would last longer. It is just the opposite however. Things are worn out more quickly ! There must be some formula for all of this. Perhaps memories drive time. The more memories you have, ie: the older you get, the faster time goes. Could be a relationship there. The time, however, remains unchanged, only our perception of it is altered. If we think of our lives in a linear fashion, from point A to point B that would explain it somewhat. The closer you get to B the farther away A is. When we get a little age on us we think it didn't take that long to get here, so time must have sped up somewhere along the way. I do remember when a week was a year ! This does sound like a problem for Einstein. Time is a constant, but the perception is not. Memories affect the perception of time.
Well all that being said I think I will just stick with my original thought. They just don't make stuff like they used to. Bunch of junk these days. Why my grandmother had items she used her whole life, and my mom too. They didn't throw things away and need new all the time. As far as this time thing goes, it is all a matter of perception. I think it all depends upon how good a memory you have. Not that you actually remember everything, but the things you do are closer. That is to say, more vibrant. Like that washer of my sisters, wasn't that old, she remembered buying that. She was just getting used to it. Funny too is the expression, " that old thing. " It means what ? It's a good thing. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Secretly private

I saw a little article on the news about something called snapchat. I must be behind the curve on this one as I hadn't heard of it. Apparently users can send a photo to each other using this app. The big appeal is that it is supposed to disappear in six seconds. Now these pictures have been hacked and the threat of them being leaked is a problem. The reporter says the primary users are between the ages of 13 and 17 so these pictures may be criminal ! I just shake my head and wonder, why do these users believe these pictures will be secure ? Of all age groups I would think they would be the most tech savvy and recognize the danger. Well, I guess raging hormones win that race !
When I was young we took pictures and sent them in for developing. Urban legend had it that people were looking at those pictures after they were processed. Not only would they see the pictures but inappropriate shots could lead to prosecution ! They had your name and address. You weren't worried about the pictures getting into the wrong hands, you were worried about going to jail ! Then came the polaroid. That was a game changer. Pictures developed right before your eyes and no usable negative. One print and that was all. Fairly secure.
Digital photography has certainly changed all that. Print at home and you have the same concept as a polaroid. The big issue with this digital stuff is once shared electronically it is out there baby ! If you believe otherwise you are very foolish. It may not be easily accessible by the average user, but there are those out there fishing. You hear about it all the time.
I have written about this a few times. I am always amazed that people act surprised by this. In this case the reporter was concentrating more on the fact that the " snapchat " thing was hacked than the behavior. Perhaps it is just an old fashioned notion of mine, this idea that you should be responsible for your actions. The pictures that you are concerned about being leaked wouldn't be, if you didn't take them ! A simplistic view ? Snapchat says that those pictures only exist for six seconds and then are not recoverable. That is obviously not the case. Now, if you are doing something that you want hidden, hence the need for the six second rule, and that fails, who is responsible ? Is it the company, that was hacked illegally and against their will, or is it you for taking the picture in the first place ? In other words, is it only wrong if you get caught ? Can you blame a third party for your actions ?
We hear much talk about an " expectation of privacy " these days. Does not private mean it is not shared ? The dictionary says, it is for the use of one person or a group of people only. Posting it to a third party site used by hundreds of thousands of users every day is not my idea of private. I do not expect much privacy from that irregardless of any claims this third party may make. Kinda like playing post office when you were a kid isn't it ? The more people playing the more chance of, shall we say " exposure. " I would say anyone that thinks anything you put online or through a third party is 100% secure is living in a fantasy world. The thing is this, if you want to keep a secret, don't tell anyone ! Do not confuse privacy with secrets, they are two different things. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Believing in Miracles

I have read and heard the story of the 29 year old woman that has decided to end her own life. She has chosen a date and time. This is allowed in Oregon under certain specified conditions. If the conditions are satisfied a doctor writes a prescription. This bundle of drugs will be lethal. The person must administer them on their own. This lady says it is not suicide, but rather a choice. Her choice is to " die with dignity. " The dictionary defines suicide as, killing oneself. If one is already under a death sentence due to illness,disease or the courts, is it suicide to speed up that process ? Oregon doesn't allow convicted criminals to do that, but terminally ill people may.
This decision has lead to much discussion. It is right ? Is it moral ? Is it a legitimate choice ?  Is it ethical ? A number of questions come to mind. The first that came to mind was, what does the bible say about suicide ? I could find nothing in that book that specifically condemns it. It does not say it is a sin. So the question of morality is answered, at least as far as my interpretation  It would not preclude my entrance to heaven. But what of the doctor that prescribes that lethal combination of drugs ? What does his oath say about that ? Depends upon which translation of the original oath he subscribes to. The classic translation specifically prohibits the administration of a deadly drug. The modern translation gives that power to the physician. What of the legal ramifications ? If this is allowed is the physician then compelled,by law, to adhere to that ? Consider similar cases in recent months. Bakers forced to bake a cake against their moral beliefs, photographers too, being sued for non participation. Accused of bigotry,discrimination and hate. Their moral objections falling upon deaf ears. What of that doctor ? If he refuses, is that malpractice ? What too, of the potential for abuse ?
These are just some of the questions raised. Another is, is this action an act of ultimate selfishness or ultimate compassion ? That is a question that can only be answered individually and by faith alone. Choosing to die is a personal decision, wouldn't you say ? Do we even have the right to express our opinion ? Can we truly judge what is right or wrong in that regard ? I do not think that can be answered unless we are faced with that choice. Is it then a matter of courage or cowardice ? God has given us free will. We may choose. Is that God's desire ? I do believe his will, will be done. I do not believe he would will my suicide. That is a personal feeling however and should not be taken as a judgement. I will say this, I would hope to have the faith to just let his will be done. That is to say, not attempt to interfere with his plan. For anything we do is merely an attempt and may or may not be allowed, according to his will. How else can we explain miracles ? If I believe in God, must I believe in miracles ? For me the answer is yes. Is my faith that strong ? I hope it is never tested that strongly. I can not judge anothers' faith nor beliefs. I do think I should not be forced to be a party in any of this.
I must recuse myself. The grounds for that action is my christian belief. This decision would have to be made on a secular level.
I do not believe our founding fathers established a strictly secular nation. The only flaw I can see in the plan is can the non-secular co-exist with the secular ? Is one choice better than another ? My response is immediate and firm, yes. John Adams said it best, " Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. " Our constitution is unique in the world and that is what makes us America. I would want no other. Not forcing our citizens to recognize any one religion does not mean the complete absence of belief ! Indeed the founding fathers specifically mention, God given rights. And then, that being said I cast my vote with the non-secular view. The secular view is in contrast to the constitution. That is what John Adams believed and I must agree. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Correction by reward ?

I was listening to the gubernatorial debate Tuesday night. I am always amused how the Governors race is called the " gubernatorial " race, reminds me of Goober from the Andy Griffith show. You know Goober, cousin to Gomer. Anyway, as they were debating the issues the Lt. Governor was explaining how he would reduce the recidivism rate. Looked that up and it means repeat offenders. He went on to explain that the reason these criminals go back to jail is because of a lack of opportunity. They commit a crime and go to jail for that crime. When they get released they are at a disadvantage. Strange thing is people want to hire non criminals before they hire convicted felons. Go figure.
The way to correct this problem is to offer more opportunities for these criminals while they are incarcerated. He would provide educational opportunities, like free college classes. He would provide them with all the things necessary to succeed. Counselors,tutors and supplies. By doing that they will not commit anymore crime. Why when they are released companies will clamor to hire them ! Higher trained,educated criminals. That's what I want for my company.
There are those that will say it is not their fault. They are poor and live in bad neighborhoods. They are underprivileged. They are the victims, not the ones they injure. We Owe it to them to rehabilitate them. It is a debate that has raged for years. Scholars debate this issue. How do you rehabilitate a criminal ? I'm certainly no expert on that subject but it seems to me they would want to have to be rehabilitated. I don't think it is any different than quitting smoking or any other bad habit, you have to want it. Sure you can offer all manner of assistance but it will fail unless the person really wants it. If you go to rehab and return what do they call that ? A relapse and it is not the fault of the facility. Don't believe me,just ask any counselor about that. It is not the failure of treatment, it is the failure of the person.
Yes there are a few that commit crimes out of desperation. Trying to feed their families. The percentage of that however has got to be very small indeed. Given the number of social programs available in society today I would say, highly unlikely. This candidate, the current Lt. Governor of Maryland is living in a fantasy world. They, the current administration, has already decriminalized the possession of a certain quantity of marijuana because it costs too much to enforce that law. It also leads to prison overcrowding. Now he thinks giving criminals a college education at the cost of the taxpayers will reduce the number of crimes ? Guess that is free,doesn't cost anything right ? And he is proposing more than just a college education. His list of " entitlements " to prisoners is a regular smorgasbord of educational and social programs.
The bottom line to me is moral character. Can you really change the moral character of a person ? If so, how do you measure that ? We all take a risk in life. These people chose to risk their freedom. Should we then reward them for that lose ? From my perspective that is just what these progressive social programs are, rewards. What would it cost a law abiding citizen to obtain this education and training ? Is it free ? Not hardly. And don't try the argument that they are incarcerated and have given up their freedom. Fact is they gambled and lost. There fault, not mine,not societies. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Honor System

There is much talk on the implementation of voter ID laws. I'll make a simple statement about that, I support it fully. That being said I shall move forward. I was doing a little reading about social security numbers and the requirement to have one. Did you know there is no requirement to have one ? That's right you do not have to have one. You only need it if you plan to work, retire, file for benefits and/or entitlements from the government or state, or have your widow collect your death benefit when you die. Interesting isn't it ? In fact, and this is a shocker to me, before 1987 dependant children did not require a social security number. You could claim as many dependent children on your 1040 federal income tax return as you wanted without having to provide a social security number for them !  It was on the " honor " system ! The first year it was required there were seven million fewer children in America ! Seven million children just disappeared and no one even heard about it. Imagine that today, talk about an Amber alert !
As I said that was in 1987. The government apparently has not learned a thing about the " honor " system. The government is counting on the " honor " system for our most precious right, voting. I'm sure there would be no fraud involved with that system in place. Isn't it wonderful that our government would just take our word for it. I mean, if you are not entitled to vote you wouldn't try to support the candidate that promises to give you more free stuff or anything like that. Strange that this same government requires so much documentation for other less significant things. Of course you don't necessarily have to be documented to live here and receive assistance, but that is another situation. Seems like it is all or nothing with the government !
It is a crazy world in which we live, at least in America it is. The Supreme court chooses not to rule on same sex marriage so that makes it legal in some states. Inaction leading to action ? People sneaking across our borders are not entering the country illegally, they are just undocumented. Red Bull energy drink gets sued because it doesn't really " give you wings. " And they agree to pay out 13 million in damages ! If I want to buy a pack of cigarettes I must show a photo ID proving my age but if I want to vote, nah, don't need that. In Maryland if I have ten grams of pot in my possession it is a civil offence, eleven grams is criminal. That is because pot is only a " little " wrong. Oh, having rolling papers or a pipe in Maryland is still a criminal offense. You can have the pot but not the papers ! Makes sense doesn't it ?
You know it is a funny thing. You must have a birth certificate for many things. I can stand there ,right in front of you, but still must prove my birth. It can be quite a hassle if you can not produce one. I know it for a fact because my wife's original birth certificate was never filed or lost. Had quite a time getting documentation that she is alive and she is who she says she is and she has a social security number ! Eventually the city of Baltimore issued a document that is certified and notarized that she does in fact exist ! I was glad to hear that let me tell you ! She doesn't need that to vote or her social security card for that matter. Well, I guess the honor system is good enough. Well, it is as long as you produce an electric bill to prove your address anyway ! That's because the electric company wouldn't ask anyone for money that wasn't a citizen ! Geez, the citizens of this country pay the way for those that aren't ! Very honorable don't you think ? And those same non-citizens get to vote on it !

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Enjoy the holiday or not

It came to my attention that Monday is a holiday. My immediate response was, what holiday ? Columbus day, of course. Poor Columbus I always seem to forget about him. He has come under a lot of scrutiny lately too. I guess his star is dimming. Well at any rate it is a National holiday. I know that because I had to look it up on Google. Funny thing though, National holidays are not necessarily celebrated by the nation. In fact seventeen states do not observe Columbus day. It is a local observance in Florida, it is Native American Day in South Dakota and Indigenous People day in California and Minnesota.
I just had to read a bit more about this apparent conundrum. How can it be a National holiday if the entire nation does not observe it ? The answer is quite simple. The Federal Government is the nation. At least that is the view of the government. National holidays are only established for the federal government. Private companies and other businesses are not required to follow either federal or state holidays.
The federal government has established eleven national holidays. Ten of these are observed annually and one quadrennially. Who knew that inauguration day was a federal holiday ? All other holidays are created by the states.
It seems to me I read about this stuff before. Isn't it funny how this stuff works. The government can make holidays for itself, but the nation as a whole does not have to observe them. The states can make holidays for themselves, but no one is required to observe them. We have so much freedom in the United States we don't even have to observe a holiday if we don't want to ! Take that other Nations of the world with your "national holidays" imposing holiday observances upon your citizens
On monday you may choose what to observe, or to not observe at all. Is it Columbus day,Native American Day, or Indigenous day ? Depends upon where you are in the States. The bottom line is, if you do not work for the federal government you are not guaranteed any holiday at all ! Isn't that surprising ? The government has established benefits for themselves that are not guaranteed to the citizens. Well, it is convenient when you have the vote on such matters isn't it ? I just might be tempted to vote myself a few more holidays. Just sayin'

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I listened to the Maryland Gubernatorial debate last night. The first one before the election. There was no surprises and it was an average debate. Each candidate extolling the same rhetoric. Basically repeating their campaign ads. One candidate is the current Lt. Governor and his thing is , this election is not about the past,but about the future. His opponent points out that he doesn't want to discuss the past because it is a record of failure. The current administration has been in power for eight years. It went back and forth.
The Lt. Governor did make one statement that I found amusing. " No new taxes " He repeatedly said no new taxes.Yeah, I believe that. The current administration raised taxes forty times. In fact his opponent was using a slogan, " they never met a tax they didn't like,or didn't hike. " Catchy. Given all the new initiatives the Lt. Governor was proposing and the present condition of the budget the credibility of that statement would have to be questioned. His opponent did exactly that.
Another phrase was used that just bothers me. Undocumented Immigrants. They are not illegal people jumping our borders and circumventing our laws, no, they are immigrants ! If I rob the bank does that qualify as an undocumented withdrawal ? I'm not breaking the law, am I ? I get the political implication of saying anything else. We have to be very,very careful. Wouldn't want to offend. It is getting to the point where neither candidate can speak, well, candidly. Now there's a concept that has been ruled out !
There are those that will say the ends justify the means. Get elected at all costs. The thinking being I can't get anything done if I am not elected. Pure,simple and logical. The problem is in knowing just who or what you are voting for. This has always been so, to a point. Human nature hasn't changed much. The quest for power. In any election the candidates are not going to admit to that. I understand that. They are going to say what they feel the people want to hear.
Ah politics. What should be a virtuous endeavor is not viewed as such by the general population. Instead of choosing the best candidate for the job all too often the lesser of two evils is selected. The bottom line is, who can promise the most and make you believe it. Like a good snake oil salesman claims are made. They do not have to be substantiated.
In this Gubernatorial race the Lt. Governor is dismissing the administrations record for the past eight years as, not my fault. He points out he is only second in command. The other candidate says he is not a career politician and only wants to be Governor because he loves Maryland. In short for God and Country ! Of course he isn't allowed to mention God for fear of retribution.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if each candidate could just come right out and say what is on their minds ? What a concept. But we must have political strategists and conduct polls. LIke taking votes at " tribal council " these polls decide what is being said or done. How many times the promises made are not what the agenda becomes ? I don't blame the politicians, I blame the general public. The politicians are trying to " win the race. "  Unfortunately the general public just wants to hear, what they want to hear. An argument based solely on the facts doesn't do it. The truth doesn't get you elected. Sad, just sad.
And this Gubernatorial race has earned the label as the " most negative campaign " in the country.
I hear the Lt. Governor say, " there will be no new taxes. " What I believe he is saying is that they will just increase the taxes already in place. That way he can just deny it. The other candidate says he is seeking the office to rescue Maryland. We shall see.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


We may not all receive that fifteen minutes of fame that Andy Warhool mentioned. I do think that all of us want to live a life of consequence. A life that makes a difference. I would think it all depends upon your definition of fame. Fame in and of itself can be as much a burden as a blessing, just as wealth may be. I admit I would like a chance at either, or both, to properly judge it's impact. If I can only choose one, I'll take the money.
Recent events have brought me a bit of notoriety. That fifteen minutes is up. What the event was is not of importance. The perceptions others have of that event amuses me. Like a childhood game of " post office " the story has evolved. I do believe it safe to say it was an event of some consequence. The consequences do not affect me as much as others. It was just a blip on my daily activities. It is an event that will be remembered. A story to tell.
We all affect those around us. It is the amount of that influence that is measured. It only becomes cumlative however, after our passing. Isn't that a shame ? How many of those we interact with on a daily basis do we take guidance and advice from ? More than we care to recognize or realize I believe. Positive and negative influences surround us every day. The subtle nuances of life.
So why do some gain fame, if only for that fifteen minutes, and others never do ? It is random,I believe that. A random chance. Yes, there are those that seek this fame and succeed. They succeed by their own efforts,as a consequence of their efforts. But we all know fame is a fleeting thing. It can be gone as quickly as it is gained. A single misstep can unravel all that was accomplished.
I believe what we should really strive for is a life of consequence. What is consequence ? The dictionary says it is the result of an action, or matter of importance. Our actions should inspire positive results to those around us, as well as to ourselves. These actions should generate a cumlative effect over our lifetimes. To have touched all those that we encounter in a positive way. Even when that encounter may not have been a comfortable or pleasant experience. The consequences of an action may not be realized for a while. Sometimes there is an aging process.
I think perhaps we all want that reassurance that we are doing fine. That fame. Isn't that what fame really is, a continual reassurance ? Fame is sometimes held by fragile egos. Other times fame is lamented. We all seek some measure of fame. I believe that is human nature. But I also believe we should all be aware of consequences both to ourselves and to others. The fame that most of us seek is not fame , but reassurance. That is a lesson learned. A realization. Not that it is of much comfort in those times we feel the need for that reassurance, that recognition but it holds true. Live a life of consequence.

Monday, October 6, 2014

What bothers me

Michael Phelps, the olympic swimmer, lives in Baltimore. Naturally around this area he is well known. The Baltimore Bullet is his moniker. He has won the most gold medals of any olympian ever ! His actions are also noted in the news. Ten years ago he was in trouble for a DWI. Then there was the picture of him hitting a bong in England. In both cases he showed the proper contrition and said all the right things. That was when he was nineteen. The exuberance of youth and success got the better of him. Now he is 29 and was recently arrested for a DUI. It is all over the news in this area. I'm sure it is not national news,more like a footnote in other cities.
This morning the news is reporting that Michael Phelps is going to rehab. What a surprise. Is this a sincere act of contrition ? Michael had retired from competitive swimming. But recently he has indicated a return to the pool. He has competed in some matches and may compete once again in the olympics.
I can not but wonder about the sincerity of his actions. Is this a realization of a problem, or a solution to a problem ? It appears to me to be an act that is directed. As is often the case in these high profile personalities I believe they are advised. These ventures in rehabilitation are more for the media and the courts than for the individual. By " successfully " completing the course of instruction, the court and public opinion can be altered. I know,I know takes these public acts before the person realizes they have a problem. I guess every celebrity or person of prominence must be dumb as a post ! How come none ever know before hand ? It all just seems a bit fishy to me.
I say, stand up and take it like a man ! Own up to your actions and quit making excuses. It is your fault ! You are responsible for your actions. Whatever you have accomplished in the past, and that is considerable, has no bearing on this situation. It was your choice to behave the way you did. Maybe I am wrong, and in a way I hope that I am, but this just looks like an attempt to duck out of sight. Then I can reemerge as an advocate ! I will create a stand against drunk driving and openly admit my flaws. That will make me a hero. After all is said and done he will come of as a victim. A victim of alcohol ! He is not to be held accountable for drinking it, the alcohol caused the problem ! Maybe he will wear a ribbon to support recovering alcoholics !
I have no ill feelings toward Michael Phelps. I wish him the best. It is just this circus of " jumping through the hoops " that annoys me. It is what is expected and in fact demanded. Why this presentation is necessary eludes me. Personally I would have greater respect for him and others in the same situation, if they just owned up to it. Michael Phelps has had no public problems with alcohol in ten years. That makes me wonder about how serious an issue it really is. One screw up does not an alcoholic make. Two in ten years is questionable. But does he really have any choice ? That is what bothers me.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Que sera,sera

I have a grandchild that lives away. She does come to visit on holidays and such and we talk on the phone. The thing is, she is away. When I was growing up all my family lived in the same town. Not that I knew many of my cousins, I didn't, but they were around. This long distance grandparenting stinks. I'm afraid I'm not very good at it either. Distance and distant, one and the same. I will say we are not as distant as we could be, and for that I am grateful. Still, we do not have the closeness I enjoy with my other grandchildren. These thoughts surfaced because her birthday is coming up. Shyann will be eleven on the 10th.
I would say that I am familiar with her, but don't know her. I know about her and there is a difference. The difference may be subtle, but I'm sure you understand. As I said, she is from away. Now that is a phrase from my youth, a saying if you will. It is part of a dialect that is slowly being lost. I will continue in it's use. The point is, she is not close by, so her birthday gift and card must be mailed. I was wondering what to send her. In the end I have decided upon money in a card. That is what prompted these thoughts. Money in a card. Seems impersonal. That is what is bothering me. I don't know her personally. Just a fact of life and one that can not be immediately changed, nor should it be. I believe in stability. The status quo some might say. I do believe that stability is the most important factor in childhood development. Knowing what to expect and what is expected. I do not know her well enough to know what she expects; from me. What I mean by that is, we have not shared enough time together to become familiar with each other. When she visits it is more like having a guest. It is not a normal situation. I would say I am more tolerant and forgiving and less grandparental, if that is a word. Neither of us are ourselves.
In the selection of a gift that familiarity is essential. I firmly believe it is not the cost of the gift but the thought behind it that matters. Knowing the other person well enough to surprise them with something that they will enjoy is the key. They may not know what they want,that is your job. Having others just tell you what they think doesn't work all that well either. Then they are receiving a gift from them,with your name on it ! See my point ?
Well this is just one of those things in life. You can't have it all. You can pretend that you do, but reality speaks loudly. Not everything that displeases you needs be changed to suit you. There are things that should just be left to it's natural course. Relationships, of any kind, fall into that category. They can not be formed or forced. Anything less that genuine, is not ! I would prefer Shyann a little closer but that is not my choice. She is where she should be, with Mom and Dad. Lucky girl, many can not say the same. And she can come visit with Grandpa and Grandma anytime she likes. Maybe when she gets older she will do that,on her own,as an adventure. I have heard of kids doing that or is that a thing of the past ? In the world today one would have to have concerns. Doris Day would sing, que sera,sera, whatever will be, will be. Doesn't mean you have to like it. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

" That Old Thing ? "

A while back I was doing some work for a elderly lady. Her husband had passed some years earlier and some minor maintenance work needed doing. I installed a sump pump in her basement. Her basement was full of odds and ends from a lifetime. She expressed an interest in cleaning out this basement. I agreed to help in this effort. In all this clutter and mess I saw an old fashioned lunch box. A black metal one, round topped, complete with the thermos. That lunchbox took me back in time. My own Dad and many others that I knew had used one just like it. This lady said it had been her husbands and he had taken it to work for many years. She subsequently gave it to me. I have it sitting on top of my kitchen cabinets. I like it.
When I see that lunchbox I am reminded of times long gone. I can see the contents. A sandwich,wrapped in wax paper, an apple, a small bag of chips and home made cookies. Occasionally there would be a piece of cake, wrapped in that waxed paper and a fork from the kitchen rattling around. The thermos would have coffee. That was lunch. I see my Dad and his co-workers sitting on some construction materials eating. There was no refrigeration of the food and no hand sanitizer. There was a paper napkin in there but that served more as a plate than anything else. It was pretty much the same scenario for me taking my lunch to school. Only difference was I ate in the cafeteria. 
The value of that object lies in my memories. That is the reason people treasure these things. They have no monetary value whatsoever. Everyday,seemingly insignificant things. There is just no telling what those objects may be. They are as different as the people that retain such things. One does have to guard against just collecting junk. Every object you recognize from the past is not necessary to have. I do try to be selective. Some of that is because I have limited funds and space, and some I attribute to common sense.
That is also why some old stuff does not survive. That old lunchbox has no meaning to my children. It is not attached to me. When I pass and my stuff is gone through I'm sure it will be discarded as just that " old thing. " Someone may wonder why I saved " that old thing. " The lady that gave it to me had saved it because it was her husband's. She felt a connection, How many times she had filled that box  I can not know, but can imagine. She did reach a point in time where that object became " that old thing " to her. For whatever reason the connection was lost and the sentiment died. I can understand that, but can't explain it. Only she would know.
These little connections to the past can be found everywhere and at anytime. You can't go looking for them however. I think doing so taints the process. Connections like that have to be spontaneous. With that lunchbox, that was the feeling. An instantaneous reaction.  I saw it and I saw my Dad. I have some other " old stuff " that I enjoy but that does not hold that connection.
I would say this is a reflection of a portion of my personality. I like people and enjoy their company. I also only call a few of these people close friends. I have many acquaintances but few I feel connected to. You could call that connection love and it wouldn't be too much of a stretch. Connections, ties, or sentiment, whatever moniker you choose the feeling is the same. That same feeling does vary in strength. Degrees of love ? No, I don't think there are, either you do or you don't. That would explain why the attachment breaks. Love never dies or breaks. It is only our treatment of that love that may change. The focus of our attention may indeed shift. Does that indicate the loss of love or that it never existed ? Ah, but that is another topic altogether. Are all connections love ? No, but connections are a channel. You must follow those channels to discover the destination. Some of that " old stuff " serves as markers, or buoys if you will. Good things to observe as you navigate life. Some you create yourself and others are just left behind. 


Friday, October 3, 2014


The local librarian, I'm not sure that is the proper title anymore, perhaps Media Specialist is what the job is now, has retired. I know this gentleman and his name is Richard. A pleasant sort of fellow and always a professional. He was there when Greensboro opened it's library. The library is the north branch of the Caroline County Library. I saw Richard at the store where I work and asked him how the library business was going, that is when I found out about his retirement. During the conversation he told me that Greensboro's library was the first library in Caroline County to never have had a card catalog ! Since the door opened it has been on the computer. If memory serves that was in 1997. I sure hope that electronic card catalog is backed up somewhere.
That short conversation lead me to post a few thoughts about what the grandchildren may never see or do. It turned out to be quite a thread. I am still seeing comments on it. One comment I left came as a direct result of talking with this librarian. The library, at least the north county branch, does not have newspapers on a stick. I expect that going to the library to read the newspaper is a thing of the past. Now I imagine a digital subscription and a laptop is all that is required.
Here is a scene I'm sure the grandchildren will never see but one I experienced. In the library there was a room reserved for reading. This room was for adults only and very quiet and dignified. I remember gentlemen sitting in that room reading the New York Times and smoking a pipe ! Yes, they were allowed to smoke ! Pipes and cigars were quite a common sight. Regular cigarettes were tolerated but a bit crass for a true gentleman. Those cigarettes were for the lower classes. Ladies may smoke a cigarette but it should be in a holder. Tobacco stains on white gloves was very, shall we say, bourgeoisie. Eyebrows would certainly be raised. As the gentlemen came and went not a word was spoken just a nod acknowledging their arrival or departure. The silence of that room was only broken by the rustle of the paper or the puffing on the pipe. I always figured they were some important gentlemen in that room,probably rich folks. Who else would have the time to just sit and read the paper,especially the New York Times.
Perhaps that reading room still exists at that library. I'm sure that it must. The Hedges room was the name of it if I remember correctly. I never went in there, only peeked inside. I hung out in the general area were the reference materials were kept. Encyclopedia's and such. The grandkids may see a set of encyclopedias but doubt if they ever use them. A dictionary may be the same way. I know my parents had a copy of Webster's Complete Dictionary of the English language. It was quite thick and covered in brown leatherette. It got used often in my school days. I often stumbled upon words in there I hadn't intended on finding and got distracted. There are some funny words in there. We also had a set of medical encyclopedias, I would check the illustrations in there, very informative.
I would say the kids today are missing out a bit. I stumbled across a lot of interesting things in my searches for school work. When you had to turn the pages by hand,not quickly scroll, you did have the chance to scan the pages. My eyes would catch an interesting illustration or phrase. Holding those books in your hands is different from hovering fingers over a keyboard.
It is true that we were censored a bit more than in today's world. Those sort of books and magazines were not readily available. The sears catalog, particularity the women"s lingerie section, sufficed. Certain magazines could be viewed in the seedier sections of society. At least that is what I heard. That certainly has changed and not to the benefit of society I might add.
Could it be that we are just going too fast ? The access to all this information, at breakneck speeds, is causing us to miss a lot. Like taking a drive in the country, you need to slow down to enjoy it. I found many interesting things in my journeys through the card catalog. Sometimes it is a good thing to get distracted. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

By virtue alone

On the morning news it was reported that the City of Hagerstown Maryland had strengthened it's juvenile curfew laws. I know that Baltimore also has a curfew. So, I did a quick Google search and find that at least 500 cities in America have juvenile curfew laws. I found that shocking ! I did not realize that many municipalities in America restricted so much freedom. How can this be ? In this politically correct world of today, with everyone demanding their " rights " how can this be ?
I understand perfectly the reasoning behind these curfews. If you keep the children home, they can't get into trouble. If you keep your children home, they cannot become victims of crime either. By restricting the movement of our youth we can control. The " you " should be you, not the government. I'm not buying that package. We have thousands of laws on the books yet there is still crime ! How can that be ? It is against the law to break the law. Funny thing about that too, recently we have begun to " decriminalize " certain things. The reasoning ? It will alleviate prison crowding and lower the crime rate. It will " free up " the police to concentrate on more serious crime. If we just prohibit anyone from being out at certain times would we then reduce adult criminal activity or adults becoming victims of crimes ? Then the Police need only observe. Anyone out and about past the curfew, lock'em up !
Some will say it is because parents are either unable or unwilling to raise their children. The government is helping by establishing these curfews. I say baloney ! All curfews do is identify a problem. They do not solve the problem. Just as a law identifies what is an unacceptable behavior but does not prevent it happening. Let us not become confused about that.
I have said it before and will continue to say it, you cannot legislate morality. You can provide penalties for actions deemed unacceptable, but that does not guarantee compliance. It is not the function of government to provide a moral basis, that is the function of religion. The function of the " Church. " That was recognized by the founding fathers and incorporated into our founding documents.
Curfews in America ? I find it troubling. Perhaps some of this comes from the fact that I have never experienced it personally. I never had a government mandated restriction on my freedom ! Mom and Dad took care of that. I can not help but see these curfews as an erosion of freedom. Perhaps I was raised in a sheltered environment. I will say this, if I was out and about at any time, and in any place I shouldn't be or doing anything I shouldn't be doing, I was policed ! I was policed by other adult members of the community. Didn't need curfews. I was watched.
I believe if you do not allow children to experience freedom, they will not grow to appreciate it. This seems to be a concept lost in today's world. It appears we choose to restrict rather than to moderate. Each child is different and should be treated accordingly. A blanket policy is neither fair nor effective. Kinda like this common core education the government is pushing but that is another discussion. As a child I was rewarded for appropriate behavior and disciplined for inappropriate behavior. To gain my freedom, I had to act right. I came to appreciate that freedom not because I gained it by virtue of age, but by virtue alone. Yes, I know that sounds idealistic but it is true.
We are implementing curfews on juveniles. The rhetoric is that it keeps them safe. It will prevent juvenile crime as well. Well, how about this ?  We can only consume alcohol at home. That should prevent all cases of DWI shouldn't it. We will save lives. Same reasoning, yet most will say that is unreasonable. And why is that ? Is it because adults are responsible ? You decide. As for me I am unsettled a bit by this revelation. Very sad and very dangerous, in my opinion. Curfews, really ? I gain freedom by virtue of  age ? Something is wrong about that, but I leave it to you to figure it out.