Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Words and Emotion

We all have our moods and attitudes. That is what makes us human after all. It is a daily struggle to maintain our composure. We are all taught what is right and wrong,what is good and bad. We are often told how we should feel or act. We don't always stay within the parameters society sets for us. That can lead to trouble, trouble with society and trouble with ourselves. Oh, we like to label these outburst of emotion and define their causes, but do we really know ? I believe , most of the time we don't know until after the fact. Premeditation is another thing altogether. I am talking about reaction. When you are just going along and bam, you react to a situation. Then you are surprised by your own reaction and left to wonder why. You may try to explain,to offer apologies,even blame it on others, but you really have no understanding. A feeling just comes over you like a fog in the morning. You have little control over it even when you are aware it is happening. Emotions.
I like words. I like words that explain. Isn't that the purpose of language, to convey feelings and actions ? Communication is the key to it all. To effectively communicate our thoughts,moods and desires to another or a group of anothers ! I search for the proper words to convey my meaning. I do that more consciously when writing my words rather than when speaking. Is that a result of perception ? I mean one doesn't want to appear haughty or aloof, does one ? You must speak the local dialect if you wish to fit in. The problem comes in when you limit your vocabulary. It becomes quite difficult to adequately convey your meaning.
Consider the difference between feeling sad and being melancholy. They are definitely not the same thing. Should I say to someone, I'm feeling sad, the meaning is clear enough. Were I to say, melancholy instead, would it convey the same message ? It certainly would not be perceived in that fashion. Sadness passes rather quickly but melancholy does not. The difference may be subtle, difficult to discern, but it is quite a different situation.
Language is complex by necessity. One size does not fit all. Sometimes I believe that concept is not being understood by a majority of people. How many times do we hear about those five dollar words ? Using those " fancy " words is somehow perceived in a negative way. Sometimes however, it is just those words that describe the thought or emotion you are trying to convey. Sometimes, it is the failure of the other person to understand the meaning of that word. And yes, sometimes the word is used inappropriately by the speaker. The challenge in language is applying the proper word to the emotion or action. A larger toolbox is often required. I know that to be true in my case. I am often at a loss for the exact word.
I experienced just such an occurrence yesterday. I reacted badly and was left wondering. What is worse is that it happened twice. I offer no explanation for it. I am human and subject to human failings. I do not offer that as an excuse, but as an explanation. I spent some time in contemplation and wonder. Wonder is not an adequate description, bewilderment more closely fits. I'm bewildered. Not a word used often in common speech. A word that does fit my feelings about yesterdays events. Confused a bit and I don't understand why. It is a puzzle one must solve for themselves. Communication is key and sometimes you just have to give yourself a good talking too ! A proper scolding. When I feel properly chastised I will move on. Until then, I will remain silent.  

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