Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's a choice

I'm listening to the news when an article comes on about Hulk Hogan. Now I admit to be being a wrestling fan and have watched it for many years. That being said, this " news " report caught my attention. Apparently Hulk Hogan has opened a restaurant in the Tampa area. Something about Hulk Hogans muscle beach experience or a similar theme. Whatever the case there is a posted dress code that is being labeled racist and discriminatory. Items include no baggy/saggy pants,no hats worn backwards, no excessively large jewelry,no white tee shirts and the list goes on. There are those that are saying this is clearly targeting blacks. Now that to me sounds like a racist statement all in itself ! So you're saying that all black people dress like that ? How bigoted is that ?
Although I have never personally been to any, I hear there are restaurants that require gentlemen to wear a jacket. Ladies most be appropriately attired. Is that racist ? Do all white people dress like that or is it only the rich ones ?
I will admit that I am surprised that Hulk Hogan would want to be the one to " class it up " a bit. The wearing of a bandanna or " do " rag if you prefer is on the list of banned apparel at his restaurant. Hulk has been wearing one for about twenty years, since he started to go bald. The thing is, it is his business. The establishment of a dress code is not discriminatory in my opinion. If it is something that you can physically change, like clothing, isn't that then a choice ? The color of my skin or ethnicity is not a choice on my part. Barring a person based on that would be discrimination. If I were black all I would have to do is change my clothes to go to his establishment, if I were a black person that dressed in that fashion. Fact is, I would have to change clothing if I were a white guy dressed like that,or a Hispanic or Asian.
I really don't care about Hulk Hogans restaurant. I really don't care about dress codes or lack of dress codes. The bottom line for me is this. It is his restaurant,his business. If he only wants people to wear white pants,blue shirts and flip flops that is also his business ! You are not required to dine there. These requirements do not in any way inhibit your ability to dress in any way you choose. If you choose to follow his dress code you are welcome there. These people that are making these outrageous claims that Hulk Hogan is targeting " blacks " with this code are more bigoted than anyone else. Talk about stereotyping ! A classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. I can only shake my head and wonder how far this ridiculousness will go. All this political correctness.
I can only say this. If a black rapper wants to open a restaurant and list his dress requirements I would support his right to do so. I would do the same if a German fella wanted you to only wear Lederhosen to drink beer ! Discrimination ? What is discrimination ?

  1. 1.
    the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
    "victims of racial discrimination"
    synonyms:prejudicebiasbigotryintolerance, narrow-mindedness, unfairness,inequityfavoritism, one-sidedness, partisanshipMore
  2. 2.
    recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.
    "discrimination between right and wrong"

Take a look at number two. That was, at one time the understanding of the word. It has only become, in the last few decades, a bad thing as in definition one. Yes there was a time when understanding the difference between right and wrong was an attribute. Just sayin'

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