Friday, September 5, 2014

It's Just Natural

I was talking with a friend about rearranging furniture. My wife had moved the bedroom around and that always causes a little discomfort. I have written about this in the past. When my body gets realigned in relation to the magnetic poles it takes a few days to adjust. My friend then mentioned she was hoping to do the same, with her husbands help. My observation is that this is generally a women thing, this rearranging. Myself, and most men I think, would be content to just leave stuff where it is. The furniture could just as easily be nailed in place. If everything works where it is, why move it ? Looks good, leave it alone.
Did you know the majority of female birds build the nest ? The male bird may or may not help. Sound familiar ladies ? Well it is probably because the male bird is busy doing other more important things. I mean, a nest is a nest. It is round and lined with sticks, put old feathers and papers wherever you like.
It is strange when you think about it. Interior decorators are mostly women and the men that are are less than ,shall we say, macho men ! You know what I mean, not that there is anything wrong with that. I just think it is natures way, the natural order of things as it where.
For men to be involved it requires tools. Industry is mans work. Like hammering,sawing or drilling. The cleaning up and arranging of the details is the job of the woman. Merely lifting heavy objects does not qualify. Slide those objects and reduce the force required. See, that is how men think. That is why we are always so busy. Planning and execution are different enterprises altogether. Men are great planners. The rest is just the details.
Another example is a male lion. He lies in the shade planning. When the time is right,he strikes. It may appear that he is resting but that is not the case. The capturing of the meal is of primary importance. The lioness cares for the little ones and the den. It is the natural order of things. The way it was intended. And men,being planners know this. That is why we balk at moving things around. It just isn't natural. Everything has a place and should be it. Makes it a lot easier to plan.
I do think we should look to nature for order in our lives. The lessons are all there if we but observe them. And we would too, except for getting distracted. We get distracted by moving things. A bird flying here,a deer running there. Yogi Berra said it best, " you can observe a lot by just watching " Men understand that.

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