Friday, September 19, 2014

At home

Mark, my grandson, was refereeing a soccer game last night at the elementary school. It is just a short walk from where I live and I decided to take a stroll and watch. Now, I've lived in Greensboro for over twenty years and you would think I was familiar with the town. Truth is, not really. As I walked along,for the first time, I saw homes. I was looking at homes, not houses. I don't know maybe it was the air in the early evening, maybe it was the clear blue sky, or maybe I was just in a mood, whatever the case an awareness came over me. I saw that elderly lady sitting on her porch just watching the traffic. I saw neatly trimmed grass and a gazebo in the back yard. I saw old homes, old barns and children's toys. Holidays and seasons ran through my thoughts. Each home a little world, and a world I would like to visit. I think the truth of the matter is, I felt at home. Walking along with a bounce in my step I felt comfortable. I felt like I belonged in this town. Not a local, but a transplant. I do think this transplant has begun to take root. It is a good feeling. I could live here.
It has been said that home is where that heart is and I understood that sentiment exactly. At least I thought I did, but now I'm not quite so sure. I do believe a house is made a home by love. It is this love that we become nostalgic for. Our " home " is where we were raised and where our childhood memories reside. For me that was the first eighteen years of life. For others that time may be much shorter or longer. I'm thinking home is wherever you allow it to be. I have struggled for years with leaving " home. " The truth is, home has always been with me. Over the years and in all the places I have lived, home was with me. I'll always be home. The secret is I must allow others to reside there as well. It is my choice to include them.
I think it is when you begin to put names with the places that you begin to feel at home. I do not know many in Greensboro. That is my fault and not theirs. I've certainly had plenty of chances to meet and greet. I do believe these more modern social conventions add to this. People do not as readily invite you into their homes as in days past. Unfortunate, but a wise decision nevertheless. I know far more in Facebook neighborhoods where some sense of security is to be had. Actual contact is not to undertaken lightly. I wonder, do they have house parties anymore ? Barbecues certainly, but I'm talking about an old fashioned house party. I do think we live in a far more guarded social environment than in the past.
We tend to gravitate towards those that share common interests with ourselves. That is human nature. Some enjoy drink, some enjoy food and others share religious convictions. Little groups and cliques form. Political allies band together and opposition gathers. It is up to us to seek our niche. That is our home. It is where we feel the most comfortable. Understanding and acceptance is the key. Perhaps I don't fit into a niche. I don't like to think of myself in that way. I do not want to be labeled in some fashion. I feel I can get along and share life with most everyone. I do have some experience in that regard. Or as the kids today say; been there, done that.
I think I have reached that " Mayberry " stage in life. I like to sit on the porch,wave at the neighbors and maybe enjoy a cold pop. Just talk about the day and enjoy home. I have discovered that I do not have to be anything. I can just be me. And isn't that what you are at home ? 

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