Tuesday, September 2, 2014


It isn't the first time I've heard of these big endorsement deals for professional athletes but for some reason this one jumped out at me. Well, at least the amount of money involved jumped at me, 285 million dollars. That is over a quarter of a billion ! All for wearing a certain brand of shoe. What really hit home about that was one company offered the 285 million and the player seemed agreeable to that. Yes, I'll endorse your product. The kicker is, the company he already was with had a clause in their contract with him that allowed them to match that offer. They did that and effectively " forced " the player to continue endorsing their product. A coerced endorsement ? And I'm supposed to believe the player and buy these shoes ? Yes, that's the way it works.
We all know these celebrities and athletes will endorse just about anything for a buck. Not that I blame them mind you, give me the same chance and I'm wearing pantyhose ! Joe Namath did. I just find it amazing that these companies justify that expense. It must be worth it or they wouldn't do it. Amazing. We all know about the scam, yet participate fully. We buy the products don't we ?
I can honestly say I have never purchased anything just because of a celebrity endorsement. I'm not one for trends,fads or fashion and that is probably why. I listen to friends,family and people that I know. If they say the product is good, I'll try it. I never did believe Arnold Palmer knew anything about motor oil. I can believe Tiger Woods knows about golf balls but how large is the market for a pro quality golf ball ? And let's face it, is one ball cap really that much better than another ?
I'm thinking I'll start writing some letters to these companies. I'd be willing to endorse some products for them. I figure I could appeal to the average white guy demographic. Just tell me what you want to sell. I'm on board, no problem. Ben uses this or that. Who is Ben ? Ben is you, that could be the campaign. I could " famously " refuse to endorse some poor quality junk from China or complain about immigration " to lend credibility. Kinda like Joe the plumber. Could work and I'd do it for a lot less than 285 million dollars.
It does make you think about where the priorities in this country lie. How far could 285 million go to helping those in need. How many people would that employ ? When you think that it is worth it to that company to expend 285 million dollars on one contract how much must it boost their bottom line ? If I were a professional athlete or celebrity I would wear there shoes and instruct them to donate the money to a worthy cause. Just give me the shoes for free. Sounds like a good deal to me. How much good could be accomplished ?
Well that is capitalism and free enterprise. I support those. It is not the system, but the people within the system. It would be difficult to not take that money, I get that. I just don't get why the company pays it. Unless of course there are those out there that buy the products based solely on these endorsements. Guess there are. Amazing.

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