Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Right without responsibility

Why the sudden need to claim righteous indignation over issues we have known about all our lives, I have a hard time understanding. Label it, political correctness if you will, but I call it something else. And that something else involves a bulls bodily functions ! I have grown quite weary of the whole thing. Instead of taking an adult approach to the various problems and issues we are adopting the childlike behavior of throwing a fit. It isn't fair, is commonly heard. The constant repetition of this isn't right, and it is so tragic and sad, is doing doing nothing to resolve anything. Just paying it lip service,isn't that the phrase ?
Is all this some misguided attempt at defining morality in society ? The Christian view is taking a beating in the general public these days. Christianity is under attack. I don't think anyone could argue otherwise. In fact the whole premise of a God or creator is trying to be proven false. Science can explain it all ! It is the intellect of man that is the superior force in the universe. Yeah,sure it is. But that is another discussion.
Public proclamation of what is right and wrong is becoming the new religion. This new " religion " doesn't require sacrifice on our part however, that is too inconvenient. We can point out bad behaviors and call for the punishment of offenders all the while justifying our own shortcomings. If you can gain enough support,in the public opinion, any behavior is acceptable. Our salvation is proclaiming the wrongs of others ! As long as we " go along " and do not mention "inconvenient truths" we are told to feel righteous. Society is becoming like a child with lenient parents. Even when you are wrong,it is understandable. Reprimand, but do not punish. I can now take the moral high ground simply by agreeing with or pointing out the obvious. Bullying is wrong. Domestic violence is wrong. Racism is wrong. The list goes on and we all can add to it. Are we listing the commandments ? The new commandments ? This is wrong,that is wrong, but we do not hold personal responsibility for these commandments, as long as we publicly point them out.
The rules for life are clearly and definitively defined for us and have been for over two thousand years. The truth in those rules were defined, written down long before that time as well. Those rules have met with resistance throughout history. That is happening today,as well. And that is because of one reason only, " personal responsibility. " Being held to account by a higher power than our own. A portion of mankind has always sought a release from that obligation. That obligation can interfere with our gaining of wealth,position and power. Then we need to find a way to abandon those truths. Today we are trying to do that with science and our enlightened views. Yeah,well that has been tried for like the last two thousand years or so.
I watch and I listen. I state my opinions and beliefs. It is all I can offer to the discussion. It is my hope that all this delineation of moral behaviors leads to an acceptance of responsibility. It is the age old struggle,saying it and doing it ! Walk the walk. What did Jesus say ? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Isn't that responsibility ? It is a foolish person that adopts their morality based on public opinion. Might make you popular. Maybe even make you appear enlightened and current. Could bring you wealth. Or it could bring you eternal damnation. I'd think that decision over very carefully.  

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