Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Once again I find my thoughts are scattered. What is it they say to take for concentration,Ginko Biloba ? I can't think enough to remember ! There are just so many things going on that I can't seem to focus my thoughts on a single subject. So, for now, I can only offer opinions. Opinions are easy enough,just say what you think. Problem with opinions though, is they change. Opinions don't have the reputation for stability. And when it comes to opinions everyone has one. Even the Supreme Court of the United States issues an opinion. That is because it is subject to change. The Congress can change it by simply disagreeing. Wish it was that easy to change other peoples opinions.
As a general rule I try to keep my opinions to myself until I have substantial arguments or evidence to support it. Well, that is unless asked, then I'll just blurt out whatever thoughts come to mind. Or when I hear someone else give an opinion that I immediately disagree with, then I question that opinion. So you see it is not my fault that my opinions are often expressed, other people are talking.
The real problem comes when opinions are mistaken for facts. Happens individually and to entire populations. Opinions can not always be proven, but can be taken as fact. Can an opinion be fact ? Seems a bit contradictory doesn't it ? An opinion may be my truth,my fact. Does that then make it a fact to everyone else ? It is all very confusing at times.
I don't know, I can't concentrate on it right now. What is it that I was saying anyhow ? This change in seasons is catching up with me already. I'm having trouble selecting the proper gear. Literally and figuratively. Sweatshirt in the morning, tee shirt in the afternoon and back to a sweatshirt ! Can't decide what to wear. Windows open,windows closed. Took out the air conditioners. Too soon to turn on the heat.
And then there is the news. So much to think about in the world view. And the news on social media.Some need prayers,others need to wake up. This morning however, I'm keeping my opinions to myself. Opinions are more powerful than facts. At least that is my opinion. Now I'm giving an opinion on opinions ! I said I was keeping my opinions to myself,guess that changed. My opinion hasn't however. I just don't know what I have an opinion on !

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