Saturday, September 20, 2014


If you want to live life you must show up for it. I heard that said somewhere, at sometime. The thinking is straightforward and logical. Giving some thought to it's meaning I would have to conclude that it is correct. How many of us fail to show up ? We do have a tendency to make excuses for our absence. Our favorite would seem to be, discretion is the better part of valor. There is no denying that is good advice but you can't he a hero by following it. I believe we all want to be a hero of some type. A hero to our spouses or children certainly. If nothing more, a hero to ourselves. In our own minds we wish to possess the qualities of the hero. The humble hero is by far the most desirable.
The question really is, what is a hero ? I think a hero is just someone that does what needs to be done, irregardless of the cost. Being a hero is not a logical choice. I also think it is not a matter of fate.
Becoming a hero is a result of an action or actions. The hero that immediately comes to mind is the instantaneous creation of circumstance, doing whatever needed to be done at that instant. Whether it was done for self preservation or to the benefit of others is not the issue. Those types of actions will get you noticed that much is sure. Medals are awarded for that kind of stuff ! The heroes that often go unnoticed are those that do the little things over a lifetime. Only those close to that person are aware. Those heroes show up, for life. They make no excuses. That is not to say they don'r make mistakes, that is another matter, but they show up. They do not abandon their principles for gain. They just do what needs to be done.
There has been an increase in the honoring of heroes. At least it appears that way to me. Everyone is a hero these days. What that shows is a lowering of standards and expectations. A prevalent trend these days. What may appear as a " good " thing is turning into nothing more than a platitude. What value is it ? Commendable actions should not be confused with heroic action. The distinction is a fine one, but distinct nevertheless. Once the value of  honor is lowered it can not be regained. Consider this, the Medal of Honor, our nations highest award has only be given to three thousand five hundred and seven servicemen since 1861 ! Not a very large number when put into that context is it ? Those recipients are heroes. Consider too, that about 60% of those recipients since world war two were awarded that medal posthumously. That is the value of honor.
Heroes exhibit an ideal. Their actions are always positive and have positive results. The result may not be so positive for themselves, as evidenced by the number of medals issued posthumously, but their actions were worthy of honor. I am troubled by the lowering of this standard. I believe we all need heroes but we should not fabricate them. They must reflect the highest standard ! Heroes should inspire us to an ideal.
Now don't get upset. I'm not saying heroes do not walk among us everyday, they certainly do. I am not saying those honored as heroes are actively seeking that honor. What I am trying to say is that I feel we should be more reserved in our use of that term. If everyone is now to be considered a hero what do we call those that are ? How do we then make that distinction ? Who is more honored than a hero ? But then again maybe this trend is nothing more than our desire to state the obvious. That is also a prevalent thing today. That is why we have all those ribbons, isn't it ? I support this or that. And each one is an obvious cause to support. The latest being, I'm against domestic violence ! They'll be a ribbon for that , I'm thinking. Giving public voice to private thoughts. Well, all you really have to do is show up ! 

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