Monday, September 15, 2014


I recently read an article concerning the last church in Churchville. The town of Churchville in Iowa that is, not a Dr. Seuss story. The gist of the story was the Diocese felt that little country church was no longer an asset. Attendance was very low and it is just a business decision. The bishop feels the congregants would be better served in a large church down the road in another town.
I read that story with much sorrow. I have written about this trend lately myself. The disappearance of the small country churches. When the church building is no longer a viable business decision. Reality,but very sad indeed. My mind understands the practicality and necessity of it all, but still.
Some time back I wrote a blog about an old church here in Maryland. It was a sect called the Primitive Baptists. They had some different ways about them and the following died out,gave way to more modern forms of worship. The church building is now preserved as a historical landmark. It's only congregation buried in the cemetery surrounding it.
I have admired another of these small country churches as I pass it on the highway. It sits on the side of the highway, tucked away in a small clearing. I am not certain if it is being used or not but is in an excellent state of repair. I do not know the denomination of the parishioners,if there are any and that is not of importance anyway.
The thought came to me that these old church buildings are becoming historic landmarks and " tourist " attractions. Buildings to be admired as an artifact. I find that a bit disturbing. What has replaced them ? The large mega church with a sound stage ? I question the intimacy of those surroundings and it is my belief we should have an intimate relationship with our God. In a sense those mega-churches are no different than the large cathedrals, just the modern version. In the end I realize it is not the building, for no building is required at all to be truthful about it, It is just I feel a sadness at the loss.
How long will these little houses of worship survive ? When the revenue to maintain them becomes a burden, they will be gone. That is the long and short of it. Small congregations cannot sustain the property and that is reality. Is it that today's congregation demands more in the way of comfort and services ? Heating,cooling,rest rooms,electricity,kitchens and sound systems. We want lighting for the stage and power point presentations. Those little country churches had none of those. The sacrifice was to God. We attended despite the lack of creature comforts. We were more aware of the purpose of the visit ! Are we losing that spirit ? The real question is not whether we can afford the church building but will we pay the price ? Which is better, the buffet or Moms home cooking ? One is big and offers many choices while the other is limited in size. The buffet is certainly more entertaining and cost effective.
It is all a matter of personal preference. I would not argue that one is better than another. Both provide the nourishment-we require. It is all dependent upon what we have been fed in the past. What we are accustomed to. For me I am disturbed by the disappearance of the neighborhood churches. And I think that is what they are. Most started out as community churches. As the community grew so did the need for more space. Was a day when we just built another church. Now we just build a bigger church ! Is it because of the availability of transportation to get there, or economic reasons. Perhaps a combination of both. Now the trend is toward " regional " churches. I just wonder about whether it is the generation of revenue that is becoming of primary concern rather than the true purpose of the gathering ? Are we becoming so encumbered with the trappings of worship that we are forgetting the worship itself ? Will future generations look at those old country churches with amusement, much as we look at the little red schoolhouses ? Spiritual education is as important as academic. My question is, how are these large modern schools making out ? The education is fine but the social aspects are quite a bit different. We must guard against that in our churches as well. Just a thought.

A little red church
Religious Instruction 

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