Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Not a bad thing

I have a house guest this morning. It was a bit of an unplanned thing and a small surprise. Ah, but as Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory would say,what is life without whimsy ! My wife's sister is here and it is always nice to have family around. She went with us last evening to watch our grandson officiate his first soccer game. Gosh, we remembered him playing in those early games when all the players chased the ball as one unit,that is when they weren't picking the flowers or looking at clouds. Now, I watched as he went up and down the field in an official capacity. He was in charge ! Times sure does move on.
Having "company" does change the routine. Isn't that a funny saying," having company ? " It implies more than one but may only be one. Then we might say, you're not company,you're family. But after our siblings leave the house and then return home, they are company. Unless of course they return to live there,then you are family again. It can be a strange dynamic. Fortunately my having this company does not cause any inconvenience to myself. Joan is family ! And just like a family member we can speak our minds without fear of injury. It does take years to develop a relationship like that. It helps when you become less stubborn in your own views. I'll call that personal growth.
The next few days will be a change in pace. A bit more active and filled with chat and chatter. Sharing pictures and telling stories. Funny how you can tell the same stories year after year and still enjoy them. Sharing the past is something you can only do with family and friends. It is great when they are both. As we age these little changes in routine are far more noticeable than in past years. Although we welcome them, the effects are longer lasting. Adjustments do not happen as quickly. That goes for adjusting back,too.
This having " company " is similar to a change in seasons. You know it is going to happen,yet you can be surprised. It isn't always what you expect either. That can be a good thing ! I'm looking forward to the next " season " the next few days. By the end of the week Joan will return to her home. Then it will revert back to normal around here. The old routine. Not a bad thing but something that can be changed.

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