Thursday, September 19, 2013

Trust Yourself

Changes aren't always bad. Seems like a simple statement doesn't it ? I have found that most people view change with a sense of foreboding. I admit I usually do. Change can be unsettling. There are those that readily embrace change and those that do not. I subscribe to the theory that only fools rush in. I like to study and think about the implications of change before embracing them. It just seems like a logical approach. Check the depth of the water before diving in.
The adoption of change must be accompanied with trust. The long range effect of any change can not be determined without the passage of time. And time is something you can not get back. The best laid plans of man and a dozen other cliches come to mind. This acceptance of changes can be a difficult process. There are times when change is met with rejection. Immediate and complete rejection. In some area I am set in my ways and that will never change. To change that would be to compromise who I am. Another cliche pops to mind, be true, be you. Then again, to remain inflexible is too invite catastrophic failure. Consider the tree that bends in the wind and the one that is rigid. Which survives the wind of change ?
It does take a conscious effort to change. The changing of ones attitudes or belief system can be disturbing to say the least. A constant reminder and review of the reason for the change must be conducted. The things we learned as a child, on a subconscious level, from our parents, siblings and friends can be very hard to overwrite. The influences of the past often nag at us. If it was good enough for my father, it is good enough for me. How often have you heard that one ? If it was good enough for your father, why isn't it good enough for your children ? We all want better for our children. That involves change.
With all these writings I have done, I am finding I need change some things. Oh, I not saying I have discovered any eye opening revelations about myself, but have been surprised a few times. A work in progress. That is what each of us should be. Go ahead, make some changes, you might like it. I'm trying to take my own advice and sometimes that is the hardest advice of all.

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