Saturday, September 28, 2013

My World

In our little worlds. That is where all of us live. Some of us control the number and quality of those entering our world and some do not. How well do you protect and defend the border ? I keep the fences up most of the time. Years ago that wasn't always so. There were influences that caused breaches in this security. Some would label them bad habits. Others would call them adventures. The validity of both statements could be defended. I am open to new things and ideas, but am cautious in their adoption. Visitors in my world haven't always been good guests. Some have done significant damage.
Is it prejudice when you reject certain things based on past experience ? No, it is not. That is called wisdom. And wisdom is different for each of us. There are very few constants in this world. What is acceptable to you may offend me. It is this insistence that you conform to my ideals that leads to strife. I find it best to not allow that to enter my borders. An isolationist attitude ? Some would say so, but I don't feel that way. I think it is more of a pick and choose attitude. I don't condemn your choices  and you don't condemn mine. I have no expectation that you will agree with me. I may, no I will, tell you my thoughts and opinions. That is just in my nature. I love to talk and discuss. Some feel I talk too much. I am aware of that but it is what it is. Some feel I'm opinionated. Guilty as charged. Having an opinion however, is not a bad thing. Insisting others agree with your opinion is wrong. It is the difference between discussion and argument. I seldom argue, just discuss.
There was an episode on Seinfeld, if you are familiar with that show, that explored this idea of worlds. On the show , of course, it was humorous. The basis for most humor is" uncomfortable realities." That is how we deal with those things that are uncomfortable to us, we try to laugh them off. What else can you do ? You can't rally against everything that doesn't fit into your little world. You would never have any peace. Best to laugh it off, if it is not significant. Those things that have no direct impact on you are best left alone. The ones it effect can deal with that.
Here it comes, my opinion. The problem we have today is more and more people defending the borders of their worlds with hostility. They live, in what appears to me, hostile environments. They don't discuss, they insist they are correct. Instead of defending their position with wisdom and reason, they defend with anger. A lack of calm in the face of adversity. The prevailing attitude I perceive is one of veiled hostility. It takes very little to arouse the anger of these people. The attitude is one of somehow they are being cheated or denied. Frustration is an apt description I would say. A building tension in society as a whole.
These are the observations from my little world. I am very much aware of the outside world. I am increasingly becoming wary,as well. The separation between awareness and wary is a fine line. Paranoia is a easy world to enter. Laughter blocks the entrance to that world. So my advice is, lighten up, have a good laugh. Life isn't all that serious a business. 

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