Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bib and tucker

I'm watching the evening news and they were showing scenes from a funeral. It was a touching memorial service for a fallen firefighter. The cathedral was filled to capacity and a thousand more waited outside. As they showed the flag draped coffin being loaded into the hearse I noticed some of the pallbearers were wearing what appeared to be fatigues. I thought that to be a bit casual. I don't know about anyone else but when I go I want to be dressed up. My faith tells me I'm about to meet the Lord, and I want to make a good impression ! I expect those sending me off to be at least as well dressed as I am ! It is just a personal thing but one I find disrespectful and uncouth. I feel a funeral is a formal affair. I may have come into this world naked, but not going out that way. Those sending me off should be dressed accordingly.
I have mentioned this before. I live across the street from the funeral home and see many mourners coming and going. As a general rule the twenty to thirty somethings dress pretty darn casual and the older ones in more formal attire. I expect it is a generational thing. Well, attending a funeral is not a casual outing in the park. I know they call it a " celebration of life " nowadays but the fact is, the person is dead. Simple truth. I'm hoping no one celebrates when I'm gone. I like to think I will be missed and that some sadness is expressed. Just as in the old George Jones song, I'll be all dressed up to go away, please dress accordingly.
When I see the mourners dressed so casually I can't help but think they stopped by as an afterthought. They look like they were on the way to another event. I wouldn't wear shorts and a tee shirt to church,why would I wear that to a funeral ? I wonder if they feel it to be an inconvenience, to dress properly ? It is not too convenient for the deceased either !
Clothes make the man. We have all read that story. The moral in the story holds a lot of truth. When I attend a funeral I show my respect to the deceased and his family by dressing appropriately. I was taught this by my mother. Others will judge you by your appearance and I want mine to show respect. Putting on my best " bib and tucker " is the least I can do. 

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