Sunday, September 29, 2013

A time to relax

In a few days it will be October. The summer is long past by October, at least it always seemed that way when I was growing up. The leaves would be off the trees and a brisk wind blowing. Halloween was on our minds and the promise of snow. Geez, October was winter. Not according to the calendar but according to our internal clock it was. Raking up the leaves and burning them was last months job, that was past. Time to get out the scallop dredges and check that gear. I would start to look for my long clam rake. It usually sat gathering dust and rust in the corner of the basement. It wouldn't be long before I could head down to Napeauge and scratch up a mess of them long clams. Steamed clams, dipped in melted butter, on a cold day. Don't get much better than that.
I had been back in school almost a month by October. Back in the swing of things and the daily grind. School, homework and waiting for the weekend. Football was being played. Soccer wasn't on the list. Soccer was something we played in Gym class. No one I knew took that game seriously. Football now that was serious business. I never played the game. Never really had an interest. I wasn't what you would call a burly kid in high school and thought it best to avoid that game. Just seemed like a practical choice on my part. Would have been great to be a football hero, but I didn't feel it worth the risk to my body. No I'll leave the hero business to someone else.
My sisters birthday is in October. In our family, hers was the last of the year. No more birthday cakes until my birthday,all the way in July ! Everyone else was in September. All the cakes came in quick succession. Really in about a six week period. Then nine months till mine ! Odd man out,again. The thing was though I always got cool things for my birthday. Summer toys are far cooler than winter toys. One year I even got a large plastic boat ! Now how cool was that ? Came with two oars and I paddled that around for a long time. It was definitely a cool summer toy but didn't last through the winter. I tried using it as a sled. The combination of the cold and hitting large bumps put a large crack in the hull. It was fun for a while. Wouldn't have happened if there was a hill of water ! Stupid snow. Frozen water won't float a boat. Live and learn.
Now I don't have much to look forward to in October. Even the Grandkids are growing out of Halloween. They are at the point where they go more because it is expected of them, than for themselves. I'm thinking I will decorate for fall and include a few Halloween items. Time to pack the things of summer. I do enjoy seeing the mums and cornstalks. Hay bales always make me smile. And in the fall I think of those checked flannel shirts. You know the ones. The ones you wear as a jacket. Red and black checks come to mind. A comforting thought. Everyone wore them back in the day. Still see them occasionally. Just like old friends.
And like old friends they are welcome and warm the soul. Maybe that is the reason they are so popular. They warm you heart and soul, like Campbell soup. Now I want Tomato soup and Grilled Cheese. Can a big pot of vegetable beef soup be far behind ? And home made bread. The summer has been hectic and it is time to relax.That is what October is for. Business is gonna pick up, again real soon !

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