Sunday, September 8, 2013


You have heard the expression, skeletons in the closet, and I'm certain you have a few. I know I do and I'm not telling what they are. Those " skeletons " just hang around , food for thought. I often find myself reflecting upon them and wondering. The what if's can take over if you are not careful. It is not good to spend too much time what if'ing. You cannot change the past, only review it. Those old bones from the past can become a burden. There is relief however, expose them to the light of day. Study them honestly and completely and they soon disappear. It is not necessary to show them to anyone else. It is only necessary to expose them.
There are times when these skeletons sorta slip out on their own. I hate it when that happens. It is always embarrassing, like having your zipper down or something. Secrets do not want to remain secrets. They may have been hiding in there for years and just when you become unaware, there they are ! This is usually followed by a series of questions. You are going to be asked for an explanation. Almost always the explanation just makes it worse. The other skeletons want to follow.
Over the years the closet can get full. If one is wise and learns from the past, the admittance of additional skeletons becomes difficult. You and you alone control that. It is the wise man that gradually empties the closet. Removing the burdens of the past is good for the soul. One should periodically sort through that clutter and dispose of it. Forgive yourself for indiscretions of the past and focus upon the future.
There are some skeletons that we will carry forever. These are the ones that we never reach an agreement with, We find it impossible to reconcile our previous actions with today's thoughts. Do not allow these skeletons to rattle their bones. You can silence them with acceptance. Do not argue with them. Listen only and do not reply. That is the real key, listening. Like the teachers in school told you, you cannot listen while you are talking ! 

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