Wednesday, September 4, 2013


In listening to the news I get disgusted with their terminology. With regards to Syria and whether or not we will strike I keep hearing the same phrase from everyone, boots on the ground. Is that supposed to be some cool way of saying sending our troops into harms way ? We are discussing the potential loss of lives here, don't make it sound like a rap song ! Will we have boots on the ground,boots on the ground,are we gonna have boots on the ground ? That may be okay for two GI's talking in the barracks but the President,Secretary of State and speaker of the house on television ? I don't think so. It just doesn't lend an air of intelligence to the conversation. Maybe they have all been playing too many video games. Terms like. a surgical strike, limited engagement and secondary targets. phooey. Who is it they are trying to fool ? Not me that's for sure with their flippant remarks and Mr cool attitudes. And the President eluding to the fact that he thinks asking Congress for permission is optional ? What's up with that ? Oh, that's right he's not declaring war on Syria, just gonna blow a few things up, so it doesn't count. That's like saying I'm not going to fight you, just hit you a few times !
I'm making more out of it than it needs to be. The terms used shouldn't influence the decision making. I think I just expect more intelligent discussion. Why are they even discussing it on the news in the first place ? We elect these officials to be our representatives, shouldn't we let them represent us ? These discussions should be done privately and be judged upon their actions. That is why we vote. Don't like what they did ? Don't vote for them again. A simple concept really. To vote for an individual is to place your trust in him/her. To withdraw that trust whenever a decision needs to be made is somewhat hypocritical,don't you think ?
It is my belief, for the most part, people want to be led. This has always been true. Sometimes there are bad leaders, this is true, but people follow. All this discussion, in public, erodes the confidence of the people. They start second guessing the leader. It isn't long before dissension and eventual chaos will ensue. In America we get to decide every four years and every two years to replace or retain our representatives. That is our form of censorship to inhibit the gathering of too much power. Unfortunately  right now in America I see no leader. The President isn't leading, he is ridiculed more than anything else, and the Congress isn't showing much resolve either. All I see is posturing and double talk. What is necessary is this, instead of putting " boots on the ground " the American people need to apply a boot to those that fail to lead ! And we all know where that boot should go.

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