Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Falling Prey

You can call it spying, but I call it tracking. I'm being hunted. My habits are being studied and the bait is being offered. I see it on the sidebar of my Facebook page every day. Targeted advertisement they call it. Advertisement that has been refined and narrowed to a specific demographic; me. My interests, however fleeting, are being monitored.
My interests are rather ordinary and mundane. I like cars, music, politics and history. I do wander around a bit on this world wide web but am careful of the neighborhoods I visit. Just as in real life, there are dangerous and unseemly areas. There are those that prey upon the unwary. The best advice is not to tempt fate but avoid that situation altogether. If you wouldn't go somewhere with your wife and children, you probably shouldn't go there at all. Someone is watching ! But even that is not the point. It shouldn't matter if anyone is watching or not. If you conduct yourself in a moral and responsible fashion, that isn't an issue.
The whole point of the sidebar advertising is the same as any other. To get you to purchase a product or support a cause. Money is the target. To get you to " buy " whether it be a material object or an idea. I buy very little, whether online or off. Call me a skeptic, or call me cheap but I just don't buy a whole lotta stuff.
I am more of an admirer. I like to look and discuss. I do find it interesting to figure out the angle. The latest one showing up on the sidebar is for Freelance Writers. Apparently there is a high demand for freelance writers and there are those willing to just throw money at you for doing it. According to the ad I could retire from my regular job and just write. No need for experience or training, no sir. Just accept the assignments and collect big rewards. Joe from Arizona did it, and now lives in a mansion. No stress, no worries, just sit back and write. I haven't clicked on the link to find out but I wonder how much that would cost me ? I'm not that curious though.
Whoever analyzes my viewing habits and decides which ads should go on there must be scratching their head. I often look things up for my blog writing and for my wife. One minute I'm looking at a speech from President Kennedy and the next I'm looking up a crochet pattern. Then I'm on You Tube. Might be listening to just about anything on there or watching videos. Shaolin Monks to Hank Williams Sr. And then my Grandson and Granddaughter get on here too. Morgan watching dance videos and Mark watching soccer or some new song about what a Fox says. It must keep'em guessing.
I expect a computer program somewhere keeps track of all this stuff. They must have a formula of some type to determine what to put on there. They do get my attention every now and again and I suppose that is there purpose. The effectiveness of these ads are questionable. Perhaps to others they prove irresistible. If I had a large amount of disposable income there effectiveness may indeed be greater. I can't be sure about that. I'll have to wait for that to happen first.
When I was a Navy Recruiter we were sent to school to learn the basics of selling a product,any product. The instructor told us we would never look at a sales pitch the same again. He was right. I learned the five steps to a sale and have never forgotten them. They are 1) conversation. Just start a conversation. 2) curiosity. Make them curious about your product or service. 3) conviction. Speak with conviction about your product. Use phrases like, you can,you will. 4) desire. Make them want the product. They have to have it. They need it. This product will improve there life. 5) close. Make the deal, quickly and firmly. Stay excited for them. You must act now !
Remember these steps when you encounter a salesman and you can stay prepared. These steps expose the plot. Be aware. You are being hunted !

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