Saturday, June 22, 2013

Taking a shot

The other day I went out to take a few pictures. I had this idea about setting the camera lens height at the height of a three year old child. My thought was to see the town from their angle. I mounted the camera on a tripod and set out. I just started setting the thing down and snapping the shot. Not being a real photographer the project didn't turn out as I had hoped. No matter, it was fun and didn't cost a thing. Might be a good project for a professional to attempt, if someone hasn't already done that.
As I walked around taking these pictures I had several people ask, what are you taking pictures of ? Why are you taking pictures ? For the most part I just got curious stares. A few people eyed me with suspicion. It wasn't unexpected as I have done these little projects before and got the same response. Human curiosity is boundless. I just chuckle and say, oh, I'm taking pictures of just about anything. Sometimes I'll explain the project and sometimes not. It would seem most people show some trepidation about having pictures taken. I wonder what the reaction would be if I asked to photograph them ? What would you say ? A total stranger approaches you and asks if he can take your picture ? I think I would feel a little uneasy. With the ladies I'm sure it would really be an uneasy situation, for both of us. Well, that is something to think about but I wouldn't have the nerve to ask so it is a mute point.
If we had had digital photography when I was younger maybe I would have become a photographer. My Great Uncle Fred Terry was. He was a studio photographer and had a business in Miami. All that was long ago and I can only speculate about who he may have taken pictures of. I do have some family snapshots that he is credited with. I was told he photographed my Great Grandmother as she was laid out in the parlor ! I was led to understand it was customary at that time. Sounds creepy and I'm glad I do not have that shot !
I do print out the best ones. I have talked about this before and I do think about that. How many pictures will be lost because we do not print them. Will this digital media survive the test of time ? I hope so because we certainly document everything nowadays. When it doesn't cost anything at all you can do that. Are all the pictures worth keeping ? Probably not, but you never know what may be revealed in the background. I find the background is often more interesting in older pictures than the subject. A kind of collateral capture.
I will think about taking pictures of the residents of Greensboro. An album possibly. On this day or something like that. Could prove of interest, at least locally. Might work.

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