Sunday, June 23, 2013

Still in the game

I was watching the ballgame and listening to the commentary. They were speaking about the veteran players. That is when I first noticed something. Those veterans were awful young looking. Wait a minute, they are young ! When did that happen ? When I was a kid I looked up to those players. They looked so grown up and , my God, they were professional players. They must be old. Now I've got socks that old. Veterans ? I've been retired from the Navy longer than their career. Now I understand why they called them the boys of spring. They are not much more than boys.
All things are relative. Those veterans are old compared to the rookies. Strange how fast our bodies do slow down. Even for dedicated athletes reflexes and reactions slow down. Your bones ache and recovery takes longer. Our minds don't seem to comprehend that though. I still think I can do things that I can't or at least shouldn't attempt. I know I can't play in the infield anymore, but maybe the outfield. That is just the mind talking, the body says something entirely different.
I think it is a good thing that our mind refuses to accept that. It is better when our mind listens to reason though. Thinking young is being young. Aging is like being graded on the curve. It can be of benefit to you. As long as you can stay ahead of the curve that is ! The best way to do that is not to quit. Keep trying. Being a veteran of life is the goal. Veterans perform with wisdom and knowledge of the game. Instincts honed over the years. If one has the proper responses one doesn't have to always move fast. Also you come to realize you can't always be right and change the play to suit the circumstance. Strategic withdrawal is as important as an aggressive offense.
It is still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that these ballplayers are so young. In their twenties. The veterans in their thirties and a few in their forties. I have to really think about it if I want to remember being twenty or so. I wonder if they are aware that they are in their prime ? I'm not but I think I'm getting there. Another decade or so ought to do it. The real question for me is what will I do when I get there ? Will I be an All Star or just another platoon player ? Only time and circumstance will tell. In the meantime, I'm still in the game.

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