Thursday, June 13, 2013


The weatherman is whipping up a frenzy over impending storms. The word, Derecho, is being thrown about. Radar pictures are flashing across the screen. Chicken Little would be proud.
The funny part in all of this is that I heard the word Derecho for the first time last year. Storms came through last June. Rain, wind and severe thunderstorms. Trees were toppled and localized flooding. After this storm the weatherman started using the term Derecho. He explained what it meant. The general impression was this type of storm was a new phenomenon. A new name was given. This wasn't just a storm, or a noreaster , wasn't a hurricane. No sir, this was a Derecho. Now they are predicting them. I'm thinking the weather folks just like saying the word Derecho.
Everything has to have a label I suppose. A way of defining what it is you are talking about. These Derecho storms used to be just severe thunderstorms but not anymore. We have a much more professional sounding term. A term that needs explanation from an expert. I'm thinking it is all a part of the baffle them with bull thing. Start using terms most won't understand and make yourself feel important. We have a way of doing that in these modern times. Our workers are technicians, specialists and engineers. Fancy titles to make it sound good. Sanitary engineers, garbage man. The specialist, only does one thing. The weatherman is a Meteorologist. Also the meteorologist seems to be the entry level position for the news team, only a step up from traffic reporter.
Well it is what it is. Whatever makes you feel comfortable is fine. Wanna call it a Derecho ? Okay that's alright but it is just a line of thunderstorms to me. Happens a lot in the summer months. But we do have that fancy new word to impress our friends with. I googled the definition to be sure I got it right.
Derecho : widespread, long lived, straight line wind storms associated with a fast moving band of severe thunderstorms. Interesting is the fact this word comes from the Spanish. An integration of language. Didn't have these Derecho storms before that ! Just sayin'. So I'm blaming it on the immigrants.

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