Sunday, June 16, 2013

due time

You go along in life feeling the same , same old ,same old and then something happens. This time it was an accident. Didn't happen to me but to the wife. Friday morning she was riding her bicycle over to the grandchildrens house when it happened. Losing her balance and tumbling on her left side. She knew right away that she hurt, and hurt badly. She couldn't get up and the paramedics were called. Those intrepid volunteers came through once again to get her stabilized and transported to the emergency room. Before the day was over she was in shock trauma at the University of Maryland. Eleven broken ribs and a fractured scapula ! The care was excellent and she is now home gain. A long process of healing has just begun.
When something like this happens it does make you realize how fortunate we are everyday that it is the same old thing. Same isn't so bad after all. I find myself wishing for that right now. Life does turn on a dime. I am grateful that there weren't any more serious damages. Broken limbs or punctured lungs for instance. Either one of those was a distinct possibility. Help was close at hand and responded immediately. The kindness and caring of others renewed my faith in humanity. For that I am grateful.
I hope the healing process goes along well. I know it is going to take some time. Some good will come of this, as it always does in these situations. One must believe God works in mysterious ways. This too had a purpose and that purpose will be revealed to us in due time. 

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