Sunday, June 2, 2013

I member

Perhaps I should have started writing down my memories a little earlier. In the last few days I have apparently made a few errors. The misplacing of a location or some other fact. Has the fog of time begun to descend upon me ? It does for most of us, but I never expected it this soon. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I would have to say absence makes the location change a bit as well. But then, I try not to let the facts get in the way of a good story.
The functioning of the human mind is indeed a mysterious thing. The scientist tell us it is electrical charges. Okay, still doesn't explain memory now does it ? I guess my battery is running a little low lately. Time for a recharge. And I seem to be picking up unrelated thoughts. I think that is how those mistakes may have happened. Thinking about one thing and picking up memories about another. Dementia ? Alzheimer's ? Or just forgetful ? We can all wind up facing these things. I pray it doesn't happen to me. I also pray that our scientists find some solution or treatment for these things.
When one begins to think they are expert, that is where trouble can begin. I'm no expert, apparently not even of my own memory ! LOL I've known that for quite a while though. My sister has different memories about things that we did together. Only one of us can be right. She is older, so I'm going with the fog reached her first theory.
I'm just kidding around here though. I don't think there is anything wrong with my memory just yet. I have made mistakes or misspoken several times. People do that. I'm always glad for the correction when I receive it. It is a humbling thing. Some take offense at being corrected but I just smile and scratch my head. That's right, how did I get that wrong ? Sometimes it is downright funny ! I'll laugh out loud and then have to explain to my wife why it is funny. Things are rarely funny when you have to explain them.
There is a bright side to this however. Should my memory fail me I can start writing the same stories all over again. I won't know the difference. Maybe some of the stories will come out differently. Maybe I'll think I won the lottery ! Believing is almost as good as having, isn't it ? Most things I " member. " It is the " re " membering " that gets tough.

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