Friday, June 7, 2013

Being Brave

Yesterday was the 69th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy. Operation Overlord. It was mentioned in the news and showed up on social media pages. I was glad for the reminder. The veterans of that battle are fast leaving us. Indeed the veterans of that entire war are fast leaving us.
As I read and listened to the stories of heroism that took place on that day I could not but help but be proud. My own father had served in that war, he didn't invade Normandy, but served in the Army Air force. A week or so ago it was pointed out to me that the majority of the participants in that conflict were draftees. I was and am surprised by that statistic. I guess I tend to think of that generation as more patriotic than mine. I was expecting eager and willing volunteers ! That isn't to say they were not willing, just not as eager as I thought.
As I thought about all of that I thought just how remarkable it all was. These draftees wading ashore, under heavy gunfire, watching their fellow soldiers being shot,drowned and wounded. The screams of the wounded and sounds of battle must have been horrific. Yet they persevered. Heroes ? Through the eyes of history, yes they were heroes. The original G.I. Joe . Few I met afterward would claim to be so. Most I spoke with said little about the war and would only say they did what had to be done. Those draftees didn't protest or try to evade their responsibility to the nation. They went, they served and the lucky ones came home.
As I spoke with some of the younger crowd it became evident they had little or no knowledge of all of this. Beyond what Hollywood has depicted and what was mentioned in history class, no idea. It is that way with all wars eventually. The memory fades and slips into history. The stories of that war become just that,stories. Some battles become the stuff of legend and others fade into obscurity. For the participants each battle they were in will not be forgotten. Each battle a struggle for life.
I am forced to ask the question. Would I have done the same ? Would I have had the courage to do it ? For that is what it took, Bravery, not heroism. The land of the free and the home of the Brave. Isn't that what the song says ? Isn't that what was required ? They were indeed brave men and women. I am thankful for their bravery and thankful that I never had to really find out if I have the courage. When man reaches the point were no one has to be tested in that fashion we will have evolved. Then we will have the final triumph. Sadly, we have a long way to go.

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