Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Discomforting Proposition

They were talking on the news this morning about allowing women in combat roles. More specifically the Rangers in the Army and Navy seals. This comes as no surprise to me, it has been on the horizon for a good while. I am not opposed to this but feel it would be a difficult thing to implement. I don't believe there would be any issues with physicality, there are plenty of women capable enough, but the physiological impact I'm not too sure about. I do expect in the long run it would become commonplace and expected.
The roles of men and women have been changing over the years. This is obvious to even the most casual observer. This change would just be another step. The question is ,is this a step too far ? And the answer is dependent upon the circumstance and person answering the question. Irregardless, this step will be taken.
Is this just one more chink out of the armor of manhood ? That is the real issue. Yes, even in our modern, enlightened times, men still have the upper hand, for the most part. Chauvinism still exists ! So does feminism for that matter. Both are called into play when useful or convenient. How will society view me, as a man, if I send my wife off to to do the fighting ? Oh, it is fine for a man to go off to war but a woman ? Not that they haven't done so in the past. Quite the contrary is true but to give them the status of Warrior is quite another thing entirely. Princess Warrior is good, as long as she is beautiful and wearing little armor, but full combat gear is unappealing. Such is the thoughts of men.
As for me I don't think I would have a real problem with it. If I need backup or am in a firefight I really am not concerned about the gender of the person helping me. As long as they can shoot it's all good ! The problem lies after the battle. Male pride and ego may suffer the most damage. It is not easy to change that after hundreds of years. Our roles are not so clear. Confusion can breed contempt. It can lead to division. It will be a very difficult proposition. It may even cost lives.
It will happen though. I have no doubts about that. Realistically there is no reason why it shouldn't. I can think of no effective reason why it shouldn't. The only impediment will be the acceptance of this by men. Given a vote I would vote in the negative. I'm still a little bit old school. Still a bit of a chauvinist. I'll hold the door open for ladies and fight their battles for them. I would feel a bit less than a man if  it were otherwise.  My generation will one day pass into history and with it some of our attitudes. It ain't happening yet. Change happens, slowly and surely. Changes in Attitude. Isn't there a Jimmy Buffett song about that ? Sometimes the changes are uncomfortable. 

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