Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pages in Life

The end of the school year is here. Awards are being received and pictures taken. The summer lies before us and plans are being made. As I was looking at the pictures and awards the grandchildren received I was thinking about what did you do with yours ? I don't recall getting many when I was in school. I would think I did but not sure about that. I know I got a lot of them during my Navy career. They range from promotion certificates to letters of appreciation and certificates of voyages taken. They are all in a pile ,somewhere. I'm not certain where they are. They were important for a day or two and then fade away. What about yours ? Do you display them or keep then tucked away ?
Pictures are the same way. We take them, immediately review them and share them. After that they sit on the computer or tucked away in an old photo album. How often do you look at pictures taken six months ago ? We take them to preserve the memory, yet by the time we get to looking at them we sometimes forget what they are ! Happens to me anyway. Especially old vacation photos. Now just what is that I took this picture of ?
My grandson Mark just received some pretty prestigious awards. I purchased some frames for them and we hung them in his room. He enjoyed that and so did I. I think these things should be displayed. Is it bragging ? No, I don't think so unless you point them out to people. If they discover them on their own it's not. Will they wind up in the attic someday ? Probably. It has been my observation however that items that are framed tend to stick around. Loose papers and certificates tend to wander off and get lost. That is true of photographs as well.
I'm no interior decorator but I think the decor in your home should reflect your life. Old pictures and framed certificates on the walls. I don't want my house to look like a museum but it should display some of those things. Choosing the ones to display can be difficult. Ones with a bit of color or interesting decoration around the edges work best, I think. Ones with the dates are good. These items are glimpses of the past. And it is the past that makes a home. That's the real reason for these things, a connection to the past. Remembering how you felt when you received that item, or how you felt when the photo was taken, that is their value. I think surrounding yourself with these " comfort " items influences you daily. They can bring a little cheer. The trick is to find the balance. The balance between yesterday and today. Guess you could say that about life in general as well. It is a balance. Looking back while moving ahead but aware of today. Smell the roses but don't forget to crush a few between the pages. The pages that are your life.

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