Saturday, June 29, 2013

Seriously Funny

It has been pointed out to me that my writings have taken on a rather somber tone. I can not disagree with that analysis. Lately that is the way I have been feeling. Perhaps it comes with aging. At some point you do begin to realize that life is a serious business. You only get one shot at it. They are no do-overs. That isn't to say I don't have plenty of time left, just an awareness. As with anything new it takes a little getting used to. After a while one will become comfortable again.
I find many amusing little things throughout the day. Few are worth writing an essay about. I'll leave that to the stand up comics. So I would say my general countenance is cheerful. My grandson thinks I'm a little too social. He says that because I will often greet strangers with a friendly hello or a weather related comment.
I do think anyone that has read a number of my posts, and has never met me personally , would be surprised. I'm just as sure the opposite is true. Our online personalities and our writing personalities will vary somewhat from our everyday actions. For instance I do not speak the same way I write. Writing seems to demand a larger vocabulary. That is because of a lack of facial expression and body language. Trying to find the correct word to convey my meaning. That in itself can cause misunderstanding. Some would think I'm putting on airs, while some may think me a scholar. Neither is the reality.
The truth of the matter is I'm a man from small town America. I grew up with a certain set of values and traditions. Like a lot of others I ventured forth to experience all the world had to offer. I met with some success and some failures. Being glad for the experiences, yet longing for the past. Not just the past of home, but the past of America. Many changes have taken place over the years. I was a part of those changes, one might say an enabler. Sometimes the changes come faster than I can adjust. Some changes I'd like to take back. I have come to realize that a portion of our past is myth. Even in our own minds this is true. As the years progress the myths increase. The sledding hill gets higher and adventures of youth become epic stories of triumph. That is the kindness of aging. We always have that to fall back upon. Life is seriously funny and all we can do is live it.


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