Sunday, June 30, 2013

Into the clouds

I'm reading one the blogs I follow and discover that Google reader goes away tomorrow. I wonder what that means ? A suggested alternative was provided by this fellow blogger. So off into the cyber world to find out what this is all about. To be honest, I still don't really understand it but I have switched to Freeby, I think. I don't know it is all very confusing to the uninitiated. All I know is I want to be able to read those blogs that I follow. As to what will happen to my blogs and if anyone else will be able to read them I haven't yet decided. It will be a wait and see kind of thing. I think I need an explanation of Google reader for dummies and what it all means to me. I didn't know I had Google reader. Isn't Google, Google ? Apparently not, not any more than Ford is a car I guess. Depends upon the year and model.
Now this one I selected was recommended by some " expert " not that fellow blogger. It isn't that I don't trust that bloggers opinion but thought I'd have a look on my own. This expert claims this was the easiest way to transfer my RSS feeds. Don't know what they are but I better transfer them. The big selling point was a one click deal and it linked to Facebook. Probably some more information gathering from the government but I don't care. I just want to read those blogs.
Now I have a new system thing to learn about. First is how to get back to it. The expert says I can customize the view to suit. He says it is real easy, I like that, and smooth. Like smooth, too ! This wasn't what I expected to be doing on a Sunday but I'll have to devote some time to it. Hope I can figure it out. Well I didn't pay anything for this Google reader thing that is going away so I have no reason to complain. The cyber world giveth and taketh away. Now the one I have says I'm in the cloud. Soaring to new heights I guess ? I just hope it isn't a storm cloud !

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Seriously Funny

It has been pointed out to me that my writings have taken on a rather somber tone. I can not disagree with that analysis. Lately that is the way I have been feeling. Perhaps it comes with aging. At some point you do begin to realize that life is a serious business. You only get one shot at it. They are no do-overs. That isn't to say I don't have plenty of time left, just an awareness. As with anything new it takes a little getting used to. After a while one will become comfortable again.
I find many amusing little things throughout the day. Few are worth writing an essay about. I'll leave that to the stand up comics. So I would say my general countenance is cheerful. My grandson thinks I'm a little too social. He says that because I will often greet strangers with a friendly hello or a weather related comment.
I do think anyone that has read a number of my posts, and has never met me personally , would be surprised. I'm just as sure the opposite is true. Our online personalities and our writing personalities will vary somewhat from our everyday actions. For instance I do not speak the same way I write. Writing seems to demand a larger vocabulary. That is because of a lack of facial expression and body language. Trying to find the correct word to convey my meaning. That in itself can cause misunderstanding. Some would think I'm putting on airs, while some may think me a scholar. Neither is the reality.
The truth of the matter is I'm a man from small town America. I grew up with a certain set of values and traditions. Like a lot of others I ventured forth to experience all the world had to offer. I met with some success and some failures. Being glad for the experiences, yet longing for the past. Not just the past of home, but the past of America. Many changes have taken place over the years. I was a part of those changes, one might say an enabler. Sometimes the changes come faster than I can adjust. Some changes I'd like to take back. I have come to realize that a portion of our past is myth. Even in our own minds this is true. As the years progress the myths increase. The sledding hill gets higher and adventures of youth become epic stories of triumph. That is the kindness of aging. We always have that to fall back upon. Life is seriously funny and all we can do is live it.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Not Yet

Resignation. That is the word to describe my feelings this morning. Resigned. I watch the news and am left with that. The fight has been fought and the court has decided. I must resign. I have written my opinions, spoken my opinions and voiced my objections, all to no avail. The decision did not go my way.
I will not speak further. The roar of the Lion has been replaced with the grumbling of the meek. I must accept that.
With that resignation comes a sadness. A sadness for a dream lost along the way. A sadness that there was nothing I could do to prevent this. Future generations will come to resent this decision and my generation is to blame. The torch was passed to us from the greatest generation and we have done little but tarnish it. We should be ashamed. The time is fast approaching for us to hand that torch over. And what will we be handing it to ? A generation of our creation. A generation of everything for everybody and a generation where one looks to pass the blame and responsibility. A generation either unwilling or afraid to stand up for what is just and right. A generation without a spine.
We have ridden on the laurels of our parents and grandparents. We who have done nothing but complain and protest. It is time for us to grow up and accept that responsibility from our parents and grandparents. Time to apply the principles set forth by the founding fathers. Time to quit second guessing their meanings and intent. Time to return to America.
And now I know I cannot resign. I may feel that way, but it is not in me. I will not acquiesce to what I feel is wrong. I shall continue to speak after all. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The snake in the garden

I wonder if there was a time before money ? A time when wealth wasn't that important. I don't think that ever existed except perhaps in the garden of Eden. And even then the snake came along offering forbidden fruit, a form of wealth. Isn't that what money is for ? To obtain the things you want ? Need and want can be the same, but most times radically different. Food and shelter can be had for the taking. Well, I should say, could be had for the taking before there were fees to be paid for that privilege. You could build a shelter too. Now you need a permit and a lot of money.
Man has always searched for a way to elevate himself above his fellow man. Intelligence doesn't always work, brute force doesn't always work, lots of money does ! Given sufficient funds, whether they be hard cash or bartered items, a man can rule over the others that are less fortunate. The word fortunate itself eludes to just that, does it not ?
Money can't buy the things we desire the most though. Love, acceptance or intelligence. These items are not for sale. Yet man spends most of his time trying to acquire wealth. I think it is the need to be comfortable while you search for those things. It is also a lot easier to fool yourself into a feeling of security if you have lots of money. We spend a lifetime acquiring something we can't take with us. The funny thing is those with wealth are usually either admired or resented. Few are what you would call beloved, unless they are giving their wealth away.
It is a nice thought to live without the need for money. To be dependent upon nothing but your own abilities. The problem lies in the social aspect. Man is a social creature and requires that to survive. Man also wants to dominate. Ego enters the equation and with that greed and avarice. That is what the snake in the garden offered and that is what was taken.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Carnival

The grand children went to the carnival last night. Grandma and Grandpa did not attend. This is the first year we have not done so. Of course Grandma is mending from her recent accident so it was definitely out of the question for her and I chose not to. The kids are ten and twelve now and the carnival doesn't hold the same excitement for them as it did. They still want to go, who doesn't like a carnival, but the rides are pretty tame and there games uninteresting. They are at that in between stage. A little old for the thrills offered, now become tame, yet too young for romantic interests. Isn't that why we went as teenagers ? I can't speak for the girls but for us guys it was a chance to show off our prowess at the games. A chance to be, cool !
The fun of the carnival over the last ten years or so has been watching the grand children. We watched them ride those tiny cars on a merry go round when they thought that was exciting. We have watched them progress to conquer every ride offered. Now those rides are so blase to them. When their excitement was gone, so was mine. There teenage years loom ahead and they won't want Grandparents around then. It is the natural course of things.
On the last day of the carnival they will have a fireworks display. It is always around the fourth of July and tied in. Earlier in that same day will be a parade. This year I see-it advertised as a Patriotic Parade. Maybe it was called that in the past but I do not recall that. We are planning to have the kids decorate their bicycles, old school style, and join the parade. I have never seen any children in Greensboro do this, but it was mentioned in the advertising. We will be watching the parade.
The carnival has begun and Morgan goes to camp today. Summer is here and in full swing !

Monday, June 24, 2013

On Love

I was asked once about the nature of love. I can only say this, True love holds no expectations, only hope. Love cannot be given or taken, only offered or rejected. And we really don't get a choice in either. You do or you don't. Is it possible to quit loving ? No, I don't think so. When we say we fall out of love what we mean is we abandon hope. Without hope, love cannot survive. The love we feel never goes away, only redirected. One can love many things without the necessity of action. Love does not have to be proved.
How do we know if this love is real ? One can only hope for that. You can not make it so. Any attempt to to so leads to expectations, and love has none.
And so love is an enigma. Perplexing in it's existence and complex in description. To give freely without the expectation of return is a foreign thing to us humans. The world has taught us otherwise. We become jaded. To love with a motive is a false love. Consider the first moments of love. Those times when you love and hope for a return of that love. A time when hope is all you have. Is not that love the best of all ? Isn't that the love of fire and passion poets write about ? The intangible.It is the desire to capture that love that gives love it's character. Love is not the promise but the hope. As was famously stated by Alexander Pope, hope springs eternal. And with eternal hope, love abides.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Still in the game

I was watching the ballgame and listening to the commentary. They were speaking about the veteran players. That is when I first noticed something. Those veterans were awful young looking. Wait a minute, they are young ! When did that happen ? When I was a kid I looked up to those players. They looked so grown up and , my God, they were professional players. They must be old. Now I've got socks that old. Veterans ? I've been retired from the Navy longer than their career. Now I understand why they called them the boys of spring. They are not much more than boys.
All things are relative. Those veterans are old compared to the rookies. Strange how fast our bodies do slow down. Even for dedicated athletes reflexes and reactions slow down. Your bones ache and recovery takes longer. Our minds don't seem to comprehend that though. I still think I can do things that I can't or at least shouldn't attempt. I know I can't play in the infield anymore, but maybe the outfield. That is just the mind talking, the body says something entirely different.
I think it is a good thing that our mind refuses to accept that. It is better when our mind listens to reason though. Thinking young is being young. Aging is like being graded on the curve. It can be of benefit to you. As long as you can stay ahead of the curve that is ! The best way to do that is not to quit. Keep trying. Being a veteran of life is the goal. Veterans perform with wisdom and knowledge of the game. Instincts honed over the years. If one has the proper responses one doesn't have to always move fast. Also you come to realize you can't always be right and change the play to suit the circumstance. Strategic withdrawal is as important as an aggressive offense.
It is still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that these ballplayers are so young. In their twenties. The veterans in their thirties and a few in their forties. I have to really think about it if I want to remember being twenty or so. I wonder if they are aware that they are in their prime ? I'm not but I think I'm getting there. Another decade or so ought to do it. The real question for me is what will I do when I get there ? Will I be an All Star or just another platoon player ? Only time and circumstance will tell. In the meantime, I'm still in the game.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Taking a shot

The other day I went out to take a few pictures. I had this idea about setting the camera lens height at the height of a three year old child. My thought was to see the town from their angle. I mounted the camera on a tripod and set out. I just started setting the thing down and snapping the shot. Not being a real photographer the project didn't turn out as I had hoped. No matter, it was fun and didn't cost a thing. Might be a good project for a professional to attempt, if someone hasn't already done that.
As I walked around taking these pictures I had several people ask, what are you taking pictures of ? Why are you taking pictures ? For the most part I just got curious stares. A few people eyed me with suspicion. It wasn't unexpected as I have done these little projects before and got the same response. Human curiosity is boundless. I just chuckle and say, oh, I'm taking pictures of just about anything. Sometimes I'll explain the project and sometimes not. It would seem most people show some trepidation about having pictures taken. I wonder what the reaction would be if I asked to photograph them ? What would you say ? A total stranger approaches you and asks if he can take your picture ? I think I would feel a little uneasy. With the ladies I'm sure it would really be an uneasy situation, for both of us. Well, that is something to think about but I wouldn't have the nerve to ask so it is a mute point.
If we had had digital photography when I was younger maybe I would have become a photographer. My Great Uncle Fred Terry was. He was a studio photographer and had a business in Miami. All that was long ago and I can only speculate about who he may have taken pictures of. I do have some family snapshots that he is credited with. I was told he photographed my Great Grandmother as she was laid out in the parlor ! I was led to understand it was customary at that time. Sounds creepy and I'm glad I do not have that shot !
I do print out the best ones. I have talked about this before and I do think about that. How many pictures will be lost because we do not print them. Will this digital media survive the test of time ? I hope so because we certainly document everything nowadays. When it doesn't cost anything at all you can do that. Are all the pictures worth keeping ? Probably not, but you never know what may be revealed in the background. I find the background is often more interesting in older pictures than the subject. A kind of collateral capture.
I will think about taking pictures of the residents of Greensboro. An album possibly. On this day or something like that. Could prove of interest, at least locally. Might work.

Friday, June 21, 2013

So Surprising

There is a whole lot of hoopla about Paula Deen using the ' N " word. She admits that she probably has said it in the past sometime. Maybe after an African American citizen stuck a gun in her face trying to rob the bank. She is over fifty and comes from the south. Maybe she said it in conversation with close friends before she became famous. Does it make it right ? Of course not but certainly not surprising. Why the big deal ? Little Wayne walked, literally walked, on the American flag but you didn't hear much about that. That's okay because it it protected under the first amendment. Rap stars and the like can use that term all they want, and get applauded. Comedians use it all the time, it's funny stuff. So just how is something Paula Deen probably said years ago so offending ? How is this such a grievous thing ? Lots of celebrities cheat on their spouses, get arrested for drunk driving,spousal abuse and all matter of immoral acts but that's okay. They go to rehab or see a therapist and it's okay. Does Paula Deen need therapy ? Probably, she didn't tell us about her diabetes for a couple of years. She is obviously a desperate person. Cooking with all that butter and not telling us she had diabetes. The car companies don't tell us running into a brick wall is bad for you either, but they keep on manufacturing !
Have you listened to prime time television lately ? Have you heard the language they use ? Listen to the radio and you will hear every foul mouthed,derogatory term you can imagine and some you can't. But this one word is so offensive it proves that whoever uses it is a bigot ! Whoever uses this word believes in discrimination ! Anyone that uses this word is evil !
The whole deal is just ridiculous. If that is the only proof you have, her own confession that she probably said it, you don't have much of a case. A disgruntled former employee, who happens to be black, making these allegations in an effort to collect. That is what it is. If she was so discriminatory why did she hire him at all ? Send her to therapy, rehabilitate her, it wasn't her fault. She is a product of her environment. If I'm her lawyer that is what I'm saying. And that is just as ridiculous.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Here's a thought

On the news they were talking about a study showing the effects of distracted driving. Text messaging and cell phone use being the primary causes. The need to raise awareness was being emphasized. Then they went to commercial. The commercial was advertising a new vehicle. Several features were being prominently featured. These features were, you guessed it, the ability to send text messages and a built in cell phone ! Bluetooth technology at its' finest. Well, this thought just jumped into my head. Why aren't we making these vehicles so that this technology can not be used while the engine is running ? Why don't we incorporate some sort of jamming technology that prevents incoming messages while the vehicle is running ? Must be a way to jam the cell phone signal. And I'm not even mentioning all the other entertainment systems available. Or the in dash digital map display. Maybe, just maybe , we should just design the vehicles for their intended purpose of safely transporting us from place to place. Their primary function is not to entertain !
What would be wrong be wrong with that ? When you arrive at your destination or stop for a rest, once the vehicle engine is stopped, you would be notified of any incoming messages or phone calls. You could then respond to those messages, safely. Would it be such an inconvenience ? Is that an infringement on our freedom in some fashion ? I don't think so. Laws are in place about seat belt use and wearing a helmet. True the vehicle will operate without them, but that is not the point. Texting or talking on the phone endangers myself and everyone else on the highway and so warrants such action.
In my opinion we have over engineered our vehicles. They are fast,quiet and very smooth riding. Adding in complete home entertainment centers and communication centers just add to the complacency with which we operate these machines. And they do studies to determine why it is we are distracted. Think I can tell you that answer. Just a thought !

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I hate waiting in line. I think it comes from my military experiences of, hurry up and wait. I just find very few things that are worth waiting in line for. A substitute can be had easy enough. No restaurant has food worth waiting for. I hate having to wait to check out at the store. If you want my money you should be waiting for me ! Rides at amusement parks aren't that exciting. Wait an hour to ride three minutes ? I don't think so. At the doctors office. He isn't anyone I really want to see in the first place. Well, you get the idea. Being next in line is as good as it gets. If I'm next I can wait, a little bit anyway.
I am the youngest of my siblings. I always had to wait for everything. Maybe that has something to do with it. My Mom is the youngest of her siblings. She is also the last surviving sibling. She often complains of being the last in the line. I remind her gently that it is better than being the first. But then I think about that and wonder if that is really the case. After my Mom is gone her entire generation will have passed. The fact of the matter is an entire generation is fast leaving us. For those of my age, our parents generation. After that, I'm next ! Next seems a bit too soon.
So now I have to rethink this whole idea of being in line. What's the rush. It'll be there when you get there. The food will probably taste better if you wait longer. If I wait long enough the amusement park will close and I won't have to ride that boring ride after all. I can use the excuse, well I waited. Waiting in line at the store will give me more time to reconsider my purchases, act as a buffer to those impulse buys. Could be a good thing. Yes, slow and steady wins the race. The pleasure of being next quickly goes away. The only problem here is I don't have a choice. The best I can do is hold my place in line as long as possible. I can wait. The wait will be worth it in the end. Any volunteers for the head of the line ?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Discomforting Proposition

They were talking on the news this morning about allowing women in combat roles. More specifically the Rangers in the Army and Navy seals. This comes as no surprise to me, it has been on the horizon for a good while. I am not opposed to this but feel it would be a difficult thing to implement. I don't believe there would be any issues with physicality, there are plenty of women capable enough, but the physiological impact I'm not too sure about. I do expect in the long run it would become commonplace and expected.
The roles of men and women have been changing over the years. This is obvious to even the most casual observer. This change would just be another step. The question is ,is this a step too far ? And the answer is dependent upon the circumstance and person answering the question. Irregardless, this step will be taken.
Is this just one more chink out of the armor of manhood ? That is the real issue. Yes, even in our modern, enlightened times, men still have the upper hand, for the most part. Chauvinism still exists ! So does feminism for that matter. Both are called into play when useful or convenient. How will society view me, as a man, if I send my wife off to to do the fighting ? Oh, it is fine for a man to go off to war but a woman ? Not that they haven't done so in the past. Quite the contrary is true but to give them the status of Warrior is quite another thing entirely. Princess Warrior is good, as long as she is beautiful and wearing little armor, but full combat gear is unappealing. Such is the thoughts of men.
As for me I don't think I would have a real problem with it. If I need backup or am in a firefight I really am not concerned about the gender of the person helping me. As long as they can shoot it's all good ! The problem lies after the battle. Male pride and ego may suffer the most damage. It is not easy to change that after hundreds of years. Our roles are not so clear. Confusion can breed contempt. It can lead to division. It will be a very difficult proposition. It may even cost lives.
It will happen though. I have no doubts about that. Realistically there is no reason why it shouldn't. I can think of no effective reason why it shouldn't. The only impediment will be the acceptance of this by men. Given a vote I would vote in the negative. I'm still a little bit old school. Still a bit of a chauvinist. I'll hold the door open for ladies and fight their battles for them. I would feel a bit less than a man if  it were otherwise.  My generation will one day pass into history and with it some of our attitudes. It ain't happening yet. Change happens, slowly and surely. Changes in Attitude. Isn't there a Jimmy Buffett song about that ? Sometimes the changes are uncomfortable. 

Monday, June 17, 2013


Yesterday was a reminder. A reminder about my Dad. A good man and a good father. I was reminded of the last time I spoke with him on this earth. That would have been in 1990. Some days, like yesterday it seems like only a short time ago. He was lying in a hospital bed in Florida. I had traveled as quickly a I could to get to him. I came into the room and said hello. We had a pleasant conversation about various topics, old memories and the good times. We avoided any talk of a serious nature. We both knew the end was near. He spoke with confidence and a certainty. There was no sorrow in his words. But in his eyes I could see a sadness. I had seen that sadness before, when he had to put down his dog, and I saw that same sadness when he spoke of the war. A sadness borne of understanding and acceptance. A resolve. A knowledge that this too had to be done.
That was his final lesson to me. Accept whatever fate is laid before you and bear it with resolve. There was no give in him. The steel that made him a man stayed true. There are things in life that we don't wan to do. Things that must be done. We have all heard the creed about accepting the things you cannot change. That is what was being taught to me. Taught by example. And that is what Dad did. He didn't just talk about things. He did what was necessary without complaint. He showed me that a quiet acceptance is the way of understanding. That one must ,of necessity, take action.
When the time came for me to leave I said goodbye. We shook hands, his grip as firm as ever and looked into each others eyes. He said, I won't see you again. My reply was, sure you will, if not here then on the other side. That last statement really came from him, that was his strength talking. I got the strength from him to turn and walk away.
I was blessed to have a man such as that as a father. Was he perfect ? Of course not. He was my Dad and I loved him. I am his son and he loved me. Some things men just don't have to talk about. Some things you just do. I am grateful that I got the chance to say goodbye. I am expecting to say hello again one day. we'll have a lot to talk about, but , knowing Dad, he'll want to be doing something. Maybe we can go clamming, he always did like that.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

due time

You go along in life feeling the same , same old ,same old and then something happens. This time it was an accident. Didn't happen to me but to the wife. Friday morning she was riding her bicycle over to the grandchildrens house when it happened. Losing her balance and tumbling on her left side. She knew right away that she hurt, and hurt badly. She couldn't get up and the paramedics were called. Those intrepid volunteers came through once again to get her stabilized and transported to the emergency room. Before the day was over she was in shock trauma at the University of Maryland. Eleven broken ribs and a fractured scapula ! The care was excellent and she is now home gain. A long process of healing has just begun.
When something like this happens it does make you realize how fortunate we are everyday that it is the same old thing. Same isn't so bad after all. I find myself wishing for that right now. Life does turn on a dime. I am grateful that there weren't any more serious damages. Broken limbs or punctured lungs for instance. Either one of those was a distinct possibility. Help was close at hand and responded immediately. The kindness and caring of others renewed my faith in humanity. For that I am grateful.
I hope the healing process goes along well. I know it is going to take some time. Some good will come of this, as it always does in these situations. One must believe God works in mysterious ways. This too had a purpose and that purpose will be revealed to us in due time. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Have or have not

Summer vacation has begun. The grandchildren have camps and vacation bible school on their agendas. Our schedules have been changed as well. I was thinking about how different it was when I was a kid. I never went to camp. Camp was something that the rich kids did. That wasn't something regular folks like us did. That was the perception anyway. It was that way with class trips too. Only the rich kids ! That was alright though because that was just the way it is. That is what we were told and what we got used to. No need to be upset by that. There are those that have, and those that have not.
I do remember going to vacation bible school at St. Lukes church. Only went the one year as far as I can remember. I know that we made a Kipa. A Kipa is the small hat worn by the Jewish men. For whatever reason ones remembers such things I can vividly recall lacing the triangle shaped pieces of material together to form the cap. The sections were different colors. Exactly why we make Jewish headgear at a Christian bible school I can't say. The lesson being taught has been lost to me. Guess I wasn't paying attention.
In recent years I have noticed that vacation bible schools seem to have a theme. Much like a themed party. Nothing wrong with that as long as the message being taught gets communicated. My grandchildren attend these schools and camp every year. I think it s a wonderful thing for them. They enjoy them so much and learn their lessons. I'm positive these schools and camp are having a positive effect upon them. They are learning life skills. They are learning how to get along in this world.
Growing up I never had a feeling that I was missing out on anything. I didn't feel any resentment towards those that went to camp. In fact, I held myself aloof from all that. I wasn't confined to a camp. I could roam free and explore on  my own. I was independent. My parents didn't ship me off somewhere, no sir, not like some of those others. Now watching the grandkids I do get a twinge of resentment now and again. Maybe camp would have been fun. Well, no sense worrying about things you can't change. No sense in being upset over what others may, or may not have. That was the lesson we were taught. Take what life offers you and be grateful. It's a good way to be.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


The weatherman is whipping up a frenzy over impending storms. The word, Derecho, is being thrown about. Radar pictures are flashing across the screen. Chicken Little would be proud.
The funny part in all of this is that I heard the word Derecho for the first time last year. Storms came through last June. Rain, wind and severe thunderstorms. Trees were toppled and localized flooding. After this storm the weatherman started using the term Derecho. He explained what it meant. The general impression was this type of storm was a new phenomenon. A new name was given. This wasn't just a storm, or a noreaster , wasn't a hurricane. No sir, this was a Derecho. Now they are predicting them. I'm thinking the weather folks just like saying the word Derecho.
Everything has to have a label I suppose. A way of defining what it is you are talking about. These Derecho storms used to be just severe thunderstorms but not anymore. We have a much more professional sounding term. A term that needs explanation from an expert. I'm thinking it is all a part of the baffle them with bull thing. Start using terms most won't understand and make yourself feel important. We have a way of doing that in these modern times. Our workers are technicians, specialists and engineers. Fancy titles to make it sound good. Sanitary engineers, garbage man. The specialist, only does one thing. The weatherman is a Meteorologist. Also the meteorologist seems to be the entry level position for the news team, only a step up from traffic reporter.
Well it is what it is. Whatever makes you feel comfortable is fine. Wanna call it a Derecho ? Okay that's alright but it is just a line of thunderstorms to me. Happens a lot in the summer months. But we do have that fancy new word to impress our friends with. I googled the definition to be sure I got it right.
Derecho : widespread, long lived, straight line wind storms associated with a fast moving band of severe thunderstorms. Interesting is the fact this word comes from the Spanish. An integration of language. Didn't have these Derecho storms before that ! Just sayin'. So I'm blaming it on the immigrants.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Telling Secrets

It has been on my mind, this telling of secrets. The latest being this Snowden fella. My initial reaction being a feeling of betrayal. A betrayal of trust. A trust he agreed upon when accepting the position .He gave his word.
It is a difficult thing. On the one hand the keeping of the trust is imperative, while on the other there are moral obligations. The questions is really whether one should compromise their values to maintain integrity. Do you have that right ? Can you give your word, sign documents to that fact, and then withdraw that based upon your own evaluation ? Does the nature of the secret make a difference in all of this ? I would have to say, yes. The nature of the secret does make a difference. If this secret is having an immediate impact on someone, or a group of someones lives, then the secret should be compromised. That is if their life is in immediate jeopardy. Then I feel the moral obligation exists.
In the case of this Snowden guy I don't see that condition being met. Of course I realize I'm only looking at the surface and don't have all the details. The government wiretapping or listening to our conversations is not life threatening. When one joins the CIA and NSA wouldn't one expect to be involved in some sort of spying ? Isn't that the function of those organizations ? The collection of data or knowledge is not inherently wrong. It is only what you do with that knowledge that comes in to question. Does Mr. Snowden have information that people are being whisked away in the night based on their phone conversations or internet usage ? Is there some deep dark sinister purpose in all of this ? Or is the information collected being used to ferret out terrorists and other nut cases that wish to harm others ?
In my opinion there are very few reasons to compromise that trust. I was raised in a time when a mans word and a handshake was as binding as a written contract. You didn't take it back ! To do so was to be ostracized by society. You are untrustworthy and suspect. It would seem that principle is fading into the past. Now integrity is an option. You get to choose. I even see a certain amount of public support for this. I find it offensive. If we cannot trust one another what can we expect for the future ? Complete transparency is a false ideal. It just wouldn't work. You can't win a war or a game if the competition knows your every move beforehand.
I find this whole telling of secrets unsettling. Was he justified ? The court will have to decide that. I do believe he should be held accountable. My feeling is that if he had such a genuine concern he wouldn't have run to another country to tell his secrets. To take the moral high ground one should be willing to do just that ; stand. To accept a position of public trust and then compromise that same trust is not acceptable to me.
On a personal level I can tell you this. During my Naval career I was entrusted with a few secrets. I was granted clearance and access to secret documents. Nothing earth shattering or particularly interesting but secrets nontheless. I didn't tell those secrets and still won't tell those secrets. The secrets I do know can be found on the internet nowadays, but that is not the point. I'm not telling. I was given a trust and will not betray it. To do so would be to contribute to the erosion of a system of values. Values I cherish. Values I wish to pass to the next generation and those that follow. With trust comes responsibility. Responsibility can be a burden. Sometimes we just have to carry that burden. The giving of your word is not to be taken lightly. A man is only as good as his word !

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pages in Life

The end of the school year is here. Awards are being received and pictures taken. The summer lies before us and plans are being made. As I was looking at the pictures and awards the grandchildren received I was thinking about what did you do with yours ? I don't recall getting many when I was in school. I would think I did but not sure about that. I know I got a lot of them during my Navy career. They range from promotion certificates to letters of appreciation and certificates of voyages taken. They are all in a pile ,somewhere. I'm not certain where they are. They were important for a day or two and then fade away. What about yours ? Do you display them or keep then tucked away ?
Pictures are the same way. We take them, immediately review them and share them. After that they sit on the computer or tucked away in an old photo album. How often do you look at pictures taken six months ago ? We take them to preserve the memory, yet by the time we get to looking at them we sometimes forget what they are ! Happens to me anyway. Especially old vacation photos. Now just what is that I took this picture of ?
My grandson Mark just received some pretty prestigious awards. I purchased some frames for them and we hung them in his room. He enjoyed that and so did I. I think these things should be displayed. Is it bragging ? No, I don't think so unless you point them out to people. If they discover them on their own it's not. Will they wind up in the attic someday ? Probably. It has been my observation however that items that are framed tend to stick around. Loose papers and certificates tend to wander off and get lost. That is true of photographs as well.
I'm no interior decorator but I think the decor in your home should reflect your life. Old pictures and framed certificates on the walls. I don't want my house to look like a museum but it should display some of those things. Choosing the ones to display can be difficult. Ones with a bit of color or interesting decoration around the edges work best, I think. Ones with the dates are good. These items are glimpses of the past. And it is the past that makes a home. That's the real reason for these things, a connection to the past. Remembering how you felt when you received that item, or how you felt when the photo was taken, that is their value. I think surrounding yourself with these " comfort " items influences you daily. They can bring a little cheer. The trick is to find the balance. The balance between yesterday and today. Guess you could say that about life in general as well. It is a balance. Looking back while moving ahead but aware of today. Smell the roses but don't forget to crush a few between the pages. The pages that are your life.

Monday, June 10, 2013


My sisters son and his wife just had another son. His name is Benjamin and he was born on Friday last. That makes me a Grand Uncle for the eleventh time. Very soon it will be twelve as we have one in waiting. The family keeps on growing and the world keeps turning. Thanks to Facebook I have seen a picture of the little guy. They live in Arizona and that's a little too far away for me to go. Loving this digital age stuff.
When I received word of this most momentous of occasions, births always are, I had to smile. The growth of the family tree should bring pleasure to all. Another connection to the eternal. It is in these lives that we ourselves go forward. We tend to think only about those closest to us and our immediate family but in fact the extended family is no less important. A world of information lies within those members. There are connections.
Now take little Benjamin for instance. He may one day ask, why was I named Benjamin. The answer may be, after your fathers grandfather. His name was Ben. That would be correct, to a point. His great grandfather, my father, was called Ben but his name was Austin. No one ever called him Austin though, just Ben. I'm his Grand Uncle Ben. My name isn't really Ben either. Yup, I'm Austin too. Junior in fact and thankful I was never called that !  So where does Benjamin come in ? Well it is like this. Benjamin's great great grandfather Elwood had a very close  friend named Austin Bennett. That is why the name Austin appears. The twist here is this man, Austin Bennett, was called Ben. I have heard my Mom call my Dad Benjamin on occasion, jokingly, and she has done the same to me. Benjamin as a reference to Benjamin Franklin. So the truth of the matter is that there are no real Benjamins. There are, but there aren't. That is one  ghost in the family tree. We know this ghost. Transparency is the hallmark of a ghost. Couldn't resist that one. So bottom line is little Benjamin is the first !
Most of us know our cousins,Aunts and Uncles. We know our Grandparents. Beyond those immediate connections things can get a little vague. Second cousins and such can be confusing. Unfortunate events can happen, like divorce, and we become separated from each other. Divisions can form in families. Connections can be lost. I hope to meet little Benjamin one day and tell him the story of Benjamin in person. Grand Uncle Ben knows the deal. Grand Uncle Ben, whose name is Austin, is known as Ben and was once called Benny.
Benjamin, a fine name and one with honor and history. I like it.

Kristin Mitchell and Benjamin.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

More than dancing

We attended my granddaughters dance recital yesterday. As always it was a wonderful show. All the girls did a tremendous job. It is hard to believe how much she has grown. Watching her move across that stage with grace and precision. And I might add she does it with great poise as well. It truly is a remarkable thing.
I took her first pair of dance shoes,slippers really, and a photo of her and put them in a shadow box. Her Mom has that sitting on her dresser and I am struck by how old that now seems. Time does have a way of creeping up on you. That time is fast becoming a distant memory.
Yes, my little girl is growing up way too fast. The whole world is becoming too fast. How often I heard that phrase and didn't understand. Now I'm beginning to understand all too well. If that is the wisdom one gains with age, I'd just as soon not know. The end of the school year and the beginning of another summer. Funny how we measured time by summers when we were children and start doing that again when we are grandparents ! The circles  in life are everywhere.
Morgan does have one more year in elementary school. The coming school year will be another milestone. I'm kinda hoping time will drag its' feet on this one. I could use a long summer. As I watched her dance I watched the years going by. I saw her dancing to I'm a little teapot in my minds eye, while she danced to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. My,my the time has flown by and the song has changed but she will always be Grandpas' little girl. Dance on Morgan, dance on.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's simple

The news is reporting that the government has been monitoring our phones and internet. Are you surprised by that ? I'm not a bit surprised. As far as the phone goes I don't think anyone is actually listening but numbers are being recorded. Just how the government is watching the internet I have no clue. I have just always assumed nothing on the internet is a secret. Nothing ! If a person has the skills they can retrieve any data they want. A skilled operator can definitely hack my computer and I'm betting 99% of computers in the home.
I find it more amazing that anyone would believe the internet is private. I'm thinking you would have to be pretty naive to believe that. Look up a product you wish to buy. In the next few hours, and for days afterward, pop up ads will appear targeting that very product. Coincidence ? Not hardly. And social media sites like Facebook, isn't that there very purpose ? To encourage social interaction among the masses. And they do that because they are just nice guys ? I don't think so, there is a lot of money to be made here. The number one thing required to make money ? Information. Information is the key to making a fortune. Information is power.
Is the government collecting all this data for some sinister purpose ? A plot to overthrow the government ? The government wants to overthrow the government ? And if they do what would they replace it with ? More government . Spare me the big conspiracy theories. I'm no fan of the current administration. I can't wait for a " change. " The last change wasn't so great in my opinion. Nevertheless, I don't believe for an instant this administration is doing any more monitoring than any other did. The fact is it is a necessary evil. There are forces in the world that mean no good. To expose there plots and communications is essential.
The bottom line for me is simple. If you want to keep a secret do not put it online. Do not talk about it on your telephone. Do not write it down,anywhere,at any time for any purpose. There is only one real way to keep a secret. DON'T TELL ANYONE ! Pretty simple ,eh ?
I put nothing online I wouldn't want to share with the world. Online I keep my secrets safe. I don't print them. If the government started opening my snail mail I would get upset. That's going too far. Writing snail mail may be inconvenient these days but if that is the price to keep something secret, okay. Then all I have to worry about is the recipient. Will they tell ? Probably, secrets are hard to keep.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Being Brave

Yesterday was the 69th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy. Operation Overlord. It was mentioned in the news and showed up on social media pages. I was glad for the reminder. The veterans of that battle are fast leaving us. Indeed the veterans of that entire war are fast leaving us.
As I read and listened to the stories of heroism that took place on that day I could not but help but be proud. My own father had served in that war, he didn't invade Normandy, but served in the Army Air force. A week or so ago it was pointed out to me that the majority of the participants in that conflict were draftees. I was and am surprised by that statistic. I guess I tend to think of that generation as more patriotic than mine. I was expecting eager and willing volunteers ! That isn't to say they were not willing, just not as eager as I thought.
As I thought about all of that I thought just how remarkable it all was. These draftees wading ashore, under heavy gunfire, watching their fellow soldiers being shot,drowned and wounded. The screams of the wounded and sounds of battle must have been horrific. Yet they persevered. Heroes ? Through the eyes of history, yes they were heroes. The original G.I. Joe . Few I met afterward would claim to be so. Most I spoke with said little about the war and would only say they did what had to be done. Those draftees didn't protest or try to evade their responsibility to the nation. They went, they served and the lucky ones came home.
As I spoke with some of the younger crowd it became evident they had little or no knowledge of all of this. Beyond what Hollywood has depicted and what was mentioned in history class, no idea. It is that way with all wars eventually. The memory fades and slips into history. The stories of that war become just that,stories. Some battles become the stuff of legend and others fade into obscurity. For the participants each battle they were in will not be forgotten. Each battle a struggle for life.
I am forced to ask the question. Would I have done the same ? Would I have had the courage to do it ? For that is what it took, Bravery, not heroism. The land of the free and the home of the Brave. Isn't that what the song says ? Isn't that what was required ? They were indeed brave men and women. I am thankful for their bravery and thankful that I never had to really find out if I have the courage. When man reaches the point were no one has to be tested in that fashion we will have evolved. Then we will have the final triumph. Sadly, we have a long way to go.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

An interesting question

Tonight I get to watch as my grandson is officially inducted into the Junior National Honor Society. Quite an honor and an accomplishment. I am beaming with pride and so is Mark. It is a wonderful thing to see him so happy and proud .
This honor came by way of nomination. He was invited to become a member. He did have to fill out a paper and go through an oral screening process. He was given some questions that may have been asked during the interview phase. I reviewed those questions with him as well as his Mom and Dad. One of the questions was an interesting one to think about. Name a life changing event in your life. Why ?
I thought that a tough question for a twelve year old and indeed a tough question for anyone to answer. Mark had an answer right away. He said, when I was baptized ! Bam, just like that the certainty of youth strikes. Mark was baptized when he was nine, by immersion and remembers it well. As to the why of it, he tells me it showed him right from wrong. Now, you can't argue with that answer.
I have been thinking about what answer I would give. I must say it is a difficult question for me to answer. To be completely honest I'm not sure I can identify a life changing moment. I can think of some very important moments but life changing ? I think an explanation of life changing would be in order. I would need something to quantify that moment against. My life so far has been what I would call, regular. Nothing spectacular, not overly dramatic and thankfully not overly traumatic . I have had good fortune most of the time.
So I am left with that question. What is a life changing moment ? I would have to say it is a moment that caused you to change the way you live your life from that moment on. I'm not sure that has happened to me. My life has been more of a series of small changes, adjustments if you will. I'm still a work in progress. I am subject to change. I'm open for a life changer though. I recommend winning the lottery. I'd like to try that life changer ! Life changers should be good things but I'm sure they are not always so. Learning from one's mistakes is a sign of growth.
I will say that marrying my wife has proven to be the best decision I have made. I could argue that she changed my life and the point would be valid. The thing is she accepted me just the way I was, and continues to accept me just the way I am. Is that life changing ? Only if that change allowed me to remain the same. Yes, I think that would be the change. My wife changed my life by not changing me. Or at the very least not so I would notice. That must be those "wiles " I hear women have.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Keeping the Lights On

I've heard a call to action. The Christmas lights in Greensboro are in danger of being extinguished. This is not from some liberal group or political correctness. No, this is a matter of sheer economics. Money rearing its' ugly head once again.
The local electric company has been performing an upgrade to the electrical grid. New transmission wires and poles are included in this project. Unfortunately some of these poles also contained the hook up for the Christmas lights. New requirements and equipment are needed to reattach the lighting. The cost is significant. Like most municipalities ,Greensboros budget does not contain excess funds . In other words, no money for that. Some of the local civic groups are working on this problem but their budgets are strained as well.
When I heard about this small dilemma I was moved to action. I want to begin a campaign to raise these funds. I'm thinking of calling it, Keep the Lights On. I have no prior experience at this fundraising business but am more than willing to learn. I expect there are rules and regulations to be followed. The only thing that makes me nervous is this thing getting bogged down in bureaucracy. I don't want it stuck in committee or in planning !
The approximate amount required would be ten thousand dollars !  That's a lot of money. Based on the population of Greensboro In 2011 that equates to $ 5.20 per person. It is a lot,but I think attainable. Can you spare $ 5.20 for Christmas ? I'm thinking businesses could sponsor a pole as well. I'm anxious to get started. I don't know if this goal is achievable for this holiday season but I want to try. There are a great deal of logistics to be worked out.
The Christmas lights are just one thing we take for granted. The local Lions Club has always graciously hung the lights. The town paid the electric bill. How many years we have enjoyed these lights without having additional funds I can't say. Yes, you could argue that you pay taxes. That is true but that tax money is not earmarked for that purpose. Vital services come first. Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think, tax money is not unlimited. It doesn't magically appear each time an expense pops up.
I've got a lot of research to do to figure this out. I hate red tape and bureaucracy. Let's get this done is my feeling. It's a no brainer. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Finest Kind

I keep hearing about " quality of life " in all these ads on television. I keep hearing assurances that if I purchase these products my quality of life will be enhanced. Shoot, if everything in my life isn't exactly the way I want it or think it should be, it is clearly an indication of a poor quality of life. Should I be unable to perform as I did when I was say,nineteen, my quality of life has been diminished. I need to take action !
It has given me pause to consider just what is quality of life ? How does one measure it ? Is your life only of sufficient quality if you are able to do whatever you want ? To be denied anything is to suffer a loss of quality ? To be second rate. To have an inferior life ? That seems to be the implication.
I must say some of these ads tend to make me bristle. I'm perfectly fine with the fact that my old bones ache a little in the morning. My life has not been seriously diminished. Yes, my hair is gray and thinning, no big whoop. I can't climb mount everest either, but you would have me believe I could ? With a Jazzy scooter ? Right and I can get it free. That ought to improve my quality of life.
These so called quality of life issues are nothing more than regular old life issues. Those obstacles and disappointments we all meet with. According to the drug companies we can just medicate them away. According to others we can buy whatever it is we need to make us happy. And isn't that what those ads are talking about ? Happiness. What makes you happy and content in this world. The answer of course is different for each of us. Your priorities will not always coincide with mine. I just find it a little insulting the " issues " they feel should affect me. Do they really believe I am that shallow ? That narcissistic ?
The phrase Quality Of Life has become so cliche. Like cutting edge technology. Give me a break. And it is aimed primarily at us mature people. Ha, mature, that's another one, we are just getting old ! I know some old folks that are just as immature as a tenager ! Don't try and sugarcoat it. Sugar kills anyway ! Your life and the quality of that life is what you make it. It is not dependent upon others or material things. You must choose the way you wish to live it.
Where I came from the old folks had a phrase. You don't hear it used much anymore, but it summed up a lot about a person. They would say, " He was the finest kind. " And it meant that he/she was a good person and had lived a good life. The finest kind- of good quality. There quality of life was such that they brought enjoyment to others. Now that is Quality of life. You can't buy it on tv or the internet. You can't get it for free on some government program. You must earn it. The quality of your life is not dependent upon what you do for yourself, but what you do for others. No excuses.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Making a habit

Having settled in to Greensboro I have decided to join a flock. I have written in the past about finding a church to attend. I really should attend on a regular basis. I haven't done as much searching for that home as I should. Like a lot of people I keep making excuses. The primary one being their is not an Episcopal church in town. The closest one is in Denton a distance of seven miles. Might as well be seventy. That is the back home in me. I don't travel far.I need to quit making excuses. My father was a Methodist and my daughter in law and grandkids are methodist. I could be a Methodist ! 
The truth of the matter is I find it hard to fit in. I am not used to their method of worship or real familiar with their traditions and practices. I know we are all Christians and the basic tenets are the same, but still. I know no one there on a personal basis. And some things they do I find uncomfortable. The turning and saying hello to everyone and walking around shaking hands in the middle of the service I find disturbing. It is the old school in me. My problem,not theirs. The modern christian songs I do not relate too. I like the old traditional hymns. The hymns of my mother and grandmother. And the one thing I enjoyed the most, a good Sermon, seems to be lacking. Preach to me ! I like a good lesson,well taught. Make me think about my life and where I'm going with it. The shepherd should lead the flock, with authority and the mantle of right ! 
So now you have heard all the excuses. I need to get past them. The journey begins with the first step,as a wise man once pointed out. Where will I fit into the flock ? That is a question that will have to be answered. All organizations have a hierarchy. Yes, even churches. I dislike the feeling of being an interloper. Even though I am being welcomed with a smile and a handshake that feeling is pervasive. I do know the only way to get past that is by constant attendance. Knowing and doing are often different things.
Habits are formed by repetition. Getting in the habit of going to church is no different. I wonder why it is so much easier to form bad habits than it is to form good ones. One of life's cruel little jokes I suppose. This time I don't need to break a habit, but make one. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I member

Perhaps I should have started writing down my memories a little earlier. In the last few days I have apparently made a few errors. The misplacing of a location or some other fact. Has the fog of time begun to descend upon me ? It does for most of us, but I never expected it this soon. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I would have to say absence makes the location change a bit as well. But then, I try not to let the facts get in the way of a good story.
The functioning of the human mind is indeed a mysterious thing. The scientist tell us it is electrical charges. Okay, still doesn't explain memory now does it ? I guess my battery is running a little low lately. Time for a recharge. And I seem to be picking up unrelated thoughts. I think that is how those mistakes may have happened. Thinking about one thing and picking up memories about another. Dementia ? Alzheimer's ? Or just forgetful ? We can all wind up facing these things. I pray it doesn't happen to me. I also pray that our scientists find some solution or treatment for these things.
When one begins to think they are expert, that is where trouble can begin. I'm no expert, apparently not even of my own memory ! LOL I've known that for quite a while though. My sister has different memories about things that we did together. Only one of us can be right. She is older, so I'm going with the fog reached her first theory.
I'm just kidding around here though. I don't think there is anything wrong with my memory just yet. I have made mistakes or misspoken several times. People do that. I'm always glad for the correction when I receive it. It is a humbling thing. Some take offense at being corrected but I just smile and scratch my head. That's right, how did I get that wrong ? Sometimes it is downright funny ! I'll laugh out loud and then have to explain to my wife why it is funny. Things are rarely funny when you have to explain them.
There is a bright side to this however. Should my memory fail me I can start writing the same stories all over again. I won't know the difference. Maybe some of the stories will come out differently. Maybe I'll think I won the lottery ! Believing is almost as good as having, isn't it ? Most things I " member. " It is the " re " membering " that gets tough.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rich Folks

When I was young my Mom worked from home. She did other peoples laundry. Wash,dry, iron and fold. Then they were wrapped in paper and tied up with a string. She delivered them too. She didn't have a lot of customers but enough to keep her busy and bring in a few extra dollars. I always figured they had to be rich folks that afford to do that. In some cases they were.
Mom came by this occupation honestly enough. My Grandmother,her Mom, did this as well. Grandmas operation was larger and more labor intensive. She still used wash tubs,scrubbing boards and those old cast iron,irons that you heated on the stove. Mom had automatic washers and an electric iron. The clothes were still hung out to dry though.
I can remember helping her fold the sheets. There was a pattern to be followed ,exactly, to accomplish this task. I'm certain my sister and I could still perform that ritual without barely a thought. I recall bringing the clothes in. That meant taking them off the clothesline. I wonder how many people today would know what bringing the clothes in refered too ? We did that chore summer and winter. Hands freezing in the winter and the clothes stiff as boards.
I was pretty young at the time so my helping was limited. I do recall going with her to deliver the laundry and pick up the next batch. There was one home in particular I remember well. It was a large brownstone house. The house was owned by Proctor and Gamble. The people living there were named Devendorf. I won't swear to the spelling of that name but that is how it sounded. Mr. Devendorf was associated with the famed Cunard steamship lines, although I don't know in what capacity. I can't say as I ever met him or Mrs. Devendorf for that matter. We kids stayed in the car when Mom took the laundry back. Sometimes the maid would bring us cookies. She would act like she was sneaking them out to us. Mom told us Mrs. Devendorf knew all about it and thought it funny. She would have given us the whole box of cookies. That never happened though.
There were two or three other homes similar to this. I don't think we went to any of the others. These houses are quite large and stand out prominently. I have been led to understand that these places are still there. Who lives there or the ownership is a complete mystery to me. They are located in Montauk,New York. Not too far from the Yacht club. The Devon Yacht club in fact. I used to think it was named that because of the Devendorfs. They were obviously very wealthy and probably owned that club too ! That is not the case however. Devon is a place in England. Some of the original settlers in the area came from there. The explanation is easy. A small coincidence.
When I was a kid I thought it must be great to have another do your laundry. Still do. Yeah my wife does the wash but sometimes I have to help. I still want someone to come pick up the dirty wash and deliver it back all clean and folded. Now that's rich folks ! And you know, I don't remember them Devendorfs ever having a hole in their socks.