Sunday, December 16, 2012

We can try

As I read the posts and commentary about the tragedy at Newtown Ct , one thing became clear. The media is going for the sale. Giving out the list of names of those lost and showing interviews with the survivors. Mostly children. I have not been watching a lot. It is just too depressing. I did see a posting by Morgan Freeman. In him I heard a voice of reason. He solidly blames the media for glorifying these tragic occurrences. It struck me that we really need more celebrities like Mr Freeman. He was not afraid to speak his truth, although it may not be politically correct or the popular response. Thank You Mr. Freeman.
It is a tragic state of affairs. Those with celebrity and power seldom speak out on the side of reason and truth. Instead most choose to be politically correct and show more concern with their careers than actual events. Whether they are movie stars,rock stars or politicians their usual response is whatever they feel the people want to hear. Either unaware of their influence or unwilling to use it.
I read many postings from the common man. Few propose a gun ban. They know it is not the guns that kill people. Most speak with the voice of reason. We should be aware of these threats but taking away the legal right to own a firearm will not disarm the criminals or the mentally ill. As Mr. Freeman spelled out, the media should not give these deranged and sick people anything more than a mention. Do not give them celebrity ! If you must portray them at all, show them for what they are, sick, depraved people.
How long will it take before we realize we cannot medicate our troubles away. I'm no doctor or psychiatrist but these people have surely shown signs of mental illness. Was there any intervention other than give them some drugs ? That's the response we give today for anyone showing symptoms. Drug'em. And we can counsel them. Well, what about locking them up ? We only do that after they have done the damage. Then we all wonder why ? Not a popular stand and one open for critics but one I support. Yes, there were abuses in the past.
The saddest part of all is, after a few months this incident will be all but forgotten. A memorial will be erected. Names engraved upon a plague. The politically correct group will blame the guns. This tragedy will become another pawn in the political arena. As long as the media shows these acts of senseless violence as " entertainment  or some sort of sick competition " it will continue. The time is way past due. We need to speak out and speak the truth. The common man knows the truth and at least one celebrity. Can we not make this a popular cause ? We need to stop trying to mask the problems with drugs and liberals policies. We need to deal with the problems as best as we can. We will make mistakes but we can at least try. It is too late for Newtown Elementary but by God, we can try ! 

1 comment:

  1. "The media is going for the sale." ...."Either unaware of their influence or unwilling to use it."...."We need to stop trying to mask the problems with drugs and liberals policies." - Ben Reichart

    There are problems that will cascade from the recent episode of violence. The media, celebrities and politicians will all be part of the show. I've seen the show up close; too close. Everyone will feel everyone else's pain; solutions will be proposed whether or not they are sensible. The view on TV has to be put in its place. Even with a big screen TV it is still a window of some limited dimensions. Reality is something else; its a 360 degree experience and more - of sensations that can only be felt by those on site; those directly affected. But the commentary and the pundits seem to get going immediately explaining, describing, proscribing and prescribing. Let's not forget the exploitation that seems to part and parcel of the show. Careers will be made. Programs will be started and financed. People will be led or driven to all sorts of ideas and conclusions by every politician chasing every usual topic rational or not. It has nothing to do with drugs or liberal policies. Whether the common man or celebrities know or speak the truth is irrelevant. The people directly affected know truths that cannot be expressed; they will grieve forever. Action is the proof of the pudding. Masking problems is the human condition; the celebrities, the politicians, the pundits and media know best how to do that. The show will go on; emotion sells; especially in a growing unstable populace. An act of irrationality has to be overcome by use of the greatest human cability - rational thought by the majority; doesn't seem much hope of that. "The saddest part of all is, after a few months this incident will be all but forgotten. A memorial will be erected. Names engraved upon a plague." - BR.
