Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Plain talk and common sense

The end of another year looms straight ahead. Another tick on the clock of destiny. Back to work,back to the business of everyday life. Unfortunately a lot of the Christmas cheer and good will toward men will be packed away with the tinsel. Overall, I enjoyed a pleasant holiday. And now comes the parade of  "year in review " shows. Normally I find them interesting, but this year I'm afraid to even watch. The darker side of man will most certainly overwhelm the airwaves. So much tragedy and loss this year. We must never forget the lessons learned this year, and I'm sure we will not. This year has changed America, forever.
I'm beginning to see ads for " bullet proof backpacks ", my God, what are we coming to in this world ? Are we going to teach reading,writing, arithmetic and swat tactics ! Reminds me of the sixties when we were taught to hide under our desks from Nuclear attacks ! The thing is, this threat is all too real and plausible ! Bullet Proof Backpacks, are you kidding me ?
There is much work to be done. Rational decisions to be made. Let us not legislate some knee jerk reactions that does little to address the issue. The answers are not easy and will not please everyone. That much we already know. That we must find a way is a certainty. It is my hope that when we do look back upon this year it is to say, this is where we began. These events provided the motivation to get America back on track.
This year started a dialogue that lead to change. The time has come for plain talk and common sense.
The Christmas season is a season of hope. Hope for the future of mankind. Hope for all peoples. May we all carry that hope within our hearts throughout the coming year. For there is hope. As it has been said," hope springs eternal." I'm hoping for the madness to end. I'm hoping cooler heads prevail. It would be fruitless to hope for a return to the past. Those days are gone forever. A year in review. Lessons learned. I'm still hopeful for tomorrow. The future will be borne on the backs of our children. Let's all hope they don't have to carry bullet proof backpacks as well.

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