Thursday, December 6, 2012


Often times when we talk of someone being different, it is not a good thing. It may be a source of amusement or a source of sorrow. The conditions of being different, the deciding factor. And we all know someone who is just, different. That being said, we all hope to make a difference ? We don't want to be considered different. Making a difference is always a good thing, isn't it ? Wouldn't you have to be different yourself in order to make a difference ? Otherwise you would be just the same as everyone else. It is all very confusing. Guess we just don't want to be too different. A little different is alright, I can have a different opinion, but not too much of a difference of opinion. That's just crazy !
A lot of people that have made a difference in our world have been well; different. Artists, inventors and authors. But then, they were considered eccentric. Eccentric is okay. Well, eccentric is okay if you are rich and /or famous. If you are neither of those you're just plain nuts. Or different.
Ideally we would all be " normal " people that make a difference. Thing is, if you want to be noticed you have to be different. You have to be different in your words, thoughts or actions. The trick is to be different without appearing to be different. After gaining some measure of fame or fortune you can always become eccentric. Once you are eccentric however, there is no going back. You're that way forever. Being different is something you have no control over. Either you are, or you are not. You could fool some for a time I suppose, but I don't think that charade would be sustainable.
To further confuse the situation we are always told that each one of us is different. We are unique. That's another adjective that can be applied with varying degrees of implication. Is that a good thing or a bad thing ? Would you want to be called unique ? Again, don't be too different or too unique though, it may not be a good thing. Each of us take pride in being independent and " our own person " all the while trying not to appear different. We tell our children, just be yourself. You don't have to do something just because everyone else is ! Develop your own style. Followed by, what are you doing ? Don't do that or you're not wearing that outfit out of this house ! Are you crazy ? Get with the program. People are going to talk about you.
As for me I think I wouldn't mind being labeled different. I think it would be a compliment to be considered in that category. At the very least I have given people something to think about or consider. The definition lies in the extremes. A little different is okay, not a lot. To be different is to stand out from the crowd. People tend to remember those that are a bit different. That would be good. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. You have captured some of the more interesting aspects of difference. Each individual is "different". It takes all sorts to make a horse race. Something to be learned by all from each. The biggest lesson in life seems to how "difference" is handled; depends on a wide variety of factors - society, time and place all factor into how difference is appreciated or not.
