Friday, December 28, 2012

The eyes of my ancestors

I have heard that some of the Amish dislike having their picture taken. Not sure of the reason for that. There was a group, native Americans perhaps, that believed a picture would capture their soul. Interesting ideas, superstition or just plain malarkey, you decide.
Over the years I have been gathering pictures of my ancestors. It started in conjunction with the family tree. After a bit I decided I would display them throughout my house. At first my wife was a bit reluctant. After all, most of these people I had never known or seen before. Old black and white shots of people sitting rigid and stern looking. I only display the ones I can firmly identify. I do have some that I'm not completely sure of, only supposing they are family.
These photos are hung or sitting on tables in my living room,hall and bedroom. Sometimes when I'm alone, and it is quiet, I can feel their eyes upon me. The eyes of my ancestors. What if they can see me through those photographs ? Are they pleased to look upon my life ?  I'm convinced they are watching. It is a good thing. I can look at them and be inspired. Inspired to good. As a descendant of these people do I not owe them that much ? Each one of them is an integral part of the past. A piece of the puzzle that is, the present.
It has also been said a picture is worth a thousand words. There is no denying that statement. The sad part is the words do not always accompany the picture. The words are lost over time but not the picture. I have one family group picture that is one hundred years old now. The date on the back is 1912 and most of the people in that picture are identified. There is no reason stated for the taking of this photograph. A hundred years ago getting a picture taken was a big deal. These people are obviously dressed for the occasion. As to location, that is speculation. At home or at the studio ? This family is my Grandmothers Uncle. They immigrated from Sweden. This picture was before that though. Was it taken because of that impending move ? A possibility. Such an event as that would warrant the expense of a picture. I'll never know for sure. I could write a thousand words about it though.
In studying my past, my family tree and influences I can gain insight. By looking through the eyes of my ancestors I can gain a new perspective. And so it only seems fair to hang those pictures out where they can be seen. And in so doing allowing my ancestors to see me. I guess as long as they don't start talking to me I'll be alright.  

The Bredenberg Family

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