Sunday, December 23, 2012

Waiting for Santa

When I was a child I knew that Santa lived at the north pole but the gifts came from Chicago. That's because that is where Sears and Roebuck was. And those gifts were not delivered by sleigh, but by the United States postal service. I saw the boxes sometimes but never let on to mom and dad. Besides some other stuff did arrive mysteriously in the night. A magical elf delivering gifts to every child in the world did seem plausible at the time. My theory then was that you just slept longer to give him time. After all, he was magic and could make you sleep. Hey, if he could come down that chimney, a few hours shouldn't be an issue.
There did come a time when I began to doubt. I began to let facts get in the way of belief. The two are not always compatible. The older kids began to explain the situation. They could have been trying to fool me though, big kids are kinda mean most of the time. I went on doubting until I had a child of my own. Then Santa was reborn. He was back. No longer shopping at Sears but at the mall. A concession to the changing times I suppose, besides the Sears cover had been blown years ago. I haven't let Santa go away since. Coming full circle to believe once again. Santa Claus does exist ! He'll arrive tomorrow evening. I'll be asleep,as usual, but he will arrive. On Christmas morning the spirit will have arrived. A spirit of renewal and hope. Gifts exchanged and love shared among family and friends. I'm anxious and nervous. Hope I've been good enough.

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