Monday, December 5, 2011

The Secret of Santa

The Grandchildren are nine and ten. Mark,the ten year old will be eleven in January. With Christmas fast approaching I was curious if they still held on to their belief in Santa Claus. I certainly am not going to ask them. Neither one make a big fuss about Santa and rarely mention him. I was surprised the other evening after the Christmas parade when Morgan wanted to go greet Santa. He was just climbing down from the fire engine and she walked up to him. Saying " Merry Christmas Santa "and they embraced. It was just a quick acknowledgement and off Santa went to the towns' lighting ceremony.  We proceeded home. Morgan had a big smile on her face and said, " He Hugged Me ! " I replied , " I know." Mark just gave me," that look."
The look that says, "Girls ! " I'll never understand them.
I have played that scene  in my mind over and over. It was  a scene I'm sure I'll never forget. On the one hand Morgan looking so grown up, and on the other, just a child. I couldn't help but remember years past when Santa was to be feared a little. At least in person he was. The first years,crying was the result of meeting him. As she grew older, she became bolder,eventually sitting on his lap and talking with him. This year it was different. This year when she embraced him it wasn't" Hello" , it was " Goodbye." Just as she had put aside her dolls, she put Santa on the shelf. Another part of her childhood stored away forever. She has discovered the secret of Santa.
How or when Mark discovered the secret of Santa I cannot be sure. Mark has always been very smart and inquisitive. I'm positive he knows the truth. He hasn't come right out and said so but I can tell. I give him credit for not saying so. He understands the " joke " and will play along. Not being a mean spirited sort of kid he wouldn't tell his sister any different,at least not directly.
In short I have answered my own question. No, the Grand kids have grown past the Santa deal. The Easter bunny ain't looking to good either ! I do believe however that each of them understand what the secret of Santa is. I think they know ,as I do, that Santa is magic. The magic of giving of yourself to others and expecting nothing in return. The magic of doing for others just to see them smile. It is my Christmas wish that they both remember " Santa " always, and believe !
When Morgan embraced Santa she also squeezed my heart, just a little. More Christmas magic.

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