Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Going Pro

How did everything come to be " professional " ? I don't care what it is, there is a professional grade product or service. You hear that phrase often in the television commercials. Dodge trucks are professional grade ! Do this or that like a professional. This is an professionally done blog. I'm a professional blogger. It's true. I could order a diploma that even says so,right off the internet, and it will come professionally framed !
Professional and industrial are becoming synonymous with being the best. Industrial strength cleaners used by professionals. Sounds effective doesn't it ? Sounds better than I hired a person to wash the windows anyway. Technically the only difference between an amateur and a pro is one thing. The pro gets paid. Doesn't necessarily mean he or she is any more competent at the task, but that they get paid to do that.
There are some " professions " that I am totally amazed at. Skateboarder is gotta be number one on my list. I ride a skateboard for a living. You gotta be kidding me. Not,Tony Hawk has more money and fame that I can ever imagine. BMX bike riding is a close second. Really, I ride a bicycle over dirt piles for my living. I hope you have a good retirement plan because you aren't doing that for long. Talk about a young mans game. You could argue that these are sports and these people are athletes. I can see that. That they are talented in their field is beyond question but an occupation ? A professional ? Sorta !
When I hear professional I hear money. Isn't that the bottom line here. Buy this or that because, " it is used by professionals ". Really it means pay more for less product. Get less bang for your buck ! You can find a company to professionally do anything imaginable. Shoot, pay me and I'll be a pro at anything you want,if the price is right. Well,not anything but you know what I mean !
There was a time when I could be a" handyman " and do odd jobs. Now I need a license or permit to do that. So,I've become a professional handyman. Same skill set,different prices. When I rake the leaves in my yard I'm just an amateur. Hire me to do your yard and I become a landscape management specialist ! Gonna cost you for that title.
Well that's what I was thinking about this morning anyway. Not much of a thought. I'm thinking all this professional and industrial grade business has to do with ego and money. Now there are two things that can get you into trouble pretty quickly. Think I'll just stay an amateur and use the regular strength products. Well,except for toilet tissue. I'm no daredevil !

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