Sunday, December 11, 2011


Gift giving. It is that time of year. It all started with those three wise men. Each offered one gift. It has kinda grown from there. Then St. Nick got into the act. Gifts for all ! A noble sentiment and definitely tradition worthy.
It can be an enjoyable thing or a chore depending upon ones outlook. Often it is a stressful task done with a sense of urgency. That's a shame. Shouldn't be so and I don't think it was intended to be that way. I'm as guilty as the next man when it comes to all of that. We all know a gift should be something we thought about, specifically, for the person receiving the gift. For me, that can be the most difficult part of the process. The thinking ! Just what could I give/do or say for you to make you happy ? That is the basic question. And the core of the question is"YOU".
First I need to know you. By that, I mean know who you are. What are your likes and dislikes. To know your sense of humor and the values that you hold most important. Gift giving should involve some effort on my part to match an appropriate item to you. It has nothing to do with what I like,it is all about you. Ever receive a gift and just think to yourself, What was he/she thinking about ? They probably weren't thinking about you. We have all done that I'm sure. Know I have.
To me a gift should be something that person probably wouldn't buy for themselves. We have have little things that we may like or want to try but won't spend the money on it ourselves. Maybe a lady you know would like to get her nails done but won't spend that money. There is a gift. Movie tickets, oil change for the car,handyman service or any number of things are readily available. It does require some thought and paying attention on your part. Sometimes we are misled as well. If you really know the person that won't happen as much but if it is a casual acquaintance be very careful. That is were those, what the heck gifts are born.
The very best gifts are those that the receiving person didn't even know they wanted ! I love it when I'm able to pull that off. It is a difficult thing and requires a lot of thought. Risk is involved as well. It could very well turn into a what the heck moment ! It is cliche to say it, but gifts do not have to cost anything. I still believe that to be true. It is the thought that counts. Another cliche but another basic truth. The thought does count and I try to spend a great deal of thought upon each gift. Even if I were a rich man I wouldn't just buy a lot of stuff without giving it some thought. Would I buy more ? Sure who wouldn't ? But more isn't necessarily better. The amount of gifts given do not translate into the quality of the gift. I think it would be an interesting thing to have a rule, you may only give one gift to each person on your list. What would you give ? Now that requires thought. Another interesting thought is you may only give gifts to ten people. That's all, ten. How would you decide ? Decide upon their needs or your feelings toward them ? That's a sticky wicket now, isn't it governor ? Sorry, once I get started with cliches it is hard to stop.
Gift giving. If I could I would give everyone I know a gift. As it is, that isn't possible. Also, if you give a gift most people feel obligated to return the thought. There have been occasions when I refrain from giving a gift for that very reason. Sounds like an excuse but it is not. There are those that would literally give you the shirt of their back ( again with the cliche) and I wouldn't put them in a position where they felt obligated to do so. And so my gift to them is something that they don't even know about. An anonymous gift
Every year it is the same with me. I should have started earlier with the whole gift giving thing. I need more time to think. I should have been paying more attention instead of being self absorbed in my own wants and needs. You can walk the mall and shop till you drop but the gift isn't there waiting to be found. That is a fallacy. The gift is there in your mind, that is where you will find it. It may be sitting right there in front of you this very minute. Know who the gift is for and you know the gift to give. Happy Thoughts ! Now get to shopping !

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