Sunday, December 25, 2011

The best Gift

I'm up and anxious to get going. It has been decided that while the kids are in church Grandma and I will bring our gifts over to their house. This is the usual thing we do, but this is the first time they won't be home when we arrive. We will have to wait another seven years to do this again. The plan is to set things up. A couple of the gifts are too large and bulky to wrap. I have made giant sized gift tags to hang on those. All the others are wrapped with tags and bows. 
There was a time when I waited for this morning wondering what I would get from Santa. Now I can't wait to give gifts away ! The waiting for me is as hard as it was all those years ago. I just love to see the excitement in their eyes when they first see their gifts. I have sat for hours wondering which gift will please them the most ? You can never tell. I'm hoping we have picked winners ! It is not that they don't like or appreciate everything,they do, but I'm talking about that one thing that really sparks them. It is really the best when you give them something they didn't even know they wanted ! That is the rarest gift of all.
The Grand kids are getting older and some of the excitement is subdued a bit. The gifts aren't as plentiful. Remember when you could buy all those five and ten dollar toys ? Used to fill up the room with them. Now the kids unwrap a little slower and have learned to oh and ah at every gift, even if it isn't that exciting. Think a new shirt. But Grandma and I can still tell what is a hit and what is a miss.
Funny how when you are a kid you can't wait to receive and as an adult you can't wait to give. Well,at least that is the way it is supposed to be. At this point in my life I'm almost embarrassed to receive a gift. It is a little awkward and I'm never quite sure what to say. I'd much rather be the one giving !
And not to get all religious on you but isn't that what Christmas is all about ? God gave us his only begotten son. The son gave us all hope. The greatest gift of all time ! Merry Christmas to you all ! 

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