Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day ! At the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month in the year 1918 Germany signed the Armistice ending WW 1. I did a little reading up on this subject. The official spelling is Veterans ( no apostrophe ) Day. Something to do with correct grammar. Another government study. Traditionally we should all eat Ravioli for dinner.
 Originality it was intended to honor those veterans that lost their lives in WW 1 but later expanded to commemorate all veterans. The traditional wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns begins precisely at 11AM. These are some of the facts. Another lost tradition,other than the Ravioli, is the closing of all businesses at 11am. Was a time when all business closed their doors at 11 to honor the Vets. Over the years profits became more important than memory. A sad thing. I think that was a wonderful gesture. Did you know that only one State requires Veterans to get Veterans day off as a holiday ? Yup,Illinois. All others it''s optional. It is a Federal holiday.
Each of us have a particular person in mind when we think of a veteran.For me, it is my Father. WW 2. The Big one. I have lots of Veterans in my family.Uncles,Grandparents and such. My brother is another. Even me. But I always think of Dad. I'm guessing that is a natural and normal thing. Dad was quite the man. He was a reluctant hero though, didn't enlist, but was drafted into service. Went and served honorably and that is all that matters in my eyes. He didn't try to shirk his responsibility or make excuses. Wound up serving as a flight engineer on B-24 Bombers in the China-Burma theater of operations. Flying through hostile air. Big lumbering aircraft with little in the way of protection. At the age of twenty two having to stare death right in the face. To see your comrades in  arms planes being shot out of the sky around you. The not knowing if you would ever see home again.
Last September I wrote a little story about my father and one article he carried with him during that war. It was called a Blood Chit.( See 1 Sept 2010,A Little History) for the full story on that.) It is still framed and hanging upon my wall. It will remain that way until I'm gone. Above that in a small frame I have mounted his Medals and Decorations. Like the blood chit they were tucked away in the attic for many years. Dad never spoke of them and rarely did I ever see them. The past was just stored away. I don't think he wanted to talk about that time. Most of those Veterans from that war did not. At least not until they were much older.
Veterans Day is the day to remember and talk about these men. These men who went to fight for your country and your way of life. The men that went," over there." And over there was not someplace you wanted to be ! Too many are still there. Buried in foreign soil. May they rest in peace and in the knowledge that they are not forgotten.
Veterans Day is a day for parades and celebration. A day to remember and celebrate our men and women who have served with honor and pride. Especially those that served with quiet dignity and grace. The silent masses that just quietly went to war. The masses that returned home and just continued on in their lives. True heroes in every sense of the word. Most didn't receive the Purple Heart or The Medal of Honor. No heroes parade awaited their arrival in their hometown. No special treatment was given or asked for. They had endured and ,indeed,continue to endure.
I thank them for their service to our Nation and would be proud to go right alongside them to wherever is necessary !

Dads' Medals  WW2

Blood Chit


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